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The joke thread: a thread for camaraderie and hilarity

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1 hour ago, Leewood said:

I saw some guy wearing a t-shirt today that had the following print on it.

I don't have any need for Google....

as my wife knows fukin EVERYTHING!  






I own that t-shirt and proudly wear it when she is in a bad mood, it's pretty worn out.

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My wife kicked me out because of my terrible Arnold Schwarzenegger impressions. But don't worry, I'll return.

When my wife told me she was kicking me out because of my obsession with only fools and horses. I said i will fetch my suitcase from the van.
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An old drunk is on his way into a bar when a nun standing outside the bar suddenly speaks to him. "Your drinking is the easy road to evil and damnation. Drink will pollute your body and soul. Give up the foul spirits and live a better life !". The drunk looks at her and asks "How do you know that drinking is so bad for you ?". The nun looks puzzled and shrugs. The drunk says "Have you ever even tried a drink ?". The nun admits she hasn't, so the drunk tells her "Listen, I'll go into the bar and order myself a drink and I'll get one for you too. I'll bring it out here and you can taste it yourself and see that alcohol is nothing bad.". The nun reluctantly agrees, but says, "I don't want anybody out here getting the wrong idea about me, so would you mind bringing me the drink in a paper cup ?". The drunk agrees to this and goes inside. At the bar he tells the bartender "Give me a double shot of whisky, and a second half shot in a paper cup." The bartender groans and says "Is that bloody nun out there again ?"

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