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3 minutes ago, Mark Connolly said:

I agree, and I would hope everyone else does too.

Yeah, a ‘not being a racist arsehole’ echo chamber is alright with me too. 

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4 minutes ago, Mark Connolly said:

I agree, and I would hope everyone else does too.

I agree but if I try really hard I reckon I can come up with a reason to disagree.

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42 minutes ago, Barney Rubble said:

Clearly not everyone agrees, as several of his recent intemperate and inappropriate contributions have thankfully been deleted.

I see we're into 'just making things up' territory now. 

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This is just an extension of certain posters on the politics forum crying that anyone who isn’t up the SNP’s arse is a troll. Some folk won’t agree with you on everything. It’s isn’t outrageous to have a debate on why these racist c***s are racist c***s.

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10 minutes ago, eez-eh said:

He isn’t being a racist arsehole. He’s questioning the source of the racism. f**king hell man.

Actually I was only talking about that being an alright reason for an echo chamber. I wasn’t referring to him at all.

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1 hour ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

There's been a long history of mainstream parties appeasing racists 

It isn't a new phenomenon.

And btw the SNP aren't innocent either - they've been guilty of tokenism and not rocking the boat in the past as well when it comes to dealing with openly racist attitudes amongst voters.

Can you explain specifically how mainstream parties appeasing racism caused the May 2001 urban riots? For example, which mainstream parties "appeased" the targeting of the south Asian community in Bradford at that time

The idea that UK mainstream politics can be characterised as a race-baiting culture politics over the past 50 years is unhinged, quite frankly. The idea of multiculturalism and the significant transformations in that period have rarely been more smoothly embraced by any comparable society and with no greater degree of cross-party consensus. 

I'm not saying that there hasn't been *any* racism within UK mainstream political culture, but to argue that it is a significant factor in current events is short on evidence. 

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7 minutes ago, eez-eh said:

This is just an extension of certain posters on the politics forum crying that anyone who isn’t up the SNP’s arse is a troll. Some folk won’t agree with you on everything. It’s isn’t outrageous to have a debate on why these racist c***s are racist c***s.

They enjoy it, they feel good about themselves. We are encouraged to be like that by the media and politicians.


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4 minutes ago, vikingTON said:

Can you explain specifically how mainstream parties appeasing racism caused the May 2001 urban riots? For example, which mainstream parties "appeased" the targeting of the south Asian community in Bradford at that time

The idea that UK mainstream politics can be characterised as a race-baiting culture politics over the past 50 years is unhinged, quite frankly. The idea of multiculturalism and the significant transformations in that period have rarely been more smoothly embraced by any comparable society and with no greater degree of cross-party consensus. 

I'm not saying that there hasn't been *any* racism within UK mainstream political culture, but to argue that it is a significant factor in current events is short on evidence. 


You've got completely the wrong end of the stick here. 


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Turns out the 'alleged muslim' Yaxley-Lennon claimed was behind a stabbing in Stirling was called Callum Fisher

A great many 'patriots' had been demanding to know his name - the court better have a massive public gallery cause surely they're still going to be demanding justice!


Scot appears in court charged over murder bid after 'stabbing' in Stirling https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/scot-appears-court-charged-over-33398822?utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=sharebar

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The most logical explanation for the last week's events is quite straightforward, and also matches well with previous urban riots that happen periodically in the UK and in just about every other country too:

1) Fringe individuals and groups on the margins of society always hold extremist and potentially violent views.

2) An incident (whether directly related to those views or purported to be) triggers those fringe groups to mobilise. 

3) The weather either aids or inhibits that mobilisation - which is why urban rioting is overwhelmingly a summer event. 

4) If gathered in sufficiently large numbers, they feel empowered to act with impunity against police, property and their identified target groups. 

5) This breakdown of norms attracts bystanders and/or opportunists to join the unrest, swelling an insignificant group to a more difficult to control mob. 

5) That pattern continues until authority gets restored and enough of the fringe group members get arrested or dispersed, or the weather breaks. 

With the absence of 1) only, the same cause and effect pattern explains the 2011 London riots. An event that had similar chin-stroking political nerds arguing that it was caused by Tory austerity and would be the beginning of a wave of civil unrest unless Things Were Done to help the masses. Yet after a pretty hardline policy of arresting and jailing folk, there was no further unrest of that type on the UK mainland for the rest of the 2010s. 

Edited by vikingTON
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10 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:


You've got completely the wrong end of the stick here. 


No, I'm simply asking you to show how your claim that mainstream political parties in the UK have a long-term track record of appeasing racism - a pretty wild and cherry-picked take on the past 50 years of social change btw - is in any way relevant to the existence of (small scale) race riots in a UK context. 

If your theory doesn't actually explain how and why such a riot took place before, then it's not really worth taking seriously at the moment either. 

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