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To be honest signal failures are not Scotrail, s fault. That's Network Rail. I use Stirling. Dunblane. Edinburgh and it is fine to be honest as is Currie.

I know that Capy. But it's been used as an excuse for cancellations in the morning before and when i've asked my mate at the ticket desk the real reason is the conductor hasn't rocked up and they'd already used the "lack of staff" one that week.

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I would also add that travelling scotrail is an utter delight compared to

East Coast services which mainly consists of drunken oil p***ks, drunken hen doo cows or 8 children families running wild


East Coast / Virgin trains are also stuffy as fcuk, with litter on the tables and floor which was left there 4 hours before you got on the train. I've also found Scotrail staff to be a bit more laid back / fun than the other lot tbh.

'Only' ever had two taxis off of them, my own personal Inverness to Aberdeen one (which the driver dropped me off at my house seeing as it was a 30 sec detour with £120 on the meter) and Inverness to Lairg with the train from Aberdeen leaving an ambitious 5 min connection time.

Edited by Hedgecutter
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Get trains few times a week and on most part it's decent enough. A significantly better service than that offered by First on the buses who gives a total of zero fucks.

One incident lately does stand out a bit though. Sat down on train in Central waiting to go. Minute before go time tannoy announces the trains cancelled as they dont have a driver. Wut.

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I have to say I actually don't mind them, and I use the train every day. Mon/Thu/Fri I'm in Uni, which would normally be a £16.40 return to Ayr, but because I'm under 19 and have a YoungScot it's only £12 which is still a bit much imo. Tue/Wed just into town for work which is a rather seethe inducing £3.70.

The Milngavie - Central train tends to be a bit of a dump, but the Ayr line trains are all the new shiny type. The ones with trays, comfy seats and wi-fi that works all the way to Dalry. Before vanishing. Plus the train itself tends to be quite quiet so I can just sit back and blast Football Manager for 40 minutes or so. My train gets in 40 minutes or so before Uni starts, so delays are quite welcome - they are quite rare though.

The only major delay I had was when something happened in Kilwinning that cancelled all the trains when I was trying to get home. The delay lasted 40 minutes - which was a pain - but I claimed a massive £3 compensation which cheered me up slightly.

Because I'm in all the time I know all the ticket staff at Milngavie station, most of them are pretty sound, but there's one guy who is eternally miserable and who makes everything a massive inconvenience. It's half 7 in the morning, and I just try and fire off the bantz to cheer him up but I think he hates me.

Once whilst I was on the Ayr train I was scribbling a load of shorthand notes in preparation for a test we had later on in the day, the ticket inspector comes up and as I'm fumbling about looking for my ticket says; "Is that Arabic"? Tad awkies on his behalf.

And that concludes my 'just a minute' piece on everything Scotrail means to me.

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and Inverness to Lairg with the train from Aberdeen leaving an ambitious 5 min connection time.

Were you planning on buying some sheep at the auction mart?

My only real problem with Scotrail is the prices. Unless I'm able to plan weeks in advance (which I'm usually not), it's £52 return to Inverness and a further £30 return if I get the train another hour and a half north to visit my parents. Not sure how that encourages people to use public transport.

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It encourages people to plan in advance before doing so, which is standard practice. Good luck walking up to the airport on the day and expecting a cheap flight to go wherever you want.

Don't get me wrong, I get advance tickets when I can, but unfortunately we don't all have jobs that allow us to plan far enough in advance or travel at times of day that actually have advance tickets left less than a fortnight before travel.

And you can't really compare rail and air travel directly here. Governments want us to ditch the car and use public transport instead to save the environment. By that they mean trains and buses - not planes. By charging such high standard fares, fewer people are likely to take the advice.

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There is about a 1/5 chance the card machine works on board.


Me and a mate had just come back from Holiday and tried to buy a ticket on board the train - card machine never worked. We were told to pay at the gate/exit. After standing with the guy there whose machine wasn't working either, he told us to go to the bank machine and come back and pay him. He wasn't even going to come over to the machine with is.

We just walked straight out the Glasgow station and into the night - or so we thought. The boy must have seen us walk right past the bank machine and come running. We were now half way down the street when we heard him shouting after us. In the other direction and just passing us was a wee weedgie gagde out his fucking tree, taking a lot of exception to this train conductor fellow shouting in his direction.

"Wha you fuckin shoutin it ya dik?"

Good times.

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I seen a statistic say that only 6% of trains arrive on time at Arbroath, it's a pretty busy station obviously with trains coming from Dundee/Aberdeen very regularly so that's a lot of late trains.

That statistic is only for the train that terminate at Arbroath and there is only one of them a day when they add the trains that stop at Arbroath and then continue to other stations it will be a lot higher.

Edited by ajwffc
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Only gripe is the absence of overnight Glasgow - Edinburgh returns meaning 2 singles or the bus which isn't too bad at less than half the price.

Got HST/125s coming on the longer routes which is an improvement in the current Glasgow/Edinburgh to Aberdeen/Inverness routes.

Returning from Palmerston we had to change at Killie, last train cancelled, taxi back to town via my house to pick something up and the guy let me drink a bottle of tonic in the front seat.

Use them most days and trust me the service is infinitely better than northern England or if you're in Glasgow any other city in the UK bar London.

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The only service I've really used is the Glasgow suburban network and Dundee-Glasgow.

Always been fine but by Christ does Dundee's train station feel like you've been zapped back in time to the 1980s

"Aberdeen's", shirley?

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Commute daily from Laurencekirk to Aibrrrdeen. Nightmares with overcrowding and late services are fairly regular part of my week, alas. :angry:

And fully agree with any posts about it getting worse under Abeillo, especially when they withdrew some of the season ticket benefits (free 1st class at weekends etc) and replaced it with bugger all. :angry::angry:

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