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6 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

Any time I see 'affordable' housing I wonder who exactly it is 'affordable' to, especially when you consider the cost of a deposit and the other bullshit scam fees.

I mean, you can see why the developers do it though.... Which its why it's probably not in the public interest to use a load of woolly, subjective laws to farm out responsibility for ensuring affordable housing, and somewhat inhibiting the relentless rise of property prices to...... The developers who profit the most out of it.

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Isn’t affordable housing a government policy now? As in every new development has to have a certain percent of the houses as affordable/buy to let?

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13 minutes ago, TheScarf said:

Isn’t affordable housing a government policy now? As in every new development has to have a certain percent of the houses as affordable/buy to let?

Yeah but as described in the links I posted above, there are plenty ways for them to chisel it. 

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20 minutes ago, TheScarf said:

Isn’t affordable housing a government policy now? As in every new development has to have a certain percent of the houses as affordable/buy to let?

This usually means shared ownership, tbf.

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Trains are pretty cool things tbf. When the service is running properly.

Train spotters take it too far though., should be called train shaggers imo. "Oohh look, that one has GNER written on the side " f**k off m8. Thomas the Tank engine is a good lad, the Fat Controller is a massive Tory and probably a buy to let landlord

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2 hours ago, Left Back said:

Pretty sure that is a scam some builders used a few years back.  There isn’t really a strict definition of affordable so builders take the piss to make more money.  Fully supported by the in-built snobbery of the people buying the expensive homes of course.

Years back when a mate of mine left the army he was moved to a newly built rental house in Wraysbury in Berkshire.  Fairly small new build estate and the housing assocation rented about half a dozen of the homes out.  There were residents campaigns and all sorts in the village to keep these scum out. Not just the existing villagers.  People that had bought houses in the new estate.

I lived in a hostel and housing associations during the 80s in SE England. Never lived in a village though. Nice to know you class people like me as “scum”.

I actually preferred living with my hostel mates and housing association tenants in multiple flats back then than some of the Audi driving snobs I live next to now. We used to have great parties, drug raids and so on. At least you knew where you stood back then in society’s pecking order. Never a dull moment. When a developer bought the hostel we lived in we threw a massive party. We helped ourselves to all the wooden pallets the builders had left in the first phase development and built the largest bonfire I’ve ever witnessed. Anything flammable went in this bonfire. Explosions going off setting off all the new estate house and car alarms. Next day the building supervisor asked where his pallets were, next to a huge pile of ash and our hostel manager said deadpan “I see no pallets!”

It was virtually impossible for me to get on the housing ladder back then as the cost of property even back then was eye watering. Interest rates reached above 15% at one stage. In retrospect I should have put my name down on the council list. 


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8 hours ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Controversial opinion but id just rather my parents spent all their money while they are alive, they gave my brother and I a good upbringing and everything so I dont expect a penny from them?

I know people, not in my family, who are basically banking on their inheritance. They have essentially planned financially for the windfall.

Its madness from a practical view as what if you parents live to 100? What if there are some unforeseen circumstances and the estate is valued less? Clearly there are issues from a moral perspective as well - among many I have particular issues with adult children being reliant on their parents, over and above any help that your parents might reasonably give you.

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3 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

I know people, not in my family, who are basically banking on their inheritance. They have essentially planned financially for the windfall.

Its madness from a practical view as what if you parents live to 100? What if there are some unforeseen circumstances and the estate is valued less? Clearly there are issues from a moral perspective as well - among many I have particular issues with adult children being reliant on their parents, over and above any help that your parents might reasonably give you.

Yeh ive seen a lot of that, my parents are quite stubborn, so they probably won’t listen to me when I tell them to just spend their money. If they do leave stuff then i’ll try and do something decent with it but id rather they didnt bother. My wife’s an only child and her parents to be fair to them just splash out and enjoy themselves. 

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40 minutes ago, SuperSaints1877 said:

I lived in a hostel and housing associations during the 80s in SE England. Never lived in a village though. Nice to know you class people like me as “scum”.

I actually preferred living with my hostel mates and housing association tenants in multiple flats back then than some of the Audi driving snobs I live next to now. We used to have great parties, drug raids and so on. At least you knew where you stood back then in society’s pecking order. Never a dull moment. When a developer bought the hostel we lived in we threw a massive party. We helped ourselves to all the wooden pallets the builders had left in the first phase development and built the largest bonfire I’ve ever witnessed. Anything flammable went in this bonfire. Explosions going off setting off all the new estate house and car alarms. Next day the building supervisor asked where his pallets were, next to a huge pile of ash and our hostel manager said deadpan “I see no pallets!”

It was virtually impossible for me to get on the housing ladder back then as the cost of property even back then was eye watering. Interest rates reached above 15% at one stage. In retrospect I should have put my name down on the council list. 


Green dot for the story but I think you misunderstood what @Left Back was on about.

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23 hours ago, Left Back said:

Wee Shug has to forfeit his house (and the rest of his belongings) to the state under your inheritance tax system.

No-one gave him a penny towards it.  He worked for it.  I’d suspect he’d be bothered.

Wee Shug is deed.  What he thinks, or thought,  is entirely irrelevant.


There is a substantial number of people posting on here who claim to be republicans and yet see nothing wrong with people inheriting wealth based on nothing other than who their father/mother/grandparents are. 

I see no issue with parents using their resources to help out anyone during their lifetime but can see no argument on why relatives are any more deserving than the state when it comes to wealth at the time of death.

Edited by strichener
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20 hours ago, Scary Bear said:


You’d have to try and eradicate drink and drugs in a country that has areas of social deprivation that are badly affected. You’d have to tackle social deprivation and long term unemployment and hopelessness and try and bring people back into the workplace..

Good luck with the long term unemployment part, the UK as a whole fot whatever reason went down the route of allowing the benefits system to be used as a lifestyle and not an emergency help system for those that really need it

For a lot of people on benefits, going back to work isn't financially worth it, and no government, not even the tories, would have the balls to actually reduce the benefits to the point where it forces people to take a job just to make ends meet, even people who are actually working and getting UC, they'll not do a single minute ovet their hours because it eats into their free money essentially (their words) 

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12 hours ago, SuperSaints1877 said:

I lived in a hostel and housing associations during the 80s in SE England. Never lived in a village though. Nice to know you class people like me as “scum”.

I actually preferred living with my hostel mates and housing association tenants in multiple flats back then than some of the Audi driving snobs I live next to now. We used to have great parties, drug raids and so on. At least you knew where you stood back then in society’s pecking order. Never a dull moment. When a developer bought the hostel we lived in we threw a massive party. We helped ourselves to all the wooden pallets the builders had left in the first phase development and built the largest bonfire I’ve ever witnessed. Anything flammable went in this bonfire. Explosions going off setting off all the new estate house and car alarms. Next day the building supervisor asked where his pallets were, next to a huge pile of ash and our hostel manager said deadpan “I see no pallets!”

It was virtually impossible for me to get on the housing ladder back then as the cost of property even back then was eye watering. Interest rates reached above 15% at one stage. In retrospect I should have put my name down on the council list. 


In defence of the poster, I read it that the word scum was used to take a potshot at the snobby residents rather than describing folk like yourself mate.

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17 hours ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Nah its got some pictures of my dad with Billy Connolly on the folk circuit etc. 

I was just taking the pish - nothing like thinking back on old times with a photo to jog the memories. 

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12 hours ago, ICTChris said:

I know people, not in my family, who are basically banking on their inheritance. They have essentially planned financially for the windfall.

Its madness from a practical view as what if you parents live to 100? What if there are some unforeseen circumstances and the estate is valued less? Clearly there are issues from a moral perspective as well - among many I have particular issues with adult children being reliant on their parents, over and above any help that your parents might reasonably give you.

I don't think it's such an outrageous thing t.b.h. Folk who come from money take it as read that the money will be passed down.

I'm not in such circles nor do I move in them but can understand why it's a thing for those who do.

I wish to f***  my folks were loaded t.b.q.h.w.y!

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1 hour ago, hk blues said:

I don't think it's such an outrageous thing t.b.h. Folk who come from money take it as read that the money will be passed down.

I'm not in such circles nor do I move in them but can understand why it's a thing for those who do.

I wish to f***  my folks were loaded t.b.q.h.w.y!

I’m not talking about people who come from money. Any of the cases that I’ve seen of people feeling entitled to parents money or falling out with family over it have been people who definitely did not come from money - one of the worst cases I’ve ever known was a family having really horrible arguments over the inheritance of a ex miner and mining engineer.

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