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Granny Danger

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If I can white knight young ad lib for a moment he is one of about a half dozen posters on this sub forum who back up their arguments with logic and data and definitely the only yoon who does.


He backs up his attacks oan me wi' logic and data?

Get awa'.

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It's got nothing to do with class. There is nothing about being working class that compels someone to type the word "thocht" instead of "thought" on their keyboard or "dinnae" instead of "don't" in order to emphasise how SCOTTISH!!!1111ELEVEN they are.

I could equally say (with mair authority) that someone who types the word "thought" instead of "thocht" on their keyboard or "don't" instead of "dinnae" in order tae emphasize how ENGLISH!!!1111ELEVEN they are.


Remember I'm an auld git and I'm no sure whit the hip sayings nowadays are.

so WTF does SCOTTISH!!!1111ELEVEN mean?

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You really need to read some Marx.

Peasants are not part of the working class (proletariat).




1. A poor smallholder or agricultural labourer of low social status (chiefly in historical use or with reference to subsistence farming in poorer countries):


2. An ignorant, rude, or unsophisticated person: ‘That is a civilized drink, you peasantâ€




working-class people regarded collectively (often used with reference to Marxism).

synonyms: the workers, working-class people, wage-earners, the labouring classes, the common people, the ordinary people, the lower classes, the masses, the commonalty, the rank and file, the third estate, the plebeians;

More derogatory the hoi polloi, the plebs, the proles, the great unwashed, the mob, the rabble, the canaille

the lowest class of citizens in ancient Rome.


I'm definitely peasant no.2 cos I'm no an agricultural labourer.

I'm also the proletariat underlined and I'm proud o' it.


Edited because of shpelling.

Edited by Wee Willie
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This may interest only Capy but theres massive street protest over the government and corruption in Brazil today,im seeing the pictures from some friends on social media its quite impressive

I have been following this. Lula who was a hero of working class Brazil is also  under investigation. Much based on the oil giant Petrobas.  Coalition partners may walk. And the huge growth of recent years is stumbling. It is maybe a strength of the democracy that the army has stayed out of this so far.


I have not been there for a number of years, but my friends who live there now still comment on the gap between the rich and poor. No real trickle down and a restless middle class. Edit to say of course that much of the protest will be Sao Paulo and Rio. But interesting to see there are demos in Brasilla.

Edited by capybara
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I have been following this. Lula who was a hero of working class Brazil is also  under investigation. Much based on the oil giant Petrobas.  Coalition partners may walk. And the huge growth of recent years is stumbling. It is maybe a strength of the democracy that the army has stayed out of this so far.


I have not been there for a number of years, but my friends who live there now still comment on the gap between the rich and poor. No real trickle down and a restless middle class. Edit to say of course that much of the protest will be Sao Paulo and Rio. But interesting to see there are demos in Brasilla.

Its pretty much country wide ,friends in Curitiba/SP and Rio pretty much confirming it.The friend in Sao Paulo reckons it upwards of million on the streets there today

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