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Granny Danger

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The Paris attack plays right into Le Pen's hands.  The two extremes who see our future as being divisive and in continual conflict facilitating each other.

I think Macron is the only one who can stop her - his blend of liberal economics and liberal social policy (sound familiar?) will hoover up votes from the left and right.
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On 04/02/2017 at 09:07, Granny Danger said:

The Paris attack plays right into Le Pen's hands.  The two extremes who see our future as being divisive and in continual conflict facilitating each other.

I'm not sure Islamicist headcases could play any more into Le Pen's hands if they tried. She's got all the votes she's ever going to get from that section of the vote.

What's likely to swing it is the conservative candidate is promising more tax cuts for the wealthy & more cuts for everyone else - a lot of people stand to lose their jobs if Le Pen now loses (who by contrast is promising to spend France's way out of trouble). It all hinges on what the left wing voters are going to do. No way would they have voted for Jean Marie, but Marine? She's got the gays, she's got the Jews, she's even got the Israelis despite daddy giving the FN a massive donation on the eve of her shadow foreign secretary's trip to Israel in a fairly obvious piece of chequebook trolling. Many will now find themselves in a very awkward moral dilemma.

The irony is that if she does get in (& let's not say it won't after the Trump business), bang goes any alt-right New World Order as per Trump & Putin's wank fantasies. The FN aren't going to upset their new friends (and Dassault will be drooling at the prospect of regaining all those orders from the IDF), the misogyny of Trump & Putin will only rub Le Pen & her grand daughter (the latter popular amongst France's more conservative voters who see the FN as closet lefties in a tricolour & Pojadist wrapping) the wrong way, & it will only take a few "nons" towards their friends of convenience in the Netherlands & Germany for the pan-populist front across Europe to go down the pan.

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I'm not sure Islamicist headcases could play any more into Le Pen's hands if they tried. She's got all the votes she's ever going to get from that section of the vote.
What's likely to swing it is the conservative candidate is promising more tax cuts for the wealthy & more cuts for everyone else - a lot of people stand to lose their jobs if Le Pen now loses (who by contrast is promising to spend France's way out of trouble). It all hinges on what the left wing voters are going to do. No way would they have voted for Jean Marie, but Marine? She's got the gays, she's got the Jews, she's even got the Israelis despite daddy giving the FN a massive donation on the eve of her shadow foreign secretary's trip to Israel in a fairly obvious piece of chequebook trolling. Many will now find themselves in a very awkward moral dilemma.
The irony is that if she does get in (& let's not say it won't after the Trump business), bang goes any alt-right New World Order as per Trump & Putin's wank fantasies. The FN aren't going to upset their new friends (and Dassault will be drooling at the prospect of regaining all those orders from the IDF), the misogyny of Trump & Putin will only rub Le Pen & her grand daughter (the latter popular amongst France's more conservative voters who see the FN as closet lefties in a tricolour & Pojadist wrapping) the wrong way, & it will only take a few "nons" towards their friends of convenience in the Netherlands & Germany for the pan-populist front across Europe to go down the pan.

Let Piat Dor!
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Things heating up in Stoke with a UKIP campaigner sharing this shocking image of a Labour MP campaigning with a Muslim (shock horror):


Though I should probably mention that this is the original image:


Which makes one wonder why the nice fluffy UKIP folk want us to think he's campaigning with a Muslim, and why that is actually worth mentioning at all.

But most excitingly Farage got egged.


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Things heating up in Stoke with a UKIP campaigner sharing this shocking image of a Labour MP campaigning with a Muslim (shock horror):


Though I should probably mention that this is the original image:


Which makes one wonder why the nice fluffy UKIP folk want us to think he's campaigning with a Muslim, and why that is actually worth mentioning at all.

But most excitingly Farage got egged.


They photoshopped a St George flag into that photo yesterday. Its going to be an absolute minter for them if another leader can't get elected.
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42 minutes ago, jmothecat said:

Things heating up in Stoke with a UKIP campaigner sharing this shocking image of a Labour MP campaigning with a Muslim (shock horror):


Though I should probably mention that this is the original image:


Which makes one wonder why the nice fluffy UKIP folk want us to think he's campaigning with a Muslim, and why that is actually worth mentioning at all.

But most excitingly Farage got egged.


Is that Nuttall with Farage?  He has a Dundee United tie on.  I'm trying to think of any far right nut job Arab that could have given him it.  

Nope, can't think of any...

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Tbf the undoctored picture of him next to Corbyn is probably more detrimental to his election than the fake one is.

Nuttall's tie might also put him in a bit of a spot with his core vote.

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5 hours ago, jmothecat said:

Things heating up in Stoke with a UKIP campaigner sharing this shocking image of a Labour MP campaigning with a Muslim (shock horror):


Malcolm Carter isn't a UKIP campaigner. He's the owner of heating company Shropshire Gas who went a bit off the rails after his daughter dropped dead & is something of a cliched extreme Tory type of the Thatcher mould (or rather aspires to be - he claims to live in a "mansion" for starters which is bollocks). He is alleged to have previous for this sort of nonsense.

He thinks Marine LePen's the bee's knees when she's proscribed along with her party within UKIP ranks. He also appears to love Old Holborn, someone whose attitude to Tory types was along the lines of hanging's too good for them.

The accusations that he's a Kipper campaigner in this by-election appear to have arisen only four days later (if his Twitter feed to the post is anything to go by) when a new poll came out saying Harry Hill's got a slight lead over the Labour candidate (which I for one take with a pinch of salt).

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6 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

Is that Nuttall with Farage?  He has a Dundee United tie on.  I'm trying to think of any far right nut job Arab that could have given him it.  

Nope, can't think of any...

Taking gifts from Arabs now are they?

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Israeli Parliament "legalises" building of 3,000 house on privately owned land in the West Bank.  That's right, people building houses on land owned by other people who have not consented to this.  The owners will be "offered compensation".

What's galling is that a two state solution is still the official position of the Israeli government and, of course, the US and no one seems to want to call them out on this hypocrisy.

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3 hours ago, Granny Danger said:


Israeli Parliament "legalises" building of 3,000 house on privately owned land in the West Bank.  That's right, people building houses on land owned by other people who have not consented to this.  The owners will be "offered compensation".

What's galling is that a two state solution is still the official position of the Israeli government and, of course, the US and no one seems to want to call them out on this hypocrisy.

They've been at it for years. No one that matters cares unfortunately.

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Seen that on pussbook what was the story behind it? Salmond didn't seem happy.

Deputy speaker called her up but cut her short of the statement she wanted to make. Salmond was pretty angry, believing she should have been allowed more time. From the deputy speaker's perspective he had allowed her time to speak and had felt she had covered her point and wanted the government minister to sum up (she was given the opportunity to speak just before midnight), from the SNP perspective she wasn't given the amount of time they felt she should have had and that as only two SNP MPs had been able to speak it was justified for her to speak for longer. I can see their point but I find the posturing over 'Scotland being ignored by Westminster' stuff to be tiresome.

She's my local MP but I've never met her.
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Deputy speaker called her up but cut her short of the statement she wanted to make. Salmond was pretty angry, believing she should have been allowed more time. From the deputy speaker's perspective he had allowed her time to speak and had felt she had covered her point and wanted the government minister to sum up (she was given the opportunity to speak just before midnight), from the SNP perspective she wasn't given the amount of time they felt she should have had and that as only two SNP MPs had been able to speak it was justified for her to speak for longer. I can see their point but I find the posturing over 'Scotland being ignored by Westminster' stuff to be tiresome.

She's my local MP but I've never met her.

No such problems with the Tory MP speaking for 25 minutes though.
Half a story as usual when it comes to the SNP.
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No such problems with the Tory MP speaking for 25 minutes though.
Half a story as usual when it comes to the SNP.

I felt I had given a fairly balanced assessment. Worth reading the Hansard https://hansard.parliament.uk/commons/2017-02-06/debates/095B1CCD-B543-44BF-A78B-8DBBA95E8EEC/EuropeanUnion(NotificationOfWithdrawal)Bill to make your own mind up.
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9 hours ago, jmothecat said:


Deputy speaker called her up but cut her short of the statement she wanted to make. Salmond was pretty angry, believing she should have been allowed more time. From the deputy speaker's perspective he had allowed her time to speak and had felt she had covered her point and wanted the government minister to sum up (she was given the opportunity to speak just before midnight), from the SNP perspective she wasn't given the amount of time they felt she should have had and that as only two SNP MPs had been able to speak it was justified for her to speak for longer. I can see their point but I find the posturing over 'Scotland being ignored by Westminster' stuff to be tiresome.

She's my local MP but I've never met her.


Of course you do.

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