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Granny Danger

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Labour's manifesto committed to ending FoM (and thus not pursuing SM membership). It said that they would seek 'access'. Corbyn, as far as I'm aware, did not contradict this stance pre-election. I happen to disagree with him and would have supported the amendment if I were an MP, but I don't think he has done anything wrong here. 

He was right to call the three-line whip and to sack the frontbenchers who disobeyed it. Anything else would have looked terribly weak. 

It would be fairly amusing if Hammond were to be replace May and Labour were suddenly supporting the hardest Brexit in the HoC, mind. 

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46 minutes ago, Bully Wee Villa said:

It's not vindictive to sack people for defying a three line whip. Any leader would have done the same.

That's not saying I agree with him on this issue... I'd rather stay in the Single Market. However, Labour are still in a position where being seen as too soft on Brexit could cost us votes round here and in the North of England.

MrCorbyn would have us believe it`s about doing the right thing rather than risk costing us votes.  Thats why i think his ploitics (which I largely support ) and his actions don`t stack up to scrutiny.

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2 minutes ago, DrewDon said:

Labour's manifesto committed to ending FoM (and thus not pursuing SM membership). It said that they would seek 'access'. Corbyn, as far as I'm aware, did not contradict this stance pre-election. I happen to disagree with him and would have supported the amendment if I were an MP, but I don't think he has done anything wrong here. 

He was right to call the three-line whip and to sack the frontbenchers who disobeyed it. Anything else would have looked terribly weak. 

It would be fairly amusing if Hammond were to be replace May and Labour were suddenly supporting the hardest Brexit in the HoC, mind. 

Good point :lol:

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10 hours ago, NotThePars said:


No he didn't. He sacked them for opposing a three line whip. There was zero reason for Chuku to table this motion other than for his own vanity.

Corbyn going from hero to zero. Endorsing a hard Brexit is madness.


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5 hours ago, DrewDon said:

Labour's manifesto committed to ending FoM (and thus not pursuing SM membership). It said that they would seek 'access'. Corbyn, as far as I'm aware, did not contradict this stance pre-election. I happen to disagree with him and would have supported the amendment if I were an MP, but I don't think he has done anything wrong here. 

He was right to call the three-line whip and to sack the frontbenchers who disobeyed it. Anything else would have looked terribly weak. 

It would be fairly amusing if Hammond were to be replace May and Labour were suddenly supporting the hardest Brexit in the HoC, mind. 

Problem for Corbyn is that he should've shown such strength from day one of his leadership. If he had then he may have been PM by now.

And aye, Corbyn's Labour potentially the hardest Brit Nats on the block...!

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Sometimes I think Corbyn is on the right track but often he reminds me of those wee weasly eyed SW types that used to infest the bars around Byres Road, vindictiveness pouring from every pore!

I think he's f*cked it.

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Sometimes I think Corbyn is on the right track but often he reminds me of those wee weasly eyed SW types that used to infest the bars around Byres Road, vindictiveness pouring from every pore!
I think he's f*cked it.

I think that's more John McDonnell than Jeremy Corbyn tbf. I think Corbs can be a little bit smug but by all accounts he is a genuinely nice person and I disagree with his international politics quite firmly and still don't want him as leader, but I don't think he's vindictive. His actions yesterday were the appropriate ones for a leader.
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2 hours ago, Crùbag said:

Corbyn going from hero to zero. Endorsing a hard Brexit is madness.



I don't think Corbyn sticking by his manifesto and campaign commitments, calling out Chuku's opportunism for what it is and denying UKIP and Farage a door back into relevance is going from hero to zero. :lol:


The one major concern I, and many others on the left, have over Corbyn is his ongoing links to the toxic abusers on the left such as the SWP and Steve Hadley and a failure to address that will cause an exodus and him to plummet in people's estimations. 

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12 hours ago, Bully Wee Villa said:

That's not saying I agree with him on this issue... I'd rather stay in the Single Market. However, Labour are still in a position where being seen as too soft on Brexit could cost us votes round here and in the North of England.

What was that crap about the mumbleclown being 'a man of principle' again? Pretty sure that writing your party's European policy on the backet of a fagpacket to appeal to depressed Brummies in an election doesn't count as an ideological principle. Surprised that he didn't courageously outline this heroic stance while appealing to the yooths at Glastonbury either; I'm sure that it would have gone down a storm. 



Edited by vikingTON
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I have a lot of time for Corbyn and would prefer if he was in No 10 as oppossed to a Tory.  That said the Labour position on Brexit is no more tenable than the Conservative one and the language is just as vague and as meaningless.  A 'Jobs Friendly Brexit' might be a good soundbite but in means nothing and is hardly a negotiating position.

The UK can either remain in the Single Market with all that it entails or face an economic upheaval that will have a devestating effect on the economy for years to come.  If Corbyn & Co think they can negotiate a favourable deal with the rest of Europe outwith the Single Market then they are as deluded as the hard Brexiteers.


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3 hours ago, The Chlamydia Kid said:

I got banned for exactly the same things. Good to see the rules are applied equally on here...

It's pretty obvious who Jmo2  is.  You on the other hand came flying back with a completely different name and started trolling f**k out of the Manchester thread, then proceeded to have a wee meltdown when emptied registering several accounts before sadly finding your CK log in details.

If you don't like the way the site is moderated then feel free to stop posting, you won't be missed.

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Corbyn now the toast of far-right hard Brexit types. But still, a victory for socialism...

I'm not sure that a poor attempt at trolling is the best proof that Corbyn is doing a bad job.

FWIW, every Leave voter I know hates Corbyn and would never sing his name.
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