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Granny Danger

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19 minutes ago, Jeff Venom said:


Not sure what you're getting at.


A fair chunk of the population subconsciously put their preferred outcome forward(usually pro life) when asked for their opinion.

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Based on what? Voting against gay marriage? So that's it. He's been labelled as an "ist" or "phobe" for not wholeheartedly conforming to some modern day liberal shibboleth so everything he ever says or does should be disregarded?

I'd have thought his hard core Roman Catholicism was more of a give away
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8 minutes ago, topcat(The most tip top) said:


If Keith, my childhood pet Hamster, were still alive he wouldn't appreciate that comment


Who the f**k calls a hamster Keith.

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9 hours ago, Jmothecat2 said:


I somehow missed this but you are actually trying to create some sort of equivalence between opposition to people who are openly opposed to abortion from being touted for PM of the U.K. with the horrors going on in Myanmar? You know that's not what the discussion was about so why bother? Like seriously your argument style is an absolute illogical mess and it's pretty clear you know what you are doing, because it is all you do on this site, all I'm wondering is why?

Did I actually try to create equivalence between the two? 

I made no mention of abortion but rather picked up on your [forget your principles, take the populist route, anything to get power] Tony Blairesque position politics.  I think the current situation in Myanmar shows how this can affect people in a far more serious manner than you worrying about an anti-abortionist becoming PM.  Just for the record, that isn't creating equivalence but showing where ultimately this can lead.  Oh and did I mention another who displayed similar traits - Tony Blair and where he ended up taking the country.  As I stated in the post you quoted, give me someone that sticks to their principles and I can judge them on these.

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2 hours ago, The Chlamydia Kid said:

He did- you didn't.

If you don't want to be pregnant and you are and you've not been raped then you've made a choice to do something where pregnancy was a potential outcome.

Keep ignoring difficult Questions though and sticking to your "truths" like the "religious nutters" you despise so much.

He did and I didn't have to so I was right, yes. You admit that you want women and girls to carry children to term no matter what the circumstances so you are forcing pregnancy upon them. I didn't mention religious nutters but if the hat fits, wear it.

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1 minute ago, The Chlamydia Kid said:



Did I? Where was that then?


"If you don't want to be pregnant and you are and you've not been raped then you've made a choice to do something where pregnancy was a potential outcome."

So all circumstances except rape, maybe.  Never mind age, mental condition or viability of the child.  Personally I think it's a woman's right to chose, not religious nutters. 

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How long do you think we'll continue with the current zombie government?

I understand Parliament came out of recess this week and it'll shortly be party conference season.

Will there be any leadership challenge in the Tory Party?

I see Rees Mogg is the new challenger and he is being done in for his views on abortion. Assuming the Tories will be in power for 5 years, who would your (P&Bs) preferred Tory leader be? Stick with May or someone else?

Will we have to just accept we have May in charge until after this whole Brexit situation has moved on a bit?

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25 minutes ago, The Chlamydia Kid said:

I said they had to accept some responsibility for their actions- that doesn't mean I think they should have to have the child.

You can't accept responsibility if you're mentally incapable and a child born into poverty is a burden on the state, right?  Especially one with physical or mental incapacity.


27 minutes ago, The Chlamydia Kid said:

When should the woman's right to choose end?

It shouldn't - it's their body not yours, not mine.

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Did I actually try to create equivalence between the two? 
I made no mention of abortion but rather picked up on your [forget your principles, take the populist route, anything to get power] Tony Blairesque position politics.  I think the current situation in Myanmar shows how this can affect people in a far more serious manner than you worrying about an anti-abortionist becoming PM.  Just for the record, that isn't creating equivalence but showing where ultimately this can lead.  Oh and did I mention another who displayed similar traits - Tony Blair and where he ended up taking the country.  As I stated in the post you quoted, give me someone that sticks to their principles and I can judge them on these.

You are making a completely irrelevant point and taking the view I had to an absurd extreme. I never said 'except in the case of displacing and murdering minorities' because it's frankly obvious that's not what I meant. Seriously, why do you focus so much on this vacuous line of argument? Why not just engage in the point I was making instead of making absurd comparisons and taking logic to extremes it's pretty obvious I'm not talking about? You seem to do this with everyone, arguing semantics, making false equivalences, and revelling in logical fallacies rather than actually engaging the essence of the argument?
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1 minute ago, Jmothecat2 said:



You are making a completely irrelevant point and taking the view I had to an absurd extreme. I never said 'except in the case of displacing and murdering minorities' because it's frankly obvious that's not what I meant. Seriously, why do you focus so much on this vacuous line of argument? Why not just engage in the point I was making instead of making absurd comparisons and taking logic to extremes it's pretty obvious I'm not talking about? You seem to do this with everyone, arguing semantics, making false equivalences, and revelling in logical fallacies rather than actually engaging the essence of the argument?


'Cos he's usually wrong or disingenuous.

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6 minutes ago, The Chlamydia Kid said:

If someone is mentally incapable of providing consent then is that not rape?

Not if the other person is mentally incapacitated.

7 minutes ago, The Chlamydia Kid said:

So you would allow a woman to abort a child at a few weeks before her due date?

That's against the law except in exceptional circumstances.

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