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Granny Danger

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So sturgeon said that the SNP will always argue for independence. This prompts the radio to go on about independence all day and media people to question sturgeon about timings all day. If the unionists don't want to talk about referendums then maybe they should tell that to their media.

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So there's an argument between the Scottish and Westminster governments about railway funding - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-41601692

Whatever is happening there, Reporting Scotland stated that no Conservative MPs or MSPs were available for comment. Quelle surprise.

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A grim prognosis of no-deal Brexit. Or good news if you never want to holiday in Europe again, want the Norn Irish shooting each other again and hate the taste of fresh fruit and veg...

Give us Indyref2 before this shoight unfolds.


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On 14/10/2017 at 08:29, DeeTillEhDeh said:

My Mum and Step-Dad both voted Tory at the last election.

Both voted Leave.

Both voted No in 2014.

It is definitely a generational divide.

My mum is 57 and votes SNP, as does my dad who is 62

Both voted remain.

Both voted yes in 2014.

I however voted the same way as your mum and step dad in each election.

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What Jim 'Ill never appear on the bbc again" Sillars.He is the very definition of 'yer da" nowadays

On here, and actually across society nowadays, there is a tendency to dismiss someone entirely because of one thing they once said, or one controversial thing they believe.

I like jim sillars. He talks an awful lot of sense. I might be in the minority here but I also think my da talks am awful lot of sense.
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My mum is 57 and votes SNP, as does my dad who is 62
Both voted remain.
Both voted yes in 2014.
I however voted the same way as your mum and step dad in each election.

More of a 'my team' thing than generational with you though.
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On here, and actually across society nowadays, there is a tendency to dismiss someone entirely because of one thing they once said, or one controversial thing they believe.

I like jim sillars. He talks an awful lot of sense. I might be in the minority here but I also think my da talks am awful lot of sense.

Sillars is an angry old man and is upset because he is reduced to shouting from the sidelines.His views on fracking etc etc
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