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Granny Danger

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Did he not come out of prison last time saying he had met Muslim prisoners and went through a six month period of being positive about Islam and denouncing Islamophobia, before going back to his prejudiced old ways?

One other frightening aspect is that UKIP have been backing him and giving weight to the 'political prisoner' shite his supporters are coming out with. As much as UKIP are a toxic party they have a level of support from people who are probably bigoted but not to the extent of the EDL and other far-right groups. The UKIP leadership backing him may actually give an element of legitimacy in the eyes of aspects of the right who wouldn't ordinarily sympathise with the far-right.

I thought I imagined this. He renounced his racist ways and appeared contrite and apologetic on Newsnight. It can’t have lasted more than a couple of weeks.

I miss lovable Tommy.
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I love how this walloper is bleating about the "far left" in the first message but later states that left and right are "very outdated terms".

Also talking about a “far left liberal ideology” lol.
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Superb journalism from Wings. This should be in other news outlets but I guess we'll have to wait to find out.



Tories basically paying a firm to move jobs from Scotland to England.  Fraserburgh and now Annan losing out in seafood jobs.

The number of jobs to be created and safeguarded in Grimsby by the grant money awarded by Westminster a couple of years ago was given by the report as 450 – by a remarkable coincidence exactly the same number that are being lost in Annan.

And now it looks rather like the plan to create and safeguard those jobs in return for the cash was simply to move them down from Scotland. There appears to be a direct and explicit link between the money paid by the UK government to Young’s and the company’s decision to close the Annan plant and shift its operations to Grimsby.

Indeed, the SNP had warned about exactly that possibility at the time – although it had suspected that the job shift might chiefly impact on the other major Young’s centre in Scotland, in Fraserburgh




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What an oddball/chancer.

This guy has gone from a Chairman of the SNP/Independence movement at Glasgow University in 2014 ;  to then STV  and lots of Ronald Reagan/quotes/pictures ; and now seems to be putting up Bobby and Robert Kennedy pics now he works for Scottish Labour.

Pot hunting too! AS Roma in the profile biography, nothing to do with a stonking Champions League run?


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On ‎02‎/‎06‎/‎2018 at 22:16, Crùbag said:

Superb journalism from Wings. This should be in other news outlets but I guess we'll have to wait to find out.





Government funds for meat processing plant ABP Perth

You find out it's the Scottish Government about four paragraphs in.

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16 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:


Vote of No Confidence imminent as Senior Tory May-loyalist now says “She has to go”


Thoroughly looking forward to the government collapsing days before a crucial summit with the EU and the EUWithdrawal bill vote itself because of a handful of bible thumping zoombots:

Good times.

"every sperm is sacred, every sperm is great,  for every sperm that's wasted God get's quite irate"


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Noted American "political" "cartoonist" Ben Garrison is famed for creating a series of ludicrous over-labelled pictures in support of Trump and various other right wing causes. He's taken up the mantle of Tommy Robinson:


Yer man on the right looks like he's wielding a lightsaber with the colour dripping out of it

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9 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

Noted American "political" "cartoonist" Ben Garrison is famed for creating a series of ludicrous over-labelled pictures in support of Trump and various other right wing causes. He's taken up the mantle of Tommy Robinson:


Yer man on the right looks like he's wielding a lightsaber with the colour dripping out of it


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Noted American "political" "cartoonist" Ben Garrison is famed for creating a series of ludicrous over-labelled pictures in support of Trump and various other right wing causes. He's taken up the mantle of Tommy Robinson:
Yer man on the right looks like he's wielding a lightsaber with the colour dripping out of it

I like it how he has to write on all his characters very specific titles. His art is so poor and his audience so thick that they wouldn’t get the imagery without idiot guides.
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1 minute ago, Savage Henry said:


I like it how he has to write on all his characters very specific titles. His art is so poor and his audience so thick that they wouldn’t get the imagery without idiot guides.


The Mike Yarwood/Alistair McGowan of political cartoonists.

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We can't do Ben Garrison cartoons without mentioning his Trump ones where he fantazises about him being a muscular adonis with massive biceps and a six pack.




And also fucking lol at this effort



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Christ, some of those are more tortured than the ones Private Eye used to make up to take the piss out of Punch magazine. An impressive feat.

There's probably a thread to be made out of terrible political cartoons, if anyone can be arsed.

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