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Granny Danger

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50 minutes ago, MazzyStar said:

Saying good things about Obama and Biden and nothing good about trump is enough to make up for Iraq for some people. Fucking hell. 

It’s far from the only thing, but it shows that there are still some moderates in the Republican Party, something that perhaps shows a wee bit of hope for the future. But this is digressing into a specific politics thread, so if you want to discuss this, we’ll take it elsewhere, perhaps an Iraq thread to revive…not!


6 hours ago, BFTD said:

I found it quite funny to discover that, back in the Sixties, the Republicans considered Bush Sr. to be something of an idiot. Supposedly Reagan mocked him openly. Presumably that's why they stood him next to Dan Quayle for four years. Pretty decent of Junior to cover for his old man by impersonating a confused chimp in office.

I think Dubya's still popular in some Republican circles because, like Boris with Brexit, he got 9/11 done.

The senior shrub was always a good pair of hands for the R’s. You need an Office rehabilitated, you put someone like GHWB in there…like the CIA post Watergate. Of course, compared to Ronnie, he was a mental genius. Dubya’s quite out of favor with the modern R’s, a point in his favor, but, again, that’s a discussion for elsewhere.

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I still think back to the 2000 election. What might have been had Gore not been done in by the hanging chads. 

Bush started out as a bit dumb. He was barely in the job before 9/11 happened and that was it. He was a war president. I reckon the same would have happened to Gore had he been in the hot seat at the time. 

We never really got to see how he would have unfolded without 9/11. I reckon he would have lost in 2004 and lost badly, but the rallying around the flag factor was still there. 

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The only thing Bush jr could have done to even slightly rehabilitate his image would be to hand himself over to be prosecuted like he fucking deserves. Instead he’s made it so no American will face justice for Iraq and Afghanistan, so I’m afraid saying good things about two awful presidents (obviously not at his level of awfulness) doesn’t cut it. 

Edited by MazzyStar
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16 hours ago, 101 said:

Wasn't he massively involved in the expenses scandal?

Well, I found this on his Wikipedia page.  I'm sure it's in the "nothing to see here, move along now, don't look over here, look over there" category... 

"During the 2009 MP expenses scandal, Alexander was one of three Labour ministers who "quietly repaid more £50,000 in expenses". It emerged he had repaid more than £12,000 that he had previously claimed in expenses on his taxpayer funded second home while also receiving income from a tenant at the same second home."

Tut tut, if true. 

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3 minutes ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

Well, I found this on his Wikipedia page.  I'm sure it's in the "nothing to see here, move along now, don't look over here, look over there" category... 

"During the 2009 MP expenses scandal, Alexander was one of three Labour ministers who "quietly repaid more £50,000 in expenses". It emerged he had repaid more than £12,000 that he had previously claimed in expenses on his taxpayer funded second home while also receiving income from a tenant at the same second home."

Tut tut, if true. 

It's a bit crap they can break the rules, if not the law, and just repay what they incorrectly claimed (potentially stole) penalty free. Can't think of many other jobs that would be so understanding especially when it's not the companies money.

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1 minute ago, 101 said:

It's a bit crap they can break the rules, if not the law, and just repay what they incorrectly claimed (potentially stole) penalty free. Can't think of many other jobs that would be so understanding especially when it's not the companies money.

It'll probably have been viewed under the general "get out of jail free card" situation so beloved by the great and the good at Westminster... that good old 'the rules were unclear' excuse or some such BS. 

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25 minutes ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

It'll probably have been viewed under the general "get out of jail free card" situation so beloved by the great and the good at Westminster... that good old 'the rules were unclear' excuse or some such BS. 

Lessons have been learned and processes have been put in place to prevent this happening again so we should just draw a line under this and move on. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Beyond corrupt.

Israel passes law shielding Netanyahu from being removed amid protests over judicial changes


I wonder if the U.K. government (or the official opposition for that matter) will pass comment on this egregious misuse of power.

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