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New Indiana Jones film


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Those "Indiana Jones and the Pension Book" jokes were amusing the first time, but this just sounds sad. 77 years old, FFS.


At least it'll put off the reboot for a while. Just let the character rest in peace, for the love of all things holy.

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f**k you guys, I'm hype. Crystal Skull wasn't great but I'm sure they've learnt their mistakes, hope Shia comes back too and becomes the lead in the franchise. He's a good actor who'll do a great job with a decent script, not his fault that he was made to swing the trees with CGI monkeys.

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Anyone have any hope in a new movie undoing the damage the last film did to the franchise? That scene with Labeouf swinging through the trees with some awful CGI monkeys still makes me shudder.


Don't think the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull did any "damage" to the franchise, it was pretty crap but it didn't sully my enjoyment of Raiders of the Lost Ark or the Last Crusade.


I'm keen to see what they do with this. I think one of the problems is that Indiana Jones is more of an icon than a character - you probably can't imagine him in anything other than a leather jacket and a fedora - and so to give him depth and subtlety this time around would be pretty interesting (providing Ford is cast as Jones!)


I'm a huge fan of the first three films. My favourite thing about them is how they begin with something completely unconnected to the main plot. I think the Anything Goes musical number from the Temple of Doom is the best.

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Personally think that Temple of Doom is the worst film of the four!!!

Crystal Skulls wasn't great but it was still better than the original sequel!!!

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I don't think KotCS was anywhere near as bad as it was made out to be.

Sure, the swinging through trees and ending were pretty ropey, but apart from that it was a very solid, enjoyable film. The first hour is great.

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Temple's a very good film, but Willie Scott and Short Round stop it from being great. I like how Willie was a completely different character from Marion Ravenwood (and the gorgeous Elsa Schneider) but she was a pain in the arse. They could have made the movie without Short Round and it wouldn't have made a bit of difference.


One of the things that always annoyed me about it was the banquet scene. Indiana Jones is terrified of snakes but he doesn't give a solitary fuck when "snake surprise" is being served a couple of feet away from him.

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One of the things that always annoyed me about it was the banquet scene. Indiana Jones is terrified of snakes but he doesn't give a solitary f**k when "snake surprise" is being served a couple of feet away from him.

To be fair the snake is dead and the insides are eels if im not mistaken.


Raiders, Crusade then temple for me.

Crystal wasn't a bad film just could've been a better story.

I'm buzzing for the film anyway, it won't be as good as the previous but the new star wars has shown that you can make a good comeback.

Edited by PrestersKTID
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I always had a theory that the end of KOTCS was so ridiculous because Speilberg/Lucas wanted to avoid the "will you make another one" questions that time around.


I may have been wrong.


Also - Crusade, Raiders, Temple, Skull. Crusade is also my favourite film ever.

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I always had a theory that the end of KOTCS was so ridiculous because Speilberg/Lucas wanted to avoid the "will you make another one" questions that time around.


I may have been wrong.


Also - Crusade, Raiders, Temple, Skull. Crusade is also my favourite film ever.


At our wedding the tables all had posters of our favourite films rather than numbers.  I think we had 6 or 7 each.  Raiders made the cut on my by a large margin.

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The only thing that tips the scales of "Yoda's Favourite Indiana Jones Film" in favour of Raiders is Marion Ravenwood. She's literally the greatest woman of all time.


Raiders Of The Lost Ark Marion Ravenwood >>>>>>>>>>>>> Venus De Milo

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The only thing that tips the scales of "Yoda's Favourite Indiana Jones Film" in favour of Raiders is Marion Ravenwood. She's literally the greatest woman of all time.


Raiders Of The Lost Ark Marion Ravenwood >>>>>>>>>>>>> Venus De Milo


Dr Elsa Schnieder >>>> Marion Ravenwood, solely because she talksh in her shleep.

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The only thing that tips the scales of "Yoda's Favourite Indiana Jones Film" in favour of Raiders is Marion Ravenwood. She's literally the greatest woman of all time.


Raiders Of The Lost Ark Marion Ravenwood >>>>>>>>>>>>> Venus De Milo


You won't get much of a w**k from Venus.

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