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Holyrood 2016 Predictions


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Don't know where to put this, but who's the candidate through Paisley way for Labour? The one who's dad is going about removing SNP billboards?

Saw it on FB... imagine carrying about that seethe and hatred over a Scottish political party :))

I reckon it's Kev the Dee

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Don't know where to put this, but who's the candidate through Paisley way for Labour? The one who's dad is going about removing SNP billboards?

Pat o kane for the red torys i think

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Wow we literally have Fascism in this thread. Hiya Kim McJong-Un, hiya pal!!!


Nats being nats.  It brings out the worst in people.  Even if it's the airy fairy Nat-lite version of nationalism that the SNP and its supporters adhere to.


You should dive over to the Hopetoun House debate thread and check out the seethe on there due to audience members having the audacity to applaud non-Nicola Sturgeon debaters.


Just for sheer banter, and to see Nat heads exploding into fragments of bone and matter all over the place on Friday morning, I hope the latest opinion poll showing again that wee Ruth's party is on course to be the main opposition in the next parliament actually materialises. 

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Nats being nats. It brings out the worst in people. Even if it's the airy fairy Nat-lite version of nationalism that the SNP and its supporters adhere to.

You should dive over to the Hopetoun House debate thread and check out the seethe on there due to audience members having the audacity to applaud non-Nicola Sturgeon debaters.

Just for sheer banter, and to see Nat heads exploding into fragments of bone and matter all over the place on Friday morning, I hope the latest opinion poll showing again that wee Ruth's party is on course to be the main opposition in the next parliament actually materialises.

As opposed to the hardcore, colonialist, sectarian, racist, anti-immigrant style of nationalism favoured by you and your knuckle-dragging, shaven-head, Union Jack-bedecked BritNat chums?

Incidentally, I don't think many proponents of Scotland's sovereignty actually care which branch office stands carping at the SNP because their bosses tell them to. I can see advantages to it being Cameron's sock puppet attacking Scotland's FM, though.

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See what I mean? Check his language and I'm made out to be the angry one.

What a shower. :D

No one said you were angry. 😖 An unpleasant little craven BritNat, perhaps, but I'm sure you're happy as a clam if you have immigrants to hate and a Union Jack to Nazi-salute.

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No one said you were angry. An unpleasant little craven BritNat, perhaps, but I'm sure you're happy as a clam if you have immigrants to hate and a Union Jack to Nazi-salute.


Only if they're Irish.


I'm utterly non-fazed by the others.

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Nats being nats. It brings out the worst in people. Even if it's the airy fairy Nat-lite version of nationalism that the SNP and its supporters adhere to.

You should dive over to the Hopetoun House debate thread and check out the seethe on there due to audience members having the audacity to applaud non-Nicola Sturgeon debaters.

Just for sheer banter, and to see Nat heads exploding into fragments of bone and matter all over the place on Friday morning, I hope the latest opinion poll showing again that wee Ruth's party is on course to be the main opposition in the next parliament actually materialises.

Yeah, we'll all be raging when the SNP romp home and Labour hilariously slide into 3rd place. You, on the other hand......

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I on the other hand will have a little chuckle at a country that doesn't vote Tory returning the Scottish Tories to Holyrood as the second largest party.


The beliefs of some of the absolute fantastists in the pro-independence movement will be shaken to the core. :D

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It's been discussed plenty and hoping Labour come third is easily the most popular position amongst us buckled natz on here. Not me but I'm in the minority on this one.

Pretending you're buzzing at the prospect of a party finishing second really is some desperate stuff. The Unionists will be absolutely beeling at another SNP majority. A lot of fretting about what the English and Northern Irish think about the whole thing, no doubt.

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How much have the Tories cut the block grant by?


This election will be a straightforward win for the SNP.  The only question is if Labour or the Tories finish second.


Tories will win again at the next UK General Election and may do so for some time.

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How much have the Tories cut the block grant by?


This election will be a straightforward win for the SNP.  The only question is if Labour or the Tories finish second.


Tories will win again at the next UK General Election and may do so for some time.

All the more reason that as many of us as possible vote for the SNP.

You ken it makes sense  :thumsup2

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