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Are school reunions a complete waste of time

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Don't get me wrong. I am Mr Positive - able to find a silver lining to every cloud - Yes. Will Inverness Caledonian Thistle one day win the league - Yes - not sure when - but yes (By The Way - Leicester City - Good Luck - an inspiration to all of us).

There is a school reunion tonight. If it is anything like the previous one - it will be a massive disappointment. On previous occasions, nobody asked, am I married, have I got children, what am I doing now. Nobody showed any real interest. Even I did not care what the answers were, I would ask - simply to be polite. Not a peep.

Personally I suspect the people that really matter are the people you have stayed in contact with - and still know now - your true friends. The people you meet at school reunion are the people who do not matter to you - and quite frankly you do not matter to them.

Hey - don't worry - I certainly won't lose any sleep over this - but I would be curious to know if this has been the same for everybody else.

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Its a night out, theres alcohol involved.

Also a chance to laugh at that guy that bullied you who is now an obese oddball and, if you are single or married with no morals an opportunity to get it on with the girl you had your first crush on

Plus there's sausage rolls 8)

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Went to a 10 year one 20 odd years ago, and it was depressing.

Now and it would be worse.

I don't have anycunt on FB who knew me before I was 25, yet I sent a friend request at Xmas to one of my brothers whilst I was pished , realised the implications and cancelled it and blocked him :)

I'm 50 next year and he still stays where I grew up , and after I had a swatch at his friends I thought 'naw'.

Guaranteed reunion next year, and f**k off with all the one time dirties singing about driving through Paris, in a sports car, with the warm wind in their hair, whilst looking like Denise Robertson is now.

I'd probably be the only cunto there with hair , male or female.

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How old are you OP? I would have attended one of these had anyone bothered to arrange it. Some folk from school years make the effort to keep in touch as these days hold some sort of significance to them and their childhood/early adulthood days and while it probably means nothing to you now it could still be a good laugh if you went along.

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Has anyone ever nobbed a bird at one of these?

Aren't you like twenty? You've a few decades yet before you're hanging about in the corners at some godforsaken community centre getting dirty looks from the popular girls like you did all that time ago.
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Aren't you like twenty? You've a few decades yet before you're hanging about in the corners at some godforsaken community centre getting dirty looks from the popular girls like you did all that time ago.



I'm from the facebook generation. I highly doubt school reunions will happen for my lot, we can all follow each others lives online now anyway


Besides I've moved away from the area

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There's a yearly one at my old school. Mainly pretentious c***s who attend, with the odd rebel thrown in. Not too rebellious of course.

Never got an invite to join up. 👆ðŸ½

f**k them. A closed group by invite only. 😟😟😟

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How old are you OP? I would have attended one of these had anyone bothered to arrange it. Some folk from school years make the effort to keep in touch as these days hold some sort of significance to them and their childhood/early adulthood days and while it probably means nothing to you now it could still be a good laugh if you went along.

I am 55. I kept in touch when we were all at college - even at different locations - so it was good when we were in our twenties. However, now everybody is married, with children at college, living on different continents, and school is like a distant memory - another life. Sure, it would be great to link up with your first crush (she never goes to these things) and I get all of that.

Basically, what I want to know is this. Everybody is suppos to enjoy their office Christmas do - but they don't (they tell me - why I do not know). Are school reunions the same?

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Our school has a ten year one next month I believe, I'll be fucked if I'm going to it, it will just be a dick measuring contest I would imagine.

Would rather eat razor blades.

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My year has had two reunion's, I've been to neither, what a waste of a piss up, sitting with lads you used to torture and lassies that wouldn't let you see their tits. Only thing I miss, is the school dinners

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My year has had two reunion's, I've been to neither, what a waste of a piss up, sitting with lads you used to torture and lassies that wouldn't let you see their tits. Only thing I miss, is the school dinners

School macaroni was amazing.

I had no friends at school so I doubt I'll ever go to one.

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If my old school year had a reunion then I would be there like a desperado up a hoors doss. The older i get the more I think back to my younger days and wishing I was back there a little bit.

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My year has had two reunion's, I've been to neither, what a waste of a piss up, sitting with lads you used to torture and lassies that wouldn't let you see their tits. Only thing I miss, is the school dinners


you didn't miss many school dinners, did you, ya fat cnut! In fact I heard your favourite musical instrument was the dinner bell  :P

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