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Are school reunions a complete waste of time

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Surely the prospect of your hole off some dirty you fancied back in the day would be the only reason for contemplating going to one of these things?


Thanks to the wonders of social media, I know that most of the girls I fancied back then have had several kids and as a result more than likely have fannies that look somewhere between a punched lasagne and a burst couch. If I ever wind up at one I'll take a tow rope to wear around my waist and hopefully get right in about it.


Serious note though, I have kept in touch with the folk I want to keep in touch with, and Facebook seems to have covered all of the ones I don't particularly have any feelings towards. If I was at home and had nothing better to do I would probably go but I wouldn't go out of my way to attend.

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If I was given the choice between 2 hours of a school reunion or 2 hours of getting kicked in the pie, obviously I'd pick the reunion, I'm not stupid.

Five or six fanny toeings would easily be preferable to an evening in the company of most of those c***s though.

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You'd soon lose the feeling in your pie though.

The pain of talking to these tits would last a lifetime

This is true. Although in two hours I could get really drunk and say things like "oh, Tracy! I remember now, the smelly tramp who came to school in a shell suit?", "Delina! Yes, I hated your name, your face and that fucking voice of yours was like nails down a blackboard. Nothing's changed" and, personal favourite "Claire! Yes, I heard you were married now when I met your husband in a pub I was working in. I hate you so much I shagged him out of spite. How he manages to touch your sides, love, I'll never know".

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Surely the prospect of your hole off some dirty you fancied back in the day would be the only reason for contemplating going to one of these things?

I managed that when I was there the first time and on a couple of occasions subsequently.

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Cronin made a cameo as Jeff Baxter in that show where Noddy Holder played a PE teacher - both were at a course somewhere.I'm sure Sheard played Hilter in the 3rd Indiana Jones film.

He was indeed Hitler in Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade . Sheard was also a Doctor Who regular over the years making 6 appearances over the years.


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Would maybe go along out of morbid curiosity, but would more likely swerve one if one came up. Never liked school much as I was bored for most of it and was glad to leave when I could. Still occasionally speak to a few folk from my school days now and then (if the occasional Facebook "like" can really count as contact with someone), but most of us that palled about drifted apart over the years for one reason or another (or sometimes for no particular reason). Think there's only one person from school I still have any kind of semi-regular contact with and we were best mates throughout high school and into our early working years, having known each other since primary school.

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Did you ever get round to nobbing Janet St-Clair, Roly?

Yeah, MoMo, I did as a matter of fact, (her on top obvs).

It was ok but the encounter meant I missed the ice-cream van, which was sad. If I remember correctly I went to the kebab shop instead.

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Who really wants to meet up with a bunch of folk that you met by chance when you were a kid anyway? its not as though you choose the folk you go to school with any more than you choose who you work with, it would be like having work reunions for every place you've worked in.


I got on pretty well with most folk from school, but only in a kind of passing way and I don't particularly care about meeting up with them again. I only keep in touch with one of my friends since we are pretty much best mate but thats about it. The only reason to go to these things is to willy-wave about how you are doing compared to the rest, its not much fun going anywhere just to be judged (even if you reckon you'd come out of it pretty well ;) ).

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My hero. :wub:

It's been 20 years since I left school. I've seen a couple of the aforementioned dirties in the last couple of years and time has been kind to some.

It's been a total c**t to others.

I, however, still look exactly like I did when I was 18.*

*This is absolutely not true.

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School reunions are great.The good looking lassie that knocked you back has been divorced twice.The hard c**t in your class has found god and is now a religious nutter or has died of drugs.Your first girlfriend gives you a bj in the toilet.Its a great laugh

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School reunions are great.The good looking lassie that knocked you back has been divorced twice.The hard c**t in your class has found god and is now a religious nutter or has died of drugs.Your first girlfriend gives you a bj in the toilet.Its a great laugh

True for a number of folk I was at school with.

Everytime we had a night out the topic would be the latest person to depart.

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I'm in my mid thirties and I've recently started bumping unto people I hadn't seen for about 15 year.

I do take a strange pleasure from seeing the state of some folk and can't help compare how lucky I've been in life.

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Lots of people I was at school with are generally a lot more successful than me now.

So, f**k 'em.


I'll bet they have to work for their money, though. Suckers.

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