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4 hours ago, Nelson said:

Ayr have yet to find a replacement for Docherty.  Don’t kid yourself - he might not be flashy, but players like him don’t grow on trees at our level.

Yeah tbh you’re right. I guess he does more of the ‘dirty work’ in his position and if you don’t mention him after games then he’s done his job well. 

Wish him all the best at United, just not too much success on the park!

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Docherty was drowned by decent players round him. No loss to us. Dundee utd have poached thistle players time and memoriam, and this year will be no different. No threat going to another championship side.


Holt is no great loss, toss of a coin on whether he played well.


Turner is a loss mind you.


Hopefully the loss of players will allow doolin to bring in his own players as he did great with an inherited team. Best ive seen thistle in the 20/30 years ive been watching them.

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All the players who have left-Tiffoney, Docherty, Holt and Turner-will be a loss because all distinguished themselves during the Promotion Play-Off games, against the best teams from the Championship (apart from Dundee), plus Ross County from the top tier. And the greater the number of players who jump ship-there may be more-the greater the pressure on manager Kris Doolan, who is tasked with replacing them and building a decent team. Everyone knows it’s better to only have to recruite a few new players, rather than a lot, because it takes time for new players to gel with each other and bed in.

Then, there’s also the ‘financial aspect’ with the black hole in Thistle’s monetary sums, which emerged at the end of the season just past. Now, Kris may not be able to afford certain players of whom he had an interest previously, because they’re out of our price range, in terms of wages etc. The future does not look rosy financially at Firhill right now. Just as with ‘Save The Jags’ the people running the club did not level with the fans about what was going awry, until (in the first case) the club nearly went bust and out of business. This time-the second case-at the end of last season it did not result in a ‘Save The Jags’ mark 2, but a lot of emphasis has nevertheless been placed on donations from fans and the Jags Foundation (representing fans and using their subscriptions.) Thus, the way of ‘saving’ the club turned out in essence to be much the same as the first time. (Except of course, that we as fans don’t know how bad things were at the end of 2022/23.) All we know is that the receipts from the Rangers cup game and a loan from a well-off fan stopped the club from defaulting on paying player wages. 

What will happen in 2023/24 regarding team personal, recruitment of players and any possible promotion push, added to PTFC’s financial stability are very much up in the air and will emerge in due course. But, it would seem we should probably keep our ambitions for 2022/23 on the moderate side. If things go better than that, well, it will be a more than pleasant surprise. But then, at one stage last season, Thistle looked a long way away from being promoted. Then they came exceedingly close. Maybe we WILL all be surprised…again. This is Thistle we’re talking about, after all!

Edited by Don Kneelcaster
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18 minutes ago, Don Kneelcaster said:

(Except of course, that we as fans don’t know how bad things were at the end of 2022/23.) All we know is that the receipts from the Rangers cup game and a loan from a well-off fan stopped the club from defaulting on paying player wages. 

Don’t disagree with the majority of your post, but have to question this part. If anything, through both the club and TJF we know far more about the financial specifics than you normally ever would in this kind of situation at a football club. There has been rare levels of transparency from those involved.

We are expected to lose about £280k this year, and without the Rangers cup tie cash it would have been closer to £600k. Without that (un-budgeted) cup tie we would have struggled to pay the February wages, and without a fan donation the same would have happened again in May. These are the type of things you never really hear about at football clubs in financial distress, so I’m not really sure what else you are expecting to have heard that hasn’t been put out there by TJF about our financial problems at the end of the season?

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On 20/06/2023 at 08:38, Nightmare said:

Don’t disagree with the majority of your post, but have to question this part. If anything, through both the club and TJF we know far more about the financial specifics than you normally ever would in this kind of situation at a football club. There has been rare levels of transparency from those involved.

We are expected to lose about £280k this year, and without the Rangers cup tie cash it would have been closer to £600k. Without that (un-budgeted) cup tie we would have struggled to pay the February wages, and without a fan donation the same would have happened again in May. These are the type of things you never really hear about at football clubs in financial distress, so I’m not really sure what else you are expecting to have heard that hasn’t been put out there by TJF about our financial problems at the end of the season? TJF said that they knew how bad things were and didn’t know how the fans would respond, hence they didn’t tell the fans straight away. Then, they said they were pleasantly surprised at how the fans responded in terms of financial support, when it was finally revealed. Thus, it WAS a shock when the majority of fans found out about the ‘black hole’ AFTER the season ended, but not around the time it was first discovered. And, yes, the fans don’t know how much the club can afford to pay to replace the players who’ve left the club, all of whom should have no trouble getting fixed up, because they’re all good players (two are already fixed up!) 

TJF didn’t reveal the financial situation right away to fans. It came out after the season ended and was a shock to add to the disappointment of the Play-Off result. TJF said after doing so that they didn’t know how fans would respond to that news, (and seemly that was why it wasn’t revealed straight away) but had been surprised and delighted by the amount of support and donations given after the news broke.

PTFC are a private company with shareholders. Twice the supporters have seemingly saved a private company with donations because of the goodwill and even love that fans have for their team. Yet, the previous board chose to play fast and loose with those same fans, holding back and then finally gifting the shares to an unaccountable and undemocratic small group of supporters rather than the newly formed group-TJF-set up for the purpose. Eventually, that original board packed their bags and departed, after first telling TJF they “didn’t want or need your money” and claiming club finances were in good order. Now we know they DID need the money and the financial situation was not good.

And, of course, the group which got the shares, when they realised they were on their own with their benefactors departed, now said they wanted to work with TJF and another group. But, ‘genuine fan ownership’ on a par with eg St Mirren, Motherwell and Hearts doesn’t seem to be on the cards yet it seems. Thus, the original group who got the 55% share-holding want TJF money and fans donations, (unsurprisingly) but they haven’t conceded genuine majority fans’ ownership yet, (as far as I can see). Why not, I wonder?

I would say that TJF, if it is being asked or expected to contribute large amounts of money to the running of PTFC should be given sole control of that 55% shareholding. Because, it is the supporters’ money through subscriptions to TJF that is helping to fill the ‘black hole’ now and will (presumably) continue to support the club through fans’ subscriptions over the long term. 

Edited by Don Kneelcaster
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Its alright everyone ive bought a euromillions ticket for tonight. So can we all just relax its in hand.


I will then lend the jags the money at extortionate interest rates, as money breeds greed. (I dont make the rules, sorry)


Yep been here before... save the jags etc. No doubt will take time to get out of the 2 holes that are debt and championship. The joys of being a jag. But we have a manager that has a positive playing style and no matter who we get will keep us in the championship and maybe thats what we need for a couple of years ship steadying till the bank forgives us.

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1 hour ago, jagfox said:

Yeah, happy with that. Core of defence know each other. I just wonder who we will get in. I would guess two centre backs, perhaps?

We need at least two, aye. I would guess one might end up being a loan like Connor McAvoy was last year, and thus will come later in the window. McAvoy himself would be great to bring back on loan again, but I have no idea how realistic a proposition that is.

Fine with Muirhead signing on for another year. Fairly reliable, does the basics and won’t break the bank.

Edited by Nightmare
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McMillan - Muirhead - Someone - Milne

Bannigan - Someone

Fitzpatrick - Someone - Lawless


Subs: Dowds, MacKenzie, Stanway. 

Even if the ‘someone’ spaces above are filled with bang average Championship jobbers, that’s the makings of an acceptable enough team, IMO. Obviously with absolutely no depth, but still. 

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Happy with that, albeit expected it. Pleased its 2 years. 

think the team above is decent, but expect / hope Mackenzie is a starter more often than not this season. On merit mind, not because we can’t afford more players. 

obvs swap Fitzpatrick and Lawless - but another season of McMillan / Lawless and a season of Milne / Fitzpatrick (if he keeps playoff form) will be tasty. 

Edited by Mediocre Pundit
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James Lyon extension confirmed on 2 year deal

Although he’s probably not on a lot of money, Doolan must see something in him worth offering a 2 year contract. 

Edited by JagsCG
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