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Why do black sheep have such a bad reputation?

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I am aware of the term, "Black sheep of the family" so you can imagine my excitement when I saw a farmer herding some sheep into a field and some of them were black.

I thought - This is interesting - I wonder what is going to happen now?
Well, what can I say.  Total disappointment.  Anticlimax or what?

They just started eating grass - black sheep, white sheep - all of them.
It is not even as if the black sheep were eating grass in a rebellious or provocative way (although not being a grass eater myself - I could be wrong)

In any case, I stood there watching for over an hour and it was rather uneventful.

What am I missing?

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I am aware of the term, "Black sheep of the family" so you can imagine my excitement when I saw a farmer herding some sheep into a field and some of them were black.

I thought - This is interesting - I wonder what is going to happen now?

Well, what can I say. Total disappointment. Anticlimax or what?

They just started eating grass - black sheep, white sheep - all of them.

It is not even as if the black sheep were eating grass in a rebellious or provocative way (although not being a grass eater myself - I could be wrong)

In any case, I stood there watching for over an hour and it was rather uneventful.

What am I missing?

A hobby?

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I am aware of the term, "Black sheep of the family" so you can imagine my excitement when I saw a farmer herding some sheep into a field and some of them were black.

I thought - This is interesting - I wonder what is going to happen now?

I can honestly say I have never seen some sheep and thought "imagine my excitement "

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If you have a field of Suffolk ewes and one Blackface ewe, you can guarantee the Blackface is the one that has got through the fence and is wandering along in a "f**k ewe" manner. Blackface sheep are contrary buggers.

Most blackface are white? 


Anyway without googling it I suspect that black wool wasn't so easily dyed and so was not desirable.

The black sheep would be a financial liability and diminish the gene pool of the flock.

Much the same effect that of fans have on the human population. 

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Why do black sheep have such a bad reputation?


In the main, superstition.


There's a number of folk traditions throughout the UK of famous breeds of sheep, cattle, horses, etc. where an albino or a pure black was born into a breed that were the opposite shade it would be an omen of some sort of specified doom to the family of the owners (usually a death within the year).

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Seasons in the sun, would be a shit song (don't), without that line in it?

So forget all this PC claptrap leave it be, art for art sake.




"seasons in the sun" would be a good running out tune for your lot Grim...


Historically wool was an important commodity in the Middle Ages and white wool is easier to dye different colours than black wool so perhaps white sheep were worth more than black sheep to a farmer. 

Black wool would have been useful for making the habits of Dominican friars which were black and as the Dominicans were the ones who ran the Inquisition perhaps the colour black wasn't seen as particularly lucky... 

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"seasons in the sun" would be a good running out tune for your lot Grim...

Historically wool was an important commodity in the Middle Ages and white wool is easier to dye different colours than black wool so perhaps white sheep were worth more than black sheep to a farmer.

Black wool would have been useful for making the habits of Dominican friars which were black and as the Dominicans were the ones who ran the Inquisition perhaps the colour black wasn't seen as particularly lucky...

We've suddenly got a free weekend, how you getting to the Shire? Any transport available for a Pilton pleb?


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"seasons in the sun" would be a good running out tune for your lot Grim...


Historically wool was an important commodity in the Middle Ages and white wool is easier to dye different colours than black wool so perhaps white sheep were worth more than black sheep to a farmer. 

Black wool would have been useful for making the habits of Dominican friars which were black and as the Dominicans were the ones who ran the Inquisition perhaps the colour black wasn't seen as particularly lucky... 


The Franciscans also ran the Inquisitions, so can't be that (& in general it was clerics who were doctors of theology &/or law who became inquisitors). The Dominicans however were the major b*****ds responsible for the witch craze that saw thousands more innocents slaughtered than the inquisitions ever managed.


There's a useful reference to the black sheep folklore myths here:


‘We speak figuratively of the one black sheep that is the cause of sorrow in a family; but in its reality it is regarded by the Sussex shepherd as an omen of good luck to his flock’ (Folk-Lore Record 1 (1878), 8). A number of other nineteenth and twentieth century references, from Somerset, Kent, and Derbyshire, for example, agree with this assessment of the black sheep, but others say the opposite. ‘It was unlucky for the first lamb dropped in lambing season to be black—black twins were more unlucky’ (Wiltshire, 1975: 56) and Charles Igglesden (c.1932: 105) writes the same for Shropshire, adding that the only way to avoid the bad luck is to cut their throats before they can ‘baa’.

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