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Still Game & Best Bits


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Consider this: Yir warm noo, but how's it gaun'ae be in a wee stoany jail cell, with nothing to heat ye up, but a hot boabie - RIGHT up yir arse!

The best bit of that scene is Jack's face, when he changes his mind and goes back with Victor.

Winston: Ah well, away yous two back tae yer ice boxes wae yer principles intact.

Jack: And wur arseholes.

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Wullie: "Any condoms, Navid?"
*Jack, Victor and Navid laugh.*
Wullie: "Wit yis laughing at!?" 
Navid: "Oh, nothing, nothing. Sorry, Wullie. Ask again, I won't laugh."
Wullie: "Condoms. I'm needing condoms."
Navid: "Ribbed or... flavoured?"
Wullie: "Flavoured."
*Jack, Victor and Navid resume laughing.*
Wullie: "Oh, get it up yis! I'm going to Boots!" 

That's from Kill Wullie, the first episode of Series 4. Between that, Jack's "when life gives you melons, make melonade!", Jack and Victor's demolition of Fergie and his friend's fake tombola, and their subsequent 'youth talk' to Fergie, that must be one of Still Game's most quotable episodes - if not the most quotable episode made. 

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Not a quote, but the moment that we first meet the Ken Dodd-lookalike widow and she pulls a Dodd-like, wild-eyed stare at Jack and Victor. And later:

Jack: Aye, well ye'll have a job finding him, he's in a million pieces! If you want tae come down here and rummage through the bits lookin' fur his keys...

(Although in front of the recently bereaved widow of the guy who ejected himself from his flat window. And let's not forget Winston saying he'd do the same if he didn't live one floor up.)

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Buntin is a great episode with some great lines including

"The names b*****d, alky b*****d"

Also in the oot episode jack dancing pretending to be Fred Astaire cracks me up

"Hud on the noo the buildings on fire"

Edited by dundeefc1783
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"Yes, yes, yes, yes, and mind yer ane business ya nosey auld cow."

It's Tam's face that makes that quote 100X funnier IMO.


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