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Motherwell FC - A Thread For All Seasons

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Two minds about it.

On one hand: I'm honestly just fed up of hearing from Celtic fans and their endless whataboutery. All this does is open us up to yet more of that and good grief I cannot be bothered with that maelstrom of "FAMILY CLUB!"/"WEE ****!"/"AYEBUT!" any more than I absolutely have to.

On the other: f**k them. That last paragraph is a right giggle.

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I've not even looked at the @ replies. I'm sure it's Twitter's finest and most well adjusted putting forward rational debate.

In honesty it really just seems to be for show. There's nothing going to come of it, no one's going to get cited. It's largely just a public statement making it known to the fanbase that we're unhappy and have made a complaint. As far as tone goes it's not like it's some swivel-eyed Club 1872 job.

The main point really seems to be the kicker in the final paragraph as a response to Brown's comments.

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Old Firm levels of whataboutery towards the end of that statement from Motherwell.

Criticism of the refs is fair enough, brave of them to put it out there publicly though given how ego driven so many of our refs are.

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Fair play to the club for releasing that statement and highlighting that Victim FC's support have yet again caused significant damage to the south stand. Celtic have and still do get away with murder in this country because no one wants to stand up to them so we'll done to the club for speaking out. That statement alone won't make much difference in the grand scheme of things but it might just encourage other clubs do start speaking up about Celtic, their manipulation and their supporters inability to behave like civilised human beings. I fully expect Celtic's cheerleaders to be all over this tomorrow and no doubt St.Brendan will be giving a head shaking, hand wringing sermon which they will all lap up, but if this upsets the applecart even just slightly then that is a good thing.

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2 hours ago, Ross. said:

Old Firm levels of whataboutery towards the end of that statement from Motherwell.

Criticism of the refs is fair enough, brave of them to put it out there publicly though given how ego driven so many of our refs are.

If you read Burrows' comments on the thread, it looks like Brown/Celtic using the "crowd" stuff as a distraction from the penalty basically pissed them off, as 'Well have always dealt with the constant damage/vandalism by Celtic fans behind closed doors and haven't tried to make any capital out of it.  You could argue of course that having thousands of Celtic fans paying-in makes the damage something that is worth bearing, especially as Celtic themselves presumably pay for it - but the fact that a lot of 'Well fans clearly feel that the club have been too passive this week and the fact that the coin-chucking stuff was out there, meant that there had to be some sort of response.

As statements go (and Celtic have been no stranger to them over the years),  this is extremely tame.

Edited by Swello
bad apostrophe use.
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6 hours ago, Swello said:

If you read Burrows' comments on the thread, it looks like Brown/Celtic using the "crowd" stuff as a distraction from the penalty basically pissed them off, as 'Well have always dealt with the constant damage/vandalism by Celtic fans behind closed doors and haven't tried to make any capital out of it.  You could argue of course that having thousands of Celtic fans paying-in makes the damage something that is worth bearing, especially as Celtic themselves presumably pay for it - but the fact that a lot of 'Well fans clearly feel that the club have been too passive this week and the fact that the coin-chucking stuff was out there, meant that there had to be some sort of response.

As statements go (and Celtic have been no stranger to them over the years),  this is extremely tame.

Aye, I had a wee read through some of it and he puts his point across a lot better there than he did in the statement, but it doesn’t change my view that had certain other clubs released that statement they would be getting roundly slaughtered by everyone else in the game.

Having seen that other replay of the penalty incident I think i probably owe Collum an apology. Looks like he a got it right after all.

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Fair play to the club for releasing that statement and highlighting that Victim FC's support have yet again caused significant damage to the south stand. Celtic have and still do get away with murder in this country because no one wants to stand up to them so we'll done to the club for speaking out. That statement alone won't make much difference in the grand scheme of things but it might just encourage other clubs do start speaking up about Celtic, their manipulation and their supporters inability to behave like civilised human beings. I fully expect Celtic's cheerleaders to be all over this tomorrow and no doubt St.Brendan will be giving a head shaking, hand wringing sermon which they will all lap up, but if this upsets the applecart even just slightly then that is a good thing.

Aye, Celtic come to McDiarmid, their fans throw lighters at Paul Paton, rip a sink off the wall in the toilet and break nigh on 100 seat's, get told they "only talk about matters on the pitch". A hypocritical bunch of weasels, from top to bottom, constantly burrowed out of trouble by the circle of fans who'll all talk about how everyone over reacts when it's Celtic and then completely ignores any issue within their own support, or simply brushes it off and changes the focal point.
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Alan Campbell as a young boy understandably isn't that comfortable in front of the press - but his "in aboot them" attitude is *brilliant* and sums up where we are these days. Earlier in the season, I joked that most of the players were new to the league and hadn't learned our place yet but it's turning out to be true. That point the other night felt like a loss - and a sore yin at that - but now all the impotent rage is dying down, it surely sets us up well for the season as the players I suspect will take even more belief out of it.

On Robinson - two things jumped out. Firstly, he clearly couldn't be bothered with the statement we released and I would guess he was either against it or wasn't part of it at all. Secondly, the desperation of the hacks to keep everything going into this 3rd game was actually quite funny (especially whatever mile-oot was quoting Brown's snide remarks in the hope of getting a quote). Even though I obviously know that goes on, this week has been a real insight into the constant, overblown hype and manufactured drivel that follows everything Celtic (and Rangers) do - As a supporter, I genuinely couldn't be fucked with that all the time (and I actually have some sympathy with hacks that need to generate it as a main part of their job - there's no Pulitzer's to be had in sexing-up a Craig Gordon quote).


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Great reading this thread you know, there seems like a real air of positivity around Motherwell at the moment, and it's obviously showing on the pitch.

Excellent statement from the club as well. Anyone throwing coins etc has no place at the football, and it appears the club are committed to dealing with it as far as can really be possible.

On the subject of the Celtic crowd and their antics, I've been pretty shocked at the deterioration in standards of behaviour in the last few years. Historically they were never a bother at Kilmarnock - as far as I witnessed - but the last few times have been different. It'll be interesting to see their reaction when this run eventually comes to an end.

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4 minutes ago, Estragon said:

Great reading this thread you know, there seems like a real air of positivity around Motherwell at the moment, and it's obviously showing on the pitch.

I'll be honest, given the nick of our last three match threads, this place feels like a safe space.

You're right though. Aside from all the nonsense that's flying around about 180 minutes of football in the past five days, we really feel like we're on a real upward curve at the moment.

The last couple of years has had a lot of chatter about how we appear to have been doing the 'right' things off the park, without any kind of result on it. This season has really clicked for us and we're reaping the benefits of the fitness, nutrition, scouting, academy and preparation stuff. After a couple of years of seeing guys breathing out their arse after an hour, I'd take us collectively, in a bleep test against the rest of Scottish football.

Stuff like Robinson coming out today and saying that Allan Campbell wants to be the best at everything, whether its running, press-ups, whatever is just a perfect embodiment of this.

Spending a bit more money off the park rather than on it is something I've advocated for just about every club in Scottish football over the past few years. Instead of burning money on another bang average left back that'll play about four times a year, get a sport scientist in and improve what you've got, rather than trying to get someone in who might improve.

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11 minutes ago, thisGRAEME said:

The last couple of years has had a lot of chatter about how we appear to have been doing the 'right' things off the park, without any kind of result on it. This season has really clicked for us and we're reaping the benefits of the fitness, nutrition, scouting, academy and preparation stuff. After a couple of years of seeing guys breathing out their arse after an hour, I'd take us collectively, in a bleep test against the rest of Scottish football.

I think the off-field stuff has only taken effect now that we have a squad that isn't packed with guys on the downward slope of their careers or where 'Well was the peak of their careers. Having guys that are young and want to get themselves a good move, is a lot different from the situation we had before. Having a large amount of competition for places for the first time in years has magnified the effects too.

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8 minutes ago, Swello said:

I think the off-field stuff has only taken effect now that we have a squad that isn't packed with guys on the downward slope of their careers or where 'Well was the peak of their careers. Having guys that are young and want to get themselves a good move, is a lot different from the situation we had before. Having a large amount of competition for places for the first time in years has magnified the effects too.

I think this may end up coming off as unfair as well, so apologies to anyone in advance, but I've felt for a while we needed a clear-out of the squad, not just on an age basis.

We've had Lasley, Pearson, Hammell, Craigan, Reynolds, McDonald, McFadden, all of whom provided great service to the club and are a massive part of the fabric of who we've, but when it came to the crunch, often failed. Guys who had either made it elsewhere and rejoined us, or never made it to a level above us, and never seemed particularly concerned about that.

Like I say, I don't want it to come across as ungrateful to what they offered us, but this current mob want to be players at a higher level, and we're getting the benefit of their desire and fearless attitude.

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8 hours ago, Estragon said:

Great reading this thread you know, there seems like a real air of positivity around Motherwell at the moment, and it's obviously showing on the pitch.

Excellent statement from the club as well. Anyone throwing coins etc has no place at the football, and it appears the club are committed to dealing with it as far as can really be possible.

On the subject of the Celtic crowd and their antics, I've been pretty shocked at the deterioration in standards of behaviour in the last few years. Historically they were never a bother at Kilmarnock - as far as I witnessed - but the last few times have been different. It'll be interesting to see their reaction when this run eventually comes to an end.

The real story at Celtic Park is the growing hatred by other Celtic fans of The Green Brigade.   

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20 hours ago, thisGRAEME said:

I think this may end up coming off as unfair as well, so apologies to anyone in advance, but I've felt for a while we needed a clear-out of the squad, not just on an age basis.

We've had Lasley, Pearson, Hammell, Craigan, Reynolds, McDonald, McFadden, all of whom provided great service to the club and are a massive part of the fabric of who we've, but when it came to the crunch, often failed. Guys who had either made it elsewhere and rejoined us, or never made it to a level above us, and never seemed particularly concerned about that.

Like I say, I don't want it to come across as ungrateful to what they offered us, but this current mob want to be players at a higher level, and we're getting the benefit of their desire and fearless attitude.

Just pointing out for the sake of devilment, four of the current squad got relegated last season!

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