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1 hour ago, Casagolda said:



Delighted with that.

It just shows how quickly things can change in football. I (like a few others) wouldn't have been the slightest bit bothered if Robinson was punted or left at the start of the year after the shite we had to endure for the first half of the season.

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Good luck to them and obviously we all hope this works out and we have a better season than last. I am slightly surprised by the timing of this given we don't yet know if Robinson's latest attempt at building a team will be better than last year's disastrous effort but it's done now and only time will tell.

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When Las uses the current #ontrend Face Swap app to age himself, I wonder if it just sends him back pictures of Greg Hemphill?

Edited by Al B
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14 hours ago, capt_oats said:

Aye. I'll happily concede I'm probably not their target market but using Twitter to check up on a match I'm not at was a regular thing however I would say that I'd taken to turning off notifications on a match-day afternoon whether I was at the game or not and a large part of that was the volume of the regular play-by-play updates coming through so I can definitely understand the thinking behind the change in approach.

As you say, at no point have I ever 'engaged' with a post that we'd won a corner but I'd have looked at it all the same. On the other hand, did I just 'like' a 14 second clip of Richard Tait doing weights...


That said I've found myself giving Twitter a heavy swerve recently because...f**k me the world is full of staggering morons.


There seems to be a little bit of confusion over what the plan actually is. Mainly because we didn't even intend to announce anything. We were going to experiment, see what sticks and then... a third party commented on it and it all blew up.

With regards to the match updates, we want to scale back the pointless updates for a good few reasons. We don't think Twitter is the correct platform to be posting that we have a corner that came to nothing, and so on. There's quite a few reasons for that. One big one is our research showed the updates aren't being followed "live" in great volume. So if you're coming online at 5pm and get the "see what you've missed", chances are you'll get served one thing from MFC and it will be "63 | Liam Grimshaw hits a shot but it's blocked". That's just pointless, I'm sure you'll agree. So we're trying to combat that and make it about the big moments, pictures and more.

We will continue to provide the more detailed updates shortly through our website because we recognise there's still an audience there to have these updates and that will serve them better.

What we want to try and do with Twitter is make it more meaningful updates from a game. There will still be a reasonable volume. We are still trying to figure out what that balance is. That'll take us some time. Queen of the South wasn't a good example.

As for the Guardian piece, some context. That article is very much on how we do social media from the marketing side of things. We see how we do social media as a two-part thing. One is to build our club's image, tell stories, make us look appealing. The other is to be a strong information service for our supporters. That isn't going to go away.

Feel free to drop me an email or a Twitter DM or whatever any time. Some things grow arms and legs without any clarity. I'm always happy to provide it.

Edited by GrantRussell
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10 minutes ago, GrantRussell said:


There seems to be a little bit of confusion over what the plan actually is. Mainly because we didn't even intend to announce anything. We were going to experiment, see what sticks and then... a third party commented on it and it all blew up.

With regards to the match updates, we want to scale back the pointless updates for a good few reasons. We don't think Twitter is the correct platform to be posting that we have a corner that came to nothing, and so on. There's quite a few reasons for that. One big one is our research showed the updates aren't being followed "live" in great volume. So if you're coming online at 5pm and get the "see what you've missed", chances are you'll get served one thing from MFC and it will be "63 | Liam Grimshaw hits a shot but it's blocked". That's just pointless, I'm sure you'll agree. So we're trying to combat that and make it about the big moments, pictures and more.

We will continue to provide the more detailed updates shortly through our website because we recognise there's still an audience there to have these updates and that will serve them better.

What we want to try and do with Twitter is make it more meaningful updates from a game. There will still be a reasonable volume. We are still trying to figure out what that balance is. That'll take us some time. Queen of the South wasn't a good example.

As for the Guardian piece, some context. That article is very much on how we do social media from the marketing side of things. We see how we do social media as a two-part thing. One is to build our club's image, tell stories, make us look appealing. The other is to be a strong information service for our supporters. That isn't going to go away.

Feel free to drop me an email or a Twitter DM or whatever any time. Some things grow arms and legs without any clarity. I'm always happy to provide it.

Thanks for engaging 😊

For the uninitiated, how do you measure "engagement" for tweets that are useful but not something that people will necessarily react to like the match stuff? 

Has twitter (from the club point of view) evolved *exclusively* into a marketing tool (although it has obviously been used that way for a while)?


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7 minutes ago, Swello said:

Thanks for engaging 😊

For the uninitiated, how do you measure "engagement" for tweets that are useful but not something that people will necessarily react to like the match stuff? 

Has twitter (from the club point of view) evolved *exclusively* into a marketing tool (although it has obviously been used that way for a while)?


On engagement - we use various tools to see what people are liking and sharing. It shapes our thinking in a lot of respects so we can focus the attentions of a small team, to make sure we're doing the things that are most effective.

All of that said, however, there are also moments we disregard "engagement" because, as I said above, our social media channels are also a source of information for supporters that you'll read, find important but not "engage" with. That's obviously important to provide that, and we'll never move away from it. We might tweak things so we get to a stage where we think you're getting the information the best way you can.

And building on that - no, it's not exclusively a marketing tool. If anything, it's a marketing tool only by extension of whether people like what we are doing. Our intention is to show the best moments we can from matches, highlight our players and their personalities so that supporters feel closer connections with them, tell our stories and also tell the stories of our town and its people. Amongst many other things.

I would say none of those are intentionally "marketing". They tell the world what our club is all about, and you might be attracted to it as a result, or enjoy it as a supporter. That's what we use social media for. It isn't to blatantly sell things (except for the odd moment we might say buy a ticket, or come to our hospitality event).

Edited by GrantRussell
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Good luck to them and obviously we all hope this works out and we have a better season than last. I am slightly surprised by the timing of this given we don't yet know if Robinson's latest attempt at building a team will be better than last year's disastrous effort but it's done now and only time will tell.

As much as I reckon you’re the worlds biggest troll, you’re spot on with the above. His summer recruitment last year was a disaster and a lot of ‘Well fans would have had him gone around Christmas time. He got lucky that he stumbled upon two players who went off to a flyer in Turnbull and Hastie, along with the signing of Aryibi in January.

It’s a gamble either way in renewing now or wait and see how he gets on. I would have probably held off for a couple of months.
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Imagine a club official having to sign up to P&B because someone linked a Guardian article and a tweet

@GrantRussell you are #RATTLED

I understand the reasons for not doing live updates on the main twitter page if the club feel it is a platform for advertising how we operate. Videos in the cafe, behind the scenes with players etc are all welcome content.  If our twitter metrics are a reason we can attract sponsors then continuing that development is the right direction.

I think if there was a secondary twitter acount just for match updates from the 1st team, reserves, women etc to keep the main feed free from clutter that would work for most people.

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Tbh I'm not sure I fully understand the thinking behind scrapping the match updates.  Getting a few hundred followers off a viral Tweet or FaceApping Jamie Semple into a 60 year old is great and I genuinely don't have a problem with it, but I doubt it's going to turn anyone into a Motherwell fan.

Focusing on getting #numbers on football Twitter rather than letting actual Motherwell fans know what's happening in games seems a weird use of the club Twitter account.


If I promise to retweet every update and reply with an appropriate gif can they come back?

Edited by YassinMoutaouakil
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Tbh I'm not sure I fully understand the thinking behind scrapping the match updates.  Getting a few hundred followers off a viral Tweet or FaceApping Jamie Semple into a 60 year old is great and I genuinely don't have a problem with it, but I doubt it's going to turn anyone into a Motherwell fan.
Focusing on getting #numbers on football Twitter rather than letting actual Motherwell fans know what's happening in games seems a weird use of the club Twitter account.
If I promise to retweet every update and reply with an appropriate gif can they come back?

Yeah. Like I get that they are using it for marketing and that but there better be some sort of live update service on offer.

Though, as I said before, I chucked Twitter because it really can be a cesspit. I’m not missing it that much tbf.
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Big Declan being complimentary in terms of his first impressions on Four Four Two.


Gallagher believes the Fir Park set-up will help him improve.

The 28-year-old said: “The boys have been really welcoming and all the staff have been really good. It’s a lot more professional than what I was used to, everything is a lot more organised.

“I think already I can see benefits to my game working with the sports scientist and the coaching and information I’m taking in every training session, it’s affecting my game and I can see the improvements.

“I’m getting certain stuff that I wasn’t getting before, getting my proteins in, better food and getting a bit more one-to-one time, things that are specific to what I need on the pitch instead of doing it collectively.”

Good lad.

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Hi Yassin, I'd just like to say that I really appreciate this completely petty and unnecessary beef. 

All we need is for Oxford to be consumed in a plague of locusts and we'll call it a successful week.

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1 hour ago, thisGRAEME said:

Hi Yassin, I'd just like to say that I really appreciate this completely petty and unnecessary beef. 

All we need is for Oxford to be consumed in a plague of locusts and we'll call it a successful week.

It's my goal to eventually have a grudge against every team in the English lower leagues.

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