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3 hours ago, crazylegsjoe_mfc said:

I thought O'Hara was really coming on to a game but I'd only sign him if we are selling a midfielder. For me, we already have too many midfielders to fit into our current shape and if numbers are going to be tight I'd rather focus on other areas. Especially when Semple and Cornelius play there as two of our emerging players.

If there are two or three more signings after Lamie and White, I'd make centre-back and winger my priorities. 

Lamie will be the replacement for Hartley and he also covers left back. With dunne returning hopefully as well we are well covered in defence except right back where we could maybe use someone who’s a lot better than Grimmy who has been great that season but he’s all heart and hard work but not so much ability. 

100% need a new winger or perhaps 2 as our 2 current ones are only really Hylton and Seedorf, could massively upgrade on Seedorf with an Aarons/ Ariyibi esque player, could argue there’s better options than Hylton, may also look at someone who can cover up top and on the wing in the event of us playing 2 up front etc. 

No need for a mass overturn again, we should look at 6/7 max. Which includes back-up goalie and the return of Mark O’Hara.

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3 hours ago, crazylegsjoe_mfc said:

I thought O'Hara was really coming on to a game but I'd only sign him if we are selling a midfielder. For me, we already have too many midfielders to fit into our current shape and if numbers are going to be tight I'd rather focus on other areas. Especially when Semple and Cornelius play there as two of our emerging players.

If there are two or three more signings after Lamie and White, I'd make centre-back and winger my priorities. 

I am a big fan of O’Hara. I was before he joined us and once he got up to speed he showed why he would be a real asset. 

I get midfield is an area of strength for us right now and arguably the strongest midfield outside the old firm. But I think even in this challenging climate one possibly more of our midfielders will be sold if not now then in the Xmas window re Turnbull. Maybe we thought that Turnbull would not extend his contract, but if we were actively pursuing OHara I would hope he will join us. I would hate for another SPFL side to nick him. 

On another note. Started to see numerous sites (crappy ones) reporting how Turnbull is desperate to sign for Celtic and that Celtic are preparing a cut price offer. I mean who reads this shite and believes it.  If he gets back to where he was pre injury then they may well bid but then so might others. I suspect unless we get an offer close to what was on the table before we will see him play up until Xmas window at least. 

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13 minutes ago, YassinMoutaouakil said:

Obviously about 800 caveats apply but if as expected it's a pretty low key transfer window for everyone outwith the Old Firm then I think- shock!- this whole situation might actually be to our benefit again.  If most teams end up running with smaller squads with a limited number of new arrivals then we've still got the majority of the core of last season. If you assume Carson= Gillespie and Lamie= Hartley then that leaves us with just Tait and  presumably Long to try and replace with whatever spare change we find down the back of the couch.  Add Turnbull back into the mix and there's arguably not even much drop off in terms of overall quality of our starting eleven.

I think Hibs and -despite pleading poverty - Aberdeen will probably end up strengthening this window but I don't think 5th is an unrealistic target.

I agree with you in thinking that next season won't be a disaster as we have a decent core of players signed and I think despite being prudent, I get the impression we are coping with the pandemic well financially, probably better than other teams, but I think we will still witness a drop off. 

If we are touting Turnbull and Carson as important players for us next season, we do have to be aware they've been out for a year and 18 months respectively.

Our first choice centre-back partner for Gallagher looks like it's between Lamie and Mugabi. Mugabi needs no explaining and whilst I always take other fans' judgement of a departing player with a pinch of salt, Lamie sounds a bit like a jack of all trades and master of none.

Jordan White scored the same amount of league goals in the Championship last season as Long did in the Premiership and unless we see an arrival of a wide player, it looks like the frustrating Seedorf could be first choice.

Aberdeen don't have any players of note that are out of contract, so even if they don't strengthen, they are in the same position they were last season.

Hopefully these lean times affords opportunities to young guys like MacIver and Semple and they can step up to the plate. 



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Not transfer related but Andy Boles is speaking to Joel in one of The Terrace pods that went up the other day.

There's a fair bit of credit due when you look at the difference at all levels at the club since the Sports Science & Strength and Conditioning dept was set up and Boles came after Gordon Crawford's brief stint in the role.

It's a long way from footgolf.


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52 minutes ago, crazylegsjoe_mfc said:

Jordan White scored the same amount of league goals in the Championship last season as Long did in the Premiership and unless we see an arrival of a wide player, it looks like the frustrating Seedorf could be first choice.

Tbh I'd completely forgot Aarons was away :lol:

Taking that into account I'd say my order of priorities unless anyone leaves would be :

First choice winger > Long replacement> Centreback to compete with Lamie/Mugabi>  Tait replacement> O'Hara

Big fan of Marky Mark O'Hara but my gut instinct is we'll end up signing him in 2021 or something.

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3 hours ago, YassinMoutaouakil said:

Tbh I'd completely forgot Aarons was away :lol:

Taking that into account I'd say my order of priorities unless anyone leaves would be :

First choice winger > Long replacement> Centreback to compete with Lamie/Mugabi>  Tait replacement> O'Hara

Big fan of Marky Mark O'Hara but my gut instinct is we'll end up signing him in 2021 or something.

Looking at who's been offered extensions:

Dune (DF), Long (FW), Maguire (MF), Morrison (GK), Robinson (FW), Hussain (DF).

For me the CB position really hangs on what happens with Charlie Dunne. If he's fit and sticks around (a big IF) then we don't really need another - from reading Livi fans comments Lamie is more a nominal 'left sided defender' than a CB.

I agree that the priority is another wide forward.

I see that's yer EFL League 1 & 2 curtailed. I know we had an agreement in principle with Peterborough re: O'Hara, I wonder if their season being officially called means there may be movement on that given they're not involved in the play-offs (LOL).

Same with Doncaster, Cole's deal with them was only short term until the end of the season.

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39 minutes ago, Archie McSquackle said:

Any idea why we've not announced the two players we've signed on a PCA? Are we just going to wait until they're at training so we can post pictures of them in club colours?

I was wondering if it was something to do with the dates for the transfer window opening not having been confirmed. According to Robinson in that interview with Craigan a while back the deals were agreed we just had to register them (or something like that).

The Robinson interview is here btw: https://sport.bt.com/sport-hurts/stephen-robinson-football-without-fans-isnt-football-91364441427700

His quote is around 12:00:


"We've got a couple of players - obviously we can't go any further at the minute with things, the way things are but we've got a couple of pre-contracts that we've done and another couple of players at the club who we want to get on another year's contract...I think we've made some very shrewd signings in terms of pre-contracts so far and we're looking forward to getting them ratified and cemented."

I noticed that St Johnstone fans were talking about them not having made any official announcement re: Rooney (even though the player's confirmed it himself),

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30 minutes ago, capt_oats said:

I noticed that St Johnstone fans were talking about them not having made any official announcement re: Rooney (even though the player's confirmed it himself),

St. Johnstone better at announcing our signings than their own it would seem.

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1 hour ago, crazylegsjoe_mfc said:

St. Johnstone better at announcing our signings than their own it would seem.

After Richie Brittain, and even Stevie May, our club will likely flat out refuse to announce any signing until theyve been registered.

No idea when the registration window opens.

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3 hours ago, Archie McSquackle said:

Any idea why we've not announced the two players we've signed on a PCA? Are we just going to wait until they're at training so we can post pictures of them in club colours?

FWIW: That's White just said his goodbyes to ICT via his Twitter.

Today is the last day of his contract.

I seem to remember reading that the 9th June is a standard expiry date this season (though I could be wrong) so I take it those who we've offered new deals to will be free agents as of tomorrow as well.

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15 hours ago, Archie McSquackle said:

Any idea why we've not announced the two players we've signed on a PCA? Are we just going to wait until they're at training so we can post pictures of them in club colours?

They may be furloughed with their existing clubs

As soon as they sign for us we cannot furlough them and would have to pay their wages.

Once our players start training and come off furlough think they will be announce. Monday I think 

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15 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:

After Richie Brittain, and even Stevie May, our club will likely flat out refuse to announce any signing until theyve been registered.

No idea when the registration window opens.

It was just a wee cheap shot at St. Johnstone announcing that we were signing Declan Gallagher, before Motherwell or Livingston did 😄

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The club has just announced the 19/20 season ticket refund plan. Basiclly you can claim for 4/19 of the season tickets cost back through a bank transfer or in person (once the ticket office is safe to do so).


What is interesting however is that if you decide to forgo the refund (the total amount owed is around £130,000) then Motherwell can claim the VAT back as it would be considered a donation ( around £22,000 total).


Heres the direct link: https://www.motherwellfc.co.uk/2020/06/10/2019-20-season-ticket-refunds/

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26 minutes ago, Swello said:

Nice gesture and I'll be interested to see the take-up. No judgement from me on people who take it but I'd expect the take-up to be pretty low...

Happy for the club to keep our money.

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1 hour ago, ropy said:

I would encourage any family who needs the money to seek the refund.  The majority will take it on the chin.

Yep - given that loads of folk will have been paid off - there can't be any shaming of people that decide take the cash - it's perfectly legitimate as we got less than we paid for. For folk that are lucky enough to be working close to normal, I would imagine that money that was spent last year won't be a massive concern and given that the club can get VAT relief on the money, there is an incentive to leave it...

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