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Motherwell FC - A Thread For All Seasons

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Posted (edited)
On 07/07/2024 at 12:42, Miguel Sanchez said:

When do you find out the results of the ballot?

Sometime after Jim McMahon can write his tear stained/GIRUY* statement.


*Delete as appropriate 

Edited by camer0n_mcd
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Not that it's a priority but I wonder how Civica record things... do they offer running totals to the organisers? We could, in theory, start necessary transitions either way behind the scenes to ensure all systems are go the day after the vote closes.

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Good on the WS for pointing this out. 

I'm glad all this info is out there regardless of timing. Like I think I said at the time on here, there was no down side to the WS putting out their strategy doc (unless it was shit, which it wasn't). It's now flushed out this response in turn from the Barmack's and the Exec Board. I'd imagine the WS board line of open to working with Wild Sheep is slowly getting retracted now too. 

Still a no from me, still a no from the group I've referenced before who are a mix of online but mostly offline/non forum people. 

Can't wait for this to be done now and be able to talk about football and missing fullbacks etc.

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The inconsistencies and incorrect data that's simply been lifted from Twitter posts prove that the Barmack 'proposal' is, in fact, just a rushed, poorly researched and reactive document hurried out in response to the Society releasing their measured and well thought out option. (Plus the fact it was issued after deadlines, although they would have known this anyway but, hey, since when have they seemed to play by the rules?). Incredible that some folk are still buying it.

That a former VP of one of the world's most instantly recognisable brands is behind the utter shambles that has unfolded is, at the very least, a major embarrassment for him from a business nous perspective and, at worst, a sign that he is willing to just say any old shite in order to try and squeak a win by the vote of the misinformed fantasists who believe he's going to lead us to a brave new dawn.

That the Executive Board are ploughing on with their recommendation to accept, regardless of the almost daily disproving of yet more of Erik's 'facts' and claims is honestly astounding.

I don't frequent FB or Twitter, but of all the guys who have been quoted on here, we must have at least one person among us on here, even only as a lurker, who recognises themselves, surely? If so, why doesn't one of these folk stick their head above the parapet to express their reasons for wanting to accept? Would honestly be intrigued to read the more in-depth reasoning for a yes vote than just the odd short Tweet. 

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I see ex-director and sometime corporate lobbyist Andrew Wilson is supporting the Wild Sheep "plan"  based on trusting the outgoing chairman and er, good vibes. 


Number of legitimate concerns referenced/addressed over the course of his thread = 0

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4 minutes ago, Swello said:

I see ex-director and sometime corporate lobbyist Andrew Wilson is supporting the Wild Sheep "plan"  based on trusting the outgoing chairman and er, good vibes. 

Number of legitimate concerns referenced/addressed over the course of his thread = 0

Wants to have his cake and eat it too, but has no idea what kind of cake it is or, indeed, if said cake even exists.

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3 minutes ago, Swello said:

I see ex-director and sometime corporate lobbyist Andrew Wilson is supporting the Wild Sheep "plan"  based on trusting the outgoing chairman and er, good vibes.

Number of legitimate concerns referenced/addressed over the course of his thread = 0

The amount of astute people who don't get or chose to ignore the repercussions of the buyback is astounding.

At least he stood up and picked a side, albeit with the loosest of lose reasoning. Superfan Mr Cowan has been very quiet and I doubt he doesn't have a view.

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2 minutes ago, Vietnam91 said:

Superfan Mr Cowan has been very quiet and I doubt he doesn't have a view.

I hate that word, "superfan". On which note, the person I'm most disappointed with in all of this, who could have ended the whole thing with one phone call, is Taylor fucking Swift. 

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Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, Vietnam91 said:

The amount of astute people who don't get or chose to ignore the repercussions of the buyback is astounding.

At least he stood up and picked a side, albeit with the loosest of lose reasoning. Superfan Mr Cowan has been very quiet and I doubt he doesn't have a view.

Wilson picked a side and gave his reasons which are superficially fair but basically amounted to trusting McMahon's judgement, taking EB at his word and a completely unrealistic hope the WS will simply shrug and deliver £1.3m over six years.

Cowan laughed off the proposal on Off The Ball, I suspect some over officious producer told them not to get into it - strictly according to their rules they can only let him mock one side if they have someone advocating for the other, and with EB and the EB in hiding, there's a struggle to find that 'balance'.

Edit - of course he's possibly hedging his bets, who knows, I'm just saying you can't judge that on his BBC performances. Does he still write in the paper? If there's nothing there in the next week it's fairer to raise an eyebrow.

Edited by Handsome_Devil
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I would guess that Mr Wilson, although no longer connected to the club in an official capacity, still moves in the same circles as those currently sitting on the EB. Colour me shocked he has chosen this moment just before the vote to throw his backing out there.


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13 minutes ago, Vietnam91 said:

The amount of astute people who don't get or chose to ignore the repercussions of the buyback is astounding.

At least he stood up and picked a side, albeit with the loosest of lose reasoning. Superfan Mr Cowan has been very quiet and I doubt he doesn't have a view.

I noticed he liked a post by SIWYFanzine on Instagram that says “NO TO WILD SHEEP INVESTORS!” 

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Complete party line stuff from Wilson, in a move that will shock absolutely nobody. 

No questions answered, nothing scrutinised, no mention of inaccurate details put forward by Wild Sheep Sports. Birthday caird pish about the 'immense work' of Jim McMahon, do me a favour. 

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1 hour ago, Vietnam91 said:

The amount of astute people who don't get or chose to ignore the repercussions of the buyback is astounding.

At least he stood up and picked a side, albeit with the loosest of lose reasoning. Superfan Mr Cowan has been very quiet and I doubt he doesn't have a view.

I'm sure Andrew Wilson was the guy who persuaded me to invest a few hundred quid all those years ago to help create a safety net that would now be removed in the event of a 2 year buyout.

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Wilson publicly supporting the offer without addressing the glaring holes in it, clearly helping his old pal.

My position has always been that some new thinking and external investment is desperately needed just so that we can compete at the current level. However, I have been 100% against the Barmack deal from day one, primarily because it's asking for way too much control for the money offered.

Everything that has come out since then has only shown this proposal up for the joke that it is, with multiple red flags that doesn't take a forensic accountant to notice. 

The selling point of this deal is supposed to be the business experience of the Barmacks, and their claim that they can get famous folk to invest. But what we've seen so far is that they are complete amateurs at this, pulling numbers of of twitter, proposing figures that don't add up, and showing zero understanding of our club, it's community, and football. If they can't do that right, how on earth are they going to persuade anyone else to part with their money to invest in us?


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4 hours ago, Lukovic said:

If this goes through, I'm blaming everyone named Colin in our support.

They seem to be the most vocally supportive 

Harsh, I'm trying my best.

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4 hours ago, Swello said:

I see ex-director and sometime corporate lobbyist Andrew Wilson is supporting the Wild Sheep "plan"  based on trusting the outgoing chairman and er, good vibes. 


Number of legitimate concerns referenced/addressed over the course of his thread = 0

Wilson is a fud, zero interest in what pish he posts on X or anywhere else.

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