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57 minutes ago, eliphas said:

Aye, I'm not sure how much these videos do either way to be quite honest. I quite like them etc but did think a lot of the time it was a lot of money and/or time spent on something for little to no gain or loss. Looks decent though.

Yeah. To be clear, that wasn't a dig at the asset/creative they've put together or anything like that it's just the messaging that jars a bit in context. Again, it raises the question about the current lack of a head of comms.

It's already hit 8k views (in comparison the 'Fuel The Fire' one from 2018 is sitting on 47.2k views 5 years later, the 'free' season tickets one that went viral in 2021 is sitting on 777.2k views).

The fact that our season ticket sales had been broadly trending up, even discounting the artificial inflation of the post-Covid season where we went full Oprah in dishing them out, suggests that the strategy we've had works and the reach we get from doing these is useful even if a lot of the engagement is from the "I'm not a Motherwell fan but...class 👏🏻" types which obviously isn't going to translate into a sale.

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Undecided about renewing mine. Had planned on trying to get my boys around all the away grounds over the next few years and then just pick and choose the home games I can make it too as well instead of forking out for the whole ST . Can see me waiting till the last day of the early bird then just renewing anyway ! 

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1 hour ago, Busta Nut said:

I decided to go ahead with mine.

When I try to click the "review order" button, nothing happens. I seem to remember this happening afore. What am I doing wrong?

I have had a free junior ticket with mine for the last 8 years or so, I have never managed to renew both of them together, a phone call every year.

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1 hour ago, capt_oats said:

Yeah. To be clear, that wasn't a dig at the asset/creative they've put together or anything like that it's just the messaging that jars a bit in context. Again, it raises the question about the current lack of a head of comms.

It's already hit 8k views (in comparison the 'Fuel The Fire' one from 2018 is sitting on 47.2k views 5 years later, the 'free' season tickets one that went viral in 2021 is sitting on 777.2k views).

The fact that our season ticket sales had been broadly trending up, even discounting the artificial inflation of the post-Covid season where we went full Oprah in dishing them out, suggests that the strategy we've had works and the reach we get from doing these is useful even if a lot of the engagement is from the "I'm not a Motherwell fan but...class 👏🏻" types which obviously isn't going to translate into a sale.

Yeah, sorry, didn't think you were having a go at it. 

Rather, I am not convinced they make much difference to the sales. I'd be interested (genuinely) to see any stats collected on why new season tickets holders signed up. 

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We should have one of those thermometer things like on blue peter, where for every level of season ticket sales we get to we re-sign a player. Like 500 for Cornelius, 4k for KVV, and if we get to 6k we punt Morris.

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1 hour ago, ropy said:

I have had a free junior ticket with mine for the last 8 years or so, I have never managed to renew both of them together, a phone call every year.

Unless yer in the cooper now that's up the swanny now anaw.

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1 hour ago, Busta Nut said:

Unless yer in the cooper now that's up the swanny now anaw.

Is it?


Also as much as the video looks nice I'm a bit fed up of the "we come from tough people, we make it through" mantra. Maybe that's just me but it's very dated. 

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2 hours ago, Blink182 said:

Also as much as the video looks nice I'm a bit fed up of the "we come from tough people, we make it through" mantra. Maybe that's just me but it's very dated. 

Aye it’s been beat to death a bit now. 
Will renew out of habit, hopefully I’m not paying £375 for championship football…

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10 hours ago, rowsdower said:

We should have one of those thermometer things like on blue peter, where for every level of season ticket sales we get to we re-sign a player. Like 500 for Cornelius, 4k for KVV, and if we get to 6k we punt Morris.

10k gets Turnbull back on loan...

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Currently in Prague enjoying getting melted on quality beer, and just catching up on the ST announcement/chat. A fair wee hike there. For anyone who usually buys for convenience and to help boost the clubs coffers/aid planning with guaranteed income, even knowing that they are likely to miss a game or two, this could be more than enough to make them think twice. 

I fall into this category. I've had my seat in the Cooper for donkeys even though work dictates that I miss several games a season. This season to date I've missed 4 and, unless I can arrange a swap, will miss the County game too. That's obviously a fair wee loss on my part, but I renew each year because I know that if I don't my old man will probably chuck his too. We go together and it's one of the few remaining interests he has. I know that everything is going up and c£50 might not seem the end of the world, but when I consider the probability of missing 5 or so games again next season at a loss of over £100 even on early bird prices, it's quite possibly become time for me to just p.a.t.g.

This brings it's own concerns if a decent number of current ST holders decide similar. All that guaranteed income suddenly becomes fragile if standards on the park don't meet expectations. No matter how committed, if the offerings are anything like the first half of this season and without having pre-paid, there's absolutely fucking no danger everyone will have it in them to show every other Saturday. 



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That’s a fairly hefty price increase, but I feel a bit for the club here, there’s probably not much they can do about it if we want to maintain a similar playing budget with the increases in costs in virtually every other aspect of running the club - for example, I’m aware our business rates bill has just increased significantly compared to previous years. 

Over the years they’ve generally been pretty good at freezing prices (or dishing out free ST’s) where it’s been possible but I’m not surprised it’s been a step too far this year with everything that’s going on. Although I appreciate binning multiple management teams and having a squad of about 35 won’t help!


Edited to add that the above is easy for me to say as a non-ST holder. If you’ve got multiple tickets to buy over the next few weeks then can totally understand why it might be a think-twice situation. 

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I stopped getting a season ticket when the Old Firm games at home, for me anyway, became unbearable. Too many of their fans in the Main Stand with no attempt to hide it. Overall I just found these games were a horrendous atmosphere and as time went on really didn’t enjoy attending them. Losing that ‘value’ was enough for me to ditch the season book but the amount of games you could make that were shunted to Sundays that were a real struggle or impossible made the decision in the end very easy. I might be in the minority but the value of the ST has to benefit me first and the Club second. I now pick and choose games throughout the season. I have only been to four games this season so you can see how the decisions the fans make in respect to watching a very poor product, impact of TV scheduling or sitting in a rancid atmosphere impacts the finances of the Club…..then there is the cost of living crisis to contend with. I know of quite a few for one reason or another, some very much the Club’s fault and others they couldn’t have done anything about, stopped going and haven’t been in years. I imagine all Clubs are the same. Difficult times ahead for both the Club and the supporters.

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1 hour ago, dezz said:

That’s a fairly hefty price increase, but I feel a bit for the club here, there’s probably not much they can do about it if we want to maintain a similar playing budget with the increases in costs in virtually every other aspect of running the club - for example, I’m aware our business rates bill has just increased significantly compared to previous years. 

Over the years they’ve generally been pretty good at freezing prices (or dishing out free ST’s) where it’s been possible but I’m not surprised it’s been a step too far this year with everything that’s going on. Although I appreciate binning multiple management teams and having a squad of about 35 won’t help!

I think this this is it really.

The club have generally been good in terms of being seen to "do the right thing" when it's come to the past few years and that builds up a fair bit of goodwill but in this sort of circumstance it's a difficult circle to square as the economic factors behind it affect both sides and in fairness the accompanying letter from McMahon acknowledges that they've 'reluctantly' increased the prices.

It's why I was curious to see how our new prices compare with our peer group which - give or take - is broadly in line. Cheaper than some. You can make arguments about quality on display but in context it's not like they're ripping anyone off but it's the relative hike that raises an eyebrow but again, I'd guess a certain amount of that is out of our hands.

Tbh, I'd guess this hike was probably in the post regardless of the manager changes and associated costs involved.

I suppose we're in a bit of a weird place:

The Steven Hammell Experiment was a fucking trauma, the decision to actually give him the job in the first place raises competence questions, of our current starting XI only 4 are contracted for next year and one of those is an absolute stick on to leave in the summer along with our soon to be minted out of contract YPOTY.

That leaves a raft of contracted players who, as it stands, aren't actually good enough to get into our first team.

That we're still without a CEO means we seem to be lacking a bit of direction and it feels like the whole project has plateaued a bit - which I suppose was always going to happen because ultimately there's a glass ceiling on the numbers we can realistically pull. 

None of that is meant to be an everything's ruined downer (it's clearly not) instead it's more an acknowledgement it's a tough backdrop to be trying to punt season books.

And, like others I realise it's easy for me to sit and comment given I was a Day 1 PATG guy.

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For the last few years at least I’ve bought the season ticket knowing I’ll miss a handful of games a year, so on the face of it the £45 quid hike does make me pause for a beat.  I think though, it’s not completely wild considering the current climate and the conditions we’re operating under, and it won’t stop me renewing. It’ll be interesting to see the single match ticket prices right enough. 

I’m not a big fan of the “all in this together” type video, followed by a price increase that benefits the club (rather than the viewer).  Like I said above I think the price increase is fair enough, and I think the club have done lots in the past to minimise price rises, help families on lower incomes etc etc, but there’s something about the video that doesn’t quite hit right for me. 

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2 hours ago, Ceiling Granny said:

I’m not a big fan of the “all in this together” type video, followed by a price increase that benefits the club (rather than the viewer).  Like I said above I think the price increase is fair enough, and I think the club have done lots in the past to minimise price rises, help families on lower incomes etc etc, but there’s something about the video that doesn’t quite hit right for me. 

As one of the admittedly pretty niche demographic who has on occasion listened to a Scottish Fitba Marketing podcast I'm pretty sure Burrows and Russell spoke about that stuff in their chats and in terms of the view of developing a culture and identity around the club and this is pretty much what they decided.

That said, those pods were in 2020 and 3 years is a long time to be running with the same messaging.

It kind of feels like it's the sort of thing that you can only lean on so much and keeping returning to that particular well probably has diminishing returns and to go back to Burrows' exit, this specific point feels relevant:


"I felt a new year gives everyone the chance for fresh start. I would like to give someone else the chance to drive our club forward. Someone who can perhaps bring new, exciting ideas and a different approach."


Then again, in light of the season we've just had and the fact that there probably aren't that many tent poles to hang a campaign on (we're not safe from relegation/play-off, the squad is up in the air, the manager is doing well but it's still a small sample size etc) at the moment we are where we are in that respect and I guess there's a chance the brief for the campaign was drawn up before Burrows cleared his desk (along with other future stuff that needed signed off on).

Incidentally re: those pods.

The Burrows one is here: https://www.scottishfa.co.uk/football-development/club-services/developing-your-club/scottish-football-marketing-podcast/inside-motherwell-fc/

The Grant Russell one is here: https://www.scottishfa.co.uk/football-development/club-services/developing-your-club/scottish-football-marketing-podcast/content-and-branding-at-motherwell-fc/

and the full archive is here: https://www.scottishfa.co.uk/football-development/club-services/developing-your-club/scottish-football-marketing-podcast/

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A factor in the “video” is likely the big fucking hole in the media team to be fair. AFAIK, the only real media person we have was employed as a media assistant in 2021 and found himself as the main man within less than a year. 

it’s probably not surprising that a young lad like that has fallen backwards to a familiar theme. There’s a real lack of oversight to it. 

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This is the point where Alan Burrows would normally be replying to the maniacs on twitter with a patient, detailed and entirely reasonable account of why the prices had to go up. A welcome side-effect is that it would keep the rest of us informed. 

I suppose there's probably not much to say. We've had a shite few years with some expensive mistakes and everything costs more just now. 

I'll end up renewing, not through some massive enthusiasm about the football (as much as I have enjoyed the last 3 months), nor because it makes financial sense as opposed to patg, but because of that feeling I want to contribute to the security of the club. Watching that wee video certainly didn't do that feeling any harm. 



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