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45 minutes ago, Handsome_Devil said:

Sorry, I was unclear - you could walk up to the club to buy them, presumably because the shares had been created from god knows when but not purchased or taken up. They now don't do this.

The initiative, I believe, was the Society actively selling some of their own shareholding. Which I imagine in current circumstances they're perhaps not keen to revive...

I'd certainly encourage as many fans as possible to buy shares if we ever do anything similar - not for the sake of raising cash but anything which might get people reading accounts, attending the AGM etc is a positive.

If you look back on the Companies House records 5/Oct/15 (AR01) there were 287,300 (2,088 did not have voting rights) ordinary shares in circulation.

Today there are 300,831 (13,531 difference or 4.64%). The WS's original +75% holding had dropped below because these extra shares were issued and diluted the pool. These extra shares were created between October 2015 and January 2017.

The Society held 221,815 shares (73.7%) before the double your money scheme. Shares were sold from around November 2017 for over 1 year. Over 250 fans made a purchase. 6,016 shares were sold. That left the Society with 215,799 shares (71.7%).

Few things to note here, the creation of these extra 13,531 (plus whatever happened to the 2,088 without voting rights ... converted/reissued?) there was no vote, this was after votes on Sevco's continued participation in the league and changes to benefits each tier offered. The fact that so few know about says a lot.

Why do I have these figures? in January I wanted to buy two shares for friend and her daughter's upcoming birthday's, it was more symbolic than anything else and the frame would be a nice touch in a nine year olds bedroom wall. I was told first it wasn't a priority and then they weren't available. This was from the two WS co-chairmen. I found it strange (and now hypocritical) that these two individuals had the ability to knock back a genuine request without a wider discussion of their elected board.

Similar to Matt (fatcalf) I was approached and told my name wasn't on the list of shareholders and if I could produce my certificate. I was told he searched the spreadsheet by date, name, etc. all didn't seem all that passive and fuelled by me asking some difficult questions and a ham fisted attempt to disenfranchise my inquiry. I advised I'd been to at least five of the last 10 AGM's with a validity check on the door and it wasn't incumbent on me to produce it as I was on one list at least. I was then told the list was woefully full of errors and out of date. You couldn't make it up.

There would be nothing to stop the WS making the 799 shares they hold above the 215,000 available for purchase for 1 per WS member then to the wider fanbase as you say to increase engagement and participation in the AGM and offer more scrutiny of the accounts plus to adhere to their own constitution. It represents 0.26% of their holding so doesn't affect things much but has multiple benefits for a fan owned club.

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On 01/07/2024 at 21:18, camer0n_mcd said:

I'd ask Killie fans if they think he was a success, I suspect you'd get a different answer to the one you're hoping for. Again, Sparrow is a low risk punt that will likely only ever be used as cover.

Shaw did well in the Championship for us.

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17 minutes ago, KirkySuperSub said:

To add, I'm also not as convinced this will be as cut and dried as everyone on here thinks it will be.

I'm concerned that there's perhaps a silent element who are purposely not making their feelings known for fear of being shot down.

I'm seeing posts on FB from posters who I know, who appear to be very astute, smart, and successful in their field who are, I wouldn't say in support of the EB bid, but showing signs of being receptive to it.

I desperately hope sense prevails but if not...f**k it, it's very hard to say we have a fan base capable of running or safeguarding the club with the right amount of ambition, responsibility and accountability if 50%+ of actual Society members consider all that's been achieved yet still conclude selling up for pennies to a monorail salesman is a good idea.

As for divisions in the fans, you have valid concerns if we sell up. We'll have alienated the sort of folk who actually roll their sleeves up or dig into their wallets while I severely doubt the winning side of the Society will have the interest or ability to see through their end of the deal. If the offer is rejected though, I would worry a lot less - the people I've seen moaning are largely from the never happy anyway brigade, I doubt we will lose much.

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13 minutes ago, Vietnam91 said:

There would be nothing to stop the WS making the 799 shares they hold above the 215,000 available for purchase for 1 per WS member then to the wider fanbase as you say to increase engagement and participation in the AGM and offer more scrutiny of the accounts plus to adhere to their own constitution. It represents 0.26% of their holding so doesn't affect things much but has multiple benefits for a fan owned club.

I would be up for that. 100%

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22 minutes ago, capt_oats said:

He did the same with my post and having checked his profile...well. What can you say about that.

Dearie me.

He used to sit in front of me at the games and I can confirm he was an absolute roaster.

More than once had people turn round to him and tell him to sit down and shut up.

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19 hours ago, Busta Nut said:

I believe in the WS.

I happily contribute a small amount on behalf of myself and in my daughters name.

If the investment is voted through I am not sure I would be happy to continue to be honest. 

It'd probably be the next variation I'd end up joining to help save the club from whatever.

Was travelling home from Rhodes yesterday, so still catching up on missed posts from yesterday.

This is exactly where I am.

I've said a few times on here, I've fell away the last 10, 12 years for a variety of reasons, having been a very regular attendee / Season Ticket holder since late 80's through to around 2012-ish.

I'm also an original member of the WS, having paid the one off £300, £350 whatever it was way, way back - albeit haven't subscribed a penny since, which coincided with my recent absent years.

I am however now wishing to get back, took my 6 year old to his first game last game of season - (some introduction! 🙈😆) - and will be looking to get him there this season at least 4 or 5 times to get him 'into it'.

Having been made redundant last year,  I'm also keen to start getting on board with the WS, and even prior to this f'kin utter circus starting, was intending on commencing with a monthly payment, if nothing else to feel like I was "doing my bit", with a membership for my wee boy too.

The point I'm trying to make, I don't feel the WS proposal is too far away from a sustainable, working plan - we do have a dormant support, I'm evidence of that, my brother is evidence of that, my mate in Stirling who I went to games with previously is evidence of that - it just needs to be awoken, and by taking small baby steps, it could reap relatively substantial rewards in the coming years.  

Although if this all goes to pot and Erik Barmack calls me out the blue looking for my support, he can go and sook my fat one!! 

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28 minutes ago, KirkySuperSub said:

I know it's been mentioned before, but the amount of absolute moon-howlers in our support on Facebook is f'kin scary!

I very, very rarely post comments on any public post on Facebook, purely to avoid interaction with the general stupid, but felt compelled to post a reply to someone on the Well Society's proposal.

There is a guy - (who I'll not name, but he's easy to find!) - who has reacted to my post with - 😆 - who it appears has went onto do the same on every single post supporting the WS, without it offering any reasoning.

This whole escapade is proving already extremely divisive and damaging within our support.

We're supposed to be a "community club", the toxicity within our support could last for many years, no matter the outcome of this vote.

No matter what happens in the future seasons, success or failure, missing out on players, selling our top assets (as we've always done), this vote will be used by both sides as a stick to beat the other, blaming each other for whatever predicament we may land ourselves in.

It's a f'kin shitshow.



To add, I'm also not as convinced this will be as cut and dried as everyone on here thinks it will be.

I'm concerned that there's perhaps a silent element who are purposely not making their feelings known for fear of being shot down.

I'm seeing posts on FB from posters who I know, who appear to be very astute, smart, and successful in their field who are, I wouldn't say in support of the EB bid, but showing signs of being receptive to it.

It concerns me, have to say!

My son pointed this out to me earlier. I can only assume it's in response to me posting a laughing smiley at his two most recent McMahon fan boy rants in reply to my posts. Of course you'll know his wife was one of those who resigned in protest at the new direction the WS were heading in. Been pals with the family for decades but he disnae like me (or anyone else) criticising McMahon that's for sure. 

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11 minutes ago, fatcalf said:

My son pointed this out to me earlier. I can only assume it's in response to me posting a laughing smiley at his two most recent McMahon fan boy rants in reply to my posts. Of course you'll know his wife was one of those who resigned in protest at the new direction the WS were heading in. Been pals with the family for decades but he disnae like me (or anyone else) criticising McMahon that's for sure. 

Ahh, right - I didn't click with the surname at first...makes sense now!





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