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Double Winning St Johnstone FC Thread

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Bizarre to see so many folk tripping over themselves to praise Kane for, let's be honest, a fairly bog standard near post run.

Jason Kerr on the other hand gets criticism for "overplaying at the back".

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18 minutes ago, ali_91 said:

It’s hardly bizarre is it? He gets dogs abuse every game he plays, of course people are going to be happy for him when he plays an instrumental part in our 93rd minute winner. What reaction would you rather people had? 

I'm merely saying I think claiming he played an "instrumental" part in the goal, by making a run that every striker in the world would make, and folk trying to justify it as a reason for us extending his contract, is a bit odd. 

Feels like people see the criticism and automatically swing the same amount in the opposite direction to combat that, when the middle ground is probably the right place.

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4 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

I'm merely saying I think claiming he played an "instrumental" part in the goal, by making a run that every striker in the world would make, and folk trying to justify it as a reason for us extending his contract, is a bit odd. 

Feels like people see the criticism and automatically swing the same amount in the opposite direction to combat that, when the middle ground is probably the right place.

Kane wasn't usually making those runs, he was usually jogging half arsed to the edge of the box, that's why he hasn't even been close to scoring. He doesn't actually know how to be a striker, that's the most damning thing. On him and the coaching staff.


I've given Kerr a fair bit of stick this season too but he had a great run and did well, fair play.

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27 minutes ago, ali_91 said:

He obviously played an instrumental part in the goal, you’d have to be wearing strong anti-Kane blinkers to think otherwise. The run is really good, not easy to get in in front of the defender at the near post. 
Well said.



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29 minutes ago, ali_91 said:

He obviously played an instrumental part in the goal, you’d have to be wearing strong anti-Kane blinkers to think otherwise. The run is really good, not easy to get in in front of the defender at the near post. 


'Anti-Kane blinkers'. I actually think that the problem with Kane and the St Johnstone support is 'Kane rose specs'. 

Not going to take any credit away from the goal last night and happy for him to get the credit for it, but the heavy lifting was done by Kerr and as a team the lads absolutely deserved it. 

Judged over a number of seasons though, Kane is not good enough to be in this team except as possibly 4th choice striker which with our squad strategy is probably a luxury we can't afford, even if he is cheap. 

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1 minute ago, ali_91 said:

With all due respect, this is the worst take I‘ve ever read. 

Why? There's loads of Saints fans that trot out the line that 'he works hard'.

oops too quick.

Meant to say that 'he works hard' is generally used as the reason to keep him and continually play him. But for a striker, he squanders chances consistently. 

Edited by Valentino Bolognese
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FWIW if you credit Kane with the goal last night, then this seasons 3 strikers (Hendry, May and Kane), have scored 10 league goals combined.

Last season Watt, Kane, Hendry and McMillan scored 9 combined over the course of the season. Kane the highest scorer with 3, Hendry got 2.

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9 minutes ago, ali_91 said:

Because he’s without a doubt the biggest target of the boo boys within the club, he’s ridiculed on social media and slaughtered at games. 

There are some fans, myself included, who will defend him and suggest that even though his goal scoring instinct has totally deserted him, he still has his uses and can offer us something in certain games with his pressing and energy. I doubt there’s any Saints fan who wants him to start every week. 

There is not a hope that he is judged overly kindly by Saints fans as a collective. 

This season I'd argue that Wallace Duffy is more of a target. For a while Spoony was too, and Drey Wright even coming back from injury. And Kerr for bit. And Ralston. Oh and Matty Kennedy for being 'greedy' / overplaying. 

TBH I don't read the fan socials so I'll bow to your knowledge on that, and I'll also admit that certainly in the last couple of years support has waned, but I still hear fans defending him. 

Not on here mind (as much).

// edit FWIW I wasn't claiming that folk expected him to be a regular starter, more that fans have a bit of a blind spot as to how poor he often (usually?) is and overlook that because of his supposed energy and committment. 

Edited by Valentino Bolognese
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Kane is fine as 3rd choice, but that's all he is. If Hendry and May will chip in with ~15 goals between them a season then we could probably cope with having a 3rd choice striker who'll get 2.

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I’ve heard Kane be booed at a match for receiving a pass whilst isolated up front and turning back and looking for a pass to retain possession. Apparently the fact he didn’t run into the 3 defenders and lose the ball was too much for some fans around us. There definitely is not a pro-Kane bias in our support. You just need to look at social media, the banter page, listen to supporters in the stands to know that’s not true. 

Kerr is the reason we scored the second goal, no doubt, but I don’t think it’s wrong for supporters to be pleased for a striker who has struggled in front of goal to finally break his duck in the league. He does a job for us. It’s not pretty, much of the time it’s unseen and it’s definitely under appreciated in the stands. Kane is what he is though - he gives everything for the club and that’s all we can ask of him. Whether he should or shouldn’t play as much as he does is another matter altogether. 

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34 minutes ago, Templar Saint said:

Regarding the Chris Kane debate if you heard the interview after last night's match with Tommy Wright he was spot on when he said the only opinion on Kano that matters is his and he rates him.

Basically telling boo boys to F**k off and stop picking on his players.

Says the boy who constantly slags off Tommy for "being defensive" playing 1 up front.

We all have folk we think should be nowhere near our club, Kane's mine. Mainly because he's had years to become a striker, years to improve, months as our main striker and still doesn't even do the simple things right.

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2 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:

Jason Kerr on the other hand gets criticism for "overplaying at the back".

There's a world of difference between trying to take on 3 opponents when you are last man and the game is fairly evenly balanced with plenty of time to go, and making a driving run forward into the opposition's box in the last minute against 10 men.

Since the first couple of months when he was trying to cover everywhere playing alongside partners who weren't ready/ good enough (Duffy/ Vihmann), Kerr has been very good.

Hes great at passing out from the back, he's a talented footballer, but he does have a tendency on occasions to try to beat players and gets caught in possession when he's last man. Can often get away with it for us, but it could be very costly if he does go onto play at a higher level, which hopefully he will.

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47 minutes ago, tree house tam said:

Says the boy who constantly slags off Tommy for "being defensive" playing 1 up front.

We all have folk we think should be nowhere near our club, Kane's mine. Mainly because he's had years to become a striker, years to improve, months as our main striker and still doesn't even do the simple things right.

Facts wrong again Tam.............not I

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I'm merely saying I think claiming he played an "instrumental" part in the goal, by making a run that every striker in the world would make, and folk trying to justify it as a reason for us extending his contract, is a bit odd. 
Feels like people see the criticism and automatically swing the same amount in the opposite direction to combat that, when the middle ground is probably the right place.
You're a strange human being.
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