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Double Winning St Johnstone FC Thread

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With the decision made, my backing is now fully behind Steven MacLean and I look forward to seeing how he can mould his squad (with more emphasis on youth) and hopefully deliver exciting and winning football.

Positives in the appointment have been highlighted above, he knows the squad and hopefully what is required and will be well aware of why the support turned on a double-winning manager. He isn't here to just keep things ticking over, as has been the case with the last four appointments.

I also take the point he knows and understands the club and that is good but equally, ambition is never a bad thing. Give me a manager that wants to move up the ladder over one that sees this as some sort of pinnacle. Especially when they are a young manager.

I hope the security of the long-term deal allows and encourages him to build and give young players a chance. If there is progression and optimism then league positions don't matter much as long as they aren't the bottom two ones.

He will make mistakes as a rookie boss (and we've seen that already) but there will be patience I'm sure as long as he shows he is learning from them.

Hopefully he can sit down with the media early next week before any holiday and set out some plans and visions to send everyone away for the summer with optimism and an urge to get those season tickets renewed.

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I am very flat about Macca given the job as much as I love him.                               I made comments about Postecoglu recently not to defend him as as he doesn’t need that with his record, but that I was also frustrated that the talk, very early in his tenure was whether Macca should get the job or not.                                             The arguments that a manager should know the club, or the league are in place of whether they have a track record of doing well at other clubs. Football is football wherever it is played. There are managers of Postecoglu’s ilk but they need to be found which takes time and money. Like it or not Scotland is a stepping stone to plying their trade in England and that is for most Scottish managers as well.
I feel this is a lazy, money sensitive appointment. 
That said because of who he is everyone will be willing him  on to get it right and most will have patience with him. 
Will the new owners, whoever they will be?


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I get this isn't really what we should be looking for in a manager, but it's kind of nice to be back to the Tommy Wright days where we have someone who will happily fight anyone and probably win, it brings a level of intensity and fear.


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17 minutes ago, SJFCtheTeamForMe said:

Why would we want to discuss the recent St Johnstone manager who won a double... In the St Johnstone topic?

I've honestly no idea either. 

Where do you think he's headed next?


I've heard he likes shopping in Slaters. Are you a fan of his attire?

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2 hours ago, steviemay17 said:

I get this isn't really what we should be looking for in a manager, but it's kind of nice to be back to the Tommy Wright days where we have someone who will happily fight anyone and probably win, it brings a level of intensity and fear.

Tbf i think you do need a manager with some sort of fight on display when things are bad.

It always comes back to Kelty eventually but I still think Davidson being nowhere to be found that night while fans and players almost scrapped hurt how some fans viewed him, the interview after where he meekly thanked fans for their support was just weird.. His need to always be "balanced", something Gordon Strachans said was coached into him, led to him seeming fairly passionless (maybe not the right word) at times when he needed to show more.

I think id rather have had a manager doing what Liam Craig done, get right in amongst it and try and calm everything down, and then come in an interview and show something resembling a personality. That result doesnt happen under TW but if it does go wrong due to something tactically, he likely defends his players, takes the blame, and tell fans they were out of line treating the players the way they did, before going into the dressing room and murdering the players.

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Davidson's reign seemed to be bogged down with fear - scared of losing goals,, scared of trying different formations, scared of introducing new signings, scared of playing youngsters, etc., and ultimately of losing his job. 

Hopefully the new manager is brave enough to try different things when needed.

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24 minutes ago, Saint Huck said:

Davidson's reign seemed to be bogged down with fear - scared of losing goals,, scared of trying different formations, scared of introducing new signings, scared of playing youngsters, etc., and ultimately of losing his job. 

Hopefully the new manager is brave enough to try different things when needed.

Something definitely happened. I’m not sure what, but from memory whilst he did have a habit of humming and hawing through an interview from the start he showed a lot more character. 


Maybe the pressure of building on his first season got to him and he could t cope, maybe he bought into the hype from his first season? We’ll never know. 

All I know, is some lazy fuckers in our squad will know all about it if they down tools under Maclean. 

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9 hours ago, The Real Saints said:

Everything about Liam Craig, on and off the pitch, has consistently screamed out ‘future St Johnstone manager’ to me. I’ve always found it surprising that MacLean has risen through the ranks before him, because I don’t really see those same traits in him as a potential leader. I can’t quite explain it, and I know that managerial success requires a whole lot more than ‘vibes’ and a certain type of personality.

Having said that, I think those two personalities could blend quite well together, so I hope that Liam is his assistant. A three-year deal seems reckless, so I hope that Macca can continue long-term with the same energy and hunger to improve upon the positive changes we’ve already seen.

The MacLean era begins! Exciting times. Good luck, Macca.


This is exactly the way I feel about the situation. Macca as a manager could go either way quite quickly but f**k it, let's get on board with the madness.

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Laughing at that recent Liam Craig interview following the under 18s match.

Saying he picked up a silly booking during the match.

Never change Liam and I  really hope he gets the assistant job to Macca. 

Why CD restricted the likes of him, macca over the final few months I will never know..

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