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Double Winning St Johnstone FC Thread

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14 minutes ago, SJFCtheTeamForMe said:

These kinds of things bring out both ends of the spectrum when it comes to moron football fans. 

One end of the spectrum is the dafty racist types. 

The other end of the spectrum is the bed wetter football fan who is so upset at the everything and make over the top claims that a player retweeting one Tommy Robinson tweet makes them regret renewing season tickets and that they want a refund etc.

I hate both. 

I think Stephensan has a valid point tbh. If you or your family are on the end of racism and a club you support with time and hard earned cash, especially when you live outwith the area, have a player on their books who has questionable views and openly promotes them? Then they're well within their rights to question this.


Especially if it's as shite a player as Cami.

Me personally?

I hate racists. I hate Cammy McPherson. I hate St Johnstone for employing Cammy McPherson.


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9 minutes ago, The Real Saints said:

Just in case anyone missed it, there has been a fresh scandal on the St Johnstone Banter page. It sounds like Cammy is already yesterday’s news and the attention has moved onto Seamus now.


I fear this may already be deleted

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I wouldn't recommend watching the goals back FWIW. MacPherson stands out for both.

A total shitebag effort at a header for the first, while simultaneously leaving a huge gap in midfield, in the build up to the corner for the first.

2nd just stands ball watching as Aberdeen counter us, then runs away from the ball and the runner for the 2nd and then does the classic throwing his arms about when Neilson doesn't cover twice the ground he has to, while Neilson also has to turn and change momentum, and stop Miovski.

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If MacPherson is dropped or moves on, there's a genuine danger that some will try to spin it like he was an integral part of the team and we've shot ourselves in the foot, it has to be remembered that he's the ultimate shitebag passenger who can't take responsibility, sits back and expects others to do his dirty work and disappears when the going gets tough... I see why he likes Tommy Robinson to be fair

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27 minutes ago, The Real Saints said:

Just in case anyone missed it, there has been a fresh scandal on the St Johnstone Banter page. It sounds like Cammy is already yesterday’s news and the attention has moved onto Seamus now.


Wheelin dealing pizza stealing bike riding son of a gun. 

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11 minutes ago, Jives Miguel said:

If you sack him you are writing these clowns propaganda for them. This can't be the option. 




Unfortunately this is very much the case.

Wouldn’t want him near the youth teams.

Give him a ten year deal as chief groundsman.


As others have said I think unfortunately there will be a disgustingly high amount of our support who agree with him. (One is too high in my book but you know what I mean).


Also is it just me or does his throwing Essel under the bus the other week takes on a whole new unpleasant angle.

He was always a waste of a shirt now we know he’s also a waste of a skin.



Also who had Seamus down as a shagger?! Stunning turn of events.

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MacPherson's blatant racism is bound to cause unrest and anger within the decent St Johnstone fans. However, more concerning for your fans should be the unrest his presence is sure to cause within the St Johnstone dressing room. What are his black team mates thinking about him ? For the sake of team unity Craig Levein has to throw the racist MacPherson out of his first team squad immediately. 

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With the benefit of a day to calm down and mull things over:

  • Cammy Macpherson is a rat and I hope he doesn't ever play for the Club again. That his missus was bigging up Robinson on the Banter page shows that racist filth their actual view and not, for example, an accident.
  • The reaction to this is clearly exacerbated by it being him, who many Saints fans already hate due to how he conducts himself on the pitch. If it was Stevie May I'd be absolutely devastated but probably marginally more open to forgiveness.
  • Absolutely insane that it made the courier, I still can't believe it did. I don't think it is helpful that it did, as it will only have drawn the attention of the sizeable Robinson / 'Free Speech' sympathizers which undoubtedly exist among our club, other Scottish supports, and further. That attention is toxic.
  • Obviously the Club can't sack him or anything like that, even a suspension is fantasy. Any kind of sanction will attract toxic sympathy - remember Musk offered to pay the legal bills of anyone who was sanctioned for what they said on Twitter. Macpherson didn't even say anything, he just signaled support for a racist scumbag. 
  • Best outcome would be for the Club to realise they made a massive error in renewing him (both for his on-pitch conduct and now for this), and for him to realise most of the support quite reasonably absolutely despise him, and for him to f**k off and sign for someone else, even if only on loan.
  • However, seeing as Levein only recently renewed him, and made him on-pitch captain, and the Club's hands are pretty much tied for actual sanctions, and doing anything would just attract toxic attention anyway - I still predict nothing will happen. 
Edited by FrankChickens1
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2 minutes ago, FrankChickens1 said:

With the benefit of a day to calm down and mull things over:

  • Cammy Macpherson is a rat and I hope he doesn't ever play for the Club again. That his missus was bigging up Robinson on the Banter page shows that racist filth their actual view and not, for example, an accident.
  • The reaction to this is clearly exacerbated by it being him, who many Saints fans already hate due to how he conducts himself on the pitch. If it was Stevie May I'd be absolutely devastated but probably marginally more open to forgiveness.
  • Absolutely insane that it made the courier, I still can't believe it did. I don't think it is helpful that it did, as it will only have drawn the attention of the sizeable Robinson / 'Free Speech' sympathizers which undoubtedly exist among our club, other Scottish supports, and further. That attention is toxic.
  • Obviously the Club can't sack him or anything like that, even a suspension is fantasy. Any kind of sanction will attract toxic sympathy - remember Musk offered to pay the legal bills of anyone who was sanctioned for what they said on Twitter. Macpherson didn't even say anything, he just signaled support for a racist scumbag. 
  • Best outcome would be for the Club to realise they made a massive error in renewing him (both for his on-pitch conduct and now for this), and for him to realise most of the support quite reasonably absolutely despise him, and for him to f**k off and sign for someone else, even if only on loan.
  • However, seeing as Levein only recently renewed him, and made him on-pitch captain, and the Club's hands are pretty much tied for actual sanctions, and doing anything would just attract toxic attention anyway - I still predict nothing will happen. 

Will he no longer be a racist if he goes out on loan? 

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