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9 minutes ago, Menzel said:

You're talking about 'different standards' but basically support a rapist because he scores goals for your team - you have zero moral authority here. Thanks for playing.

‘Civil not criminal’. ‘Education’. ‘Not very bright’. ‘Read up on the case’. ‘Remorseful’. ‘Not proven’. 

That’s my bingo card for the responses.

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Moral authority? You honestly think that is what this is all about? Clearly you are the one who is pursuing this.

We both already know that there is zero evidence to support the allegation that he is a rapist, and that isn’t simply because people choose to ignore it, no matter how hard you wish that to be the case. Therefore it is equally as likely that he is innocent as he is guilty. Let that sink in for a moment.

His position and how many goals he happens to score in a season have absolutely no bearing whatsoever upon his guilt, nor should either factor into an individuals regard of him. Again you are already perfectly aware of this.

Thankfully we live in a society where we are innocent until proven guilty, and almost any desired information is readily available at our fingertips should we choose to seek it. If you wish to remain in the dark as a self imposed ignoramus then please, who am I to dissuade you.

A self declared and convicted paedo is currently captaining a football club, and all you are able to offer when his club are accosted over it is a pathetic attempt at one-up man ship.

You really ought to take a long hard look in the mirror pal.
So so so boring. Do you ever give it up? Please go away and stay away from this thread. If City upsets you so much no-one is forcing you along to watch matches or have anything else to do with them. Just put yourself out of your own misery and forget we exist maybe? Give us all a break and put us out of ours at the same time. Sake...
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For as mental as YOLT comes across, he does have a point. Criag Thompson should never be allowed anywhere near a spectator sport.
Every one is entitled to their own opinions. I don't have a problem with that. But he (and others) go on and on and on. It really isn't going to change anything. And they've made their points expressed their views...SO many times. The City Fans who read and contribute to these pages have no say in any of it anyway, even those who maybe do agree. We just want to comment on the games, and enjoy some decent banter now and again. What's more, and as several have said before, I'm sure none of them would be so vocal if we were still down the bottom of the league. And that is the other reason it's a bore. [emoji57] [emoji35]
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️" userid="75473"]Every one is entitled to their own opinions. I don't have a problem with that. But he (and others) go on and on and on. It really isn't going to change anything. And they've made their points expressed their views...SO many times. The City Fans who read and contribute to these pages have no say in any of it anyway, even those who maybe do agree. We just want to comment on the games, and enjoy some decent banter now and again. What's more, and as several have said before, I'm sure none of them would be so vocal if we were still down the bottom of the league. And that is the other reason it's a bore. [emoji57] [emoji35]

Sorry if I’m going on and on and on about a convicted paedo, how insensitive of me. The City fans have every say in the matter but choose not to, and as already established the “you’re only hating on us because we are winning” chat is utter bollocks.

Dear oh dear.YAWN. City Fans ....can we just make a pact to never read or comment on anything he ever posts again. Maybe he will bore himself to death rather than the rest of us? I certainly won't be wasting another breath or thought on him. Over and out.
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️" userid="75473"]The City Fans who read and contribute to these pages have no say in any of it anyway, even those who maybe do agree. We just want to comment on the games, and enjoy some decent banter now and again.

Maybe if you made your voices heard on the matter instead of burying your heads in the sand it wouldn’t be so easy for your club to employ a nonce.

Instead you have the gestapo actively trying to hush any shouts towards him at your home games. The stewards didn’t bat an eyelid to a home fan shouting ‘ya fucking rapist’ at Goodwillie but threatened to throw our fans out for shouting ‘beast’ at your little nonce captain.
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2 hours ago, CowdenLoyal said:

For as mental as YOLT comes across, he does have a point. Criag Thompson should never be allowed anywhere near a spectator sport.

The guys actions were vile and he deserves everything he gets, I’d rather types like him weren’t involved in football.  Where do you draw the line though? Who is and isn’t allowed?

Also, define ‘spectator sport’ as amateur football can be such.

Are people like Declan Gallacher who tried to kill someone allowed?

Football stinks, as long as someone is a good player then morals are gone.

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3 minutes ago, Muzza81 said:

The guys actions were vile and he deserves everything he gets, I’d rather types like him weren’t involved in football.  Where do you draw the line though? Who is and isn’t allowed?

Also, define ‘spectator sport’ as amateur football can be such.

Are people like Declan Gallacher who tried to kill someone allowed?

Football stinks, as long as someone is a good player then morals are gone.

That's the bottom line Muzz all those mentioned  are at their clubs because they are of use on the park.  In the bigger scale of things the fuss about Thomson and Goodwillie have died down (apart from a few folk on here) since they 1st signed for their respective clubs so I would imagine both clubs would consider it worth taking the initial flack when signing them, rightly or wrongly.

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18 hours ago, CowdenLoyal said:

For as mental as YOLT comes across, he does have a point. Criag Thompson should never be allowed anywhere near a spectator sport.

But you'd have no objection to him working as, say, a window cleaner?

Oh, wait...

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Disappointing way to end the year, seems like it was just a ludicrous 5 minutes and I guess these things happen.

Peterhead have been so impressive alongside us this season, you’d assume both will regress to the mean but it all depends on who regresses the most! Maybe we’ll flex our financial muscle in January and have the whole thing wrapped up by March alongside the Irn Bru Cup........

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Bit bored so to keep myself amused I’ll rate our (regular) players so far this season:

Antell - 7. Would have been an 8 but got beaten from halfway against Albion Rovers and tried a Cruyff turn in his own 6 yard box the other week.

Thomson - 8. Significantly better at RB than midfield and now looks like someone who’s played at a good level, his delivery from set pieces is outstanding. I wouldn’t have made him (stand in) captain but that’s nothing to do with his abilities as a player.

Balatoni - 9. Could still cut it at a full time club if he wanted, what a player.

Liam Henderson - 8. A pleasant surprise, good athlete and a nice passer as well, his goal against Inverness was some moment.

McIntyre - 8. Strolls just about every game, loses a mark for being more handsome than me. Corner kicks are outrageously good.

Laird - 9. The best player in the division I reckon and might go down as one of City’s best ever.

Black - 9. Not sure I’ll ever understand Stirling letting him go, the Scottish N’Golo Kante.

Taylor - 7. I really like him as a player but does get knocked off the ball a bit too often (he’s only wee) and lets himself get wound up. If he can bulk up and keep his pace he could go back up a few levels.

Smith - 8. He’s got a weird running style but over the last few months he’s been one of the most effective attackers in the division and frequently teams just can’t cope with him.

Shepherd - 8. Bad hair but a top player at this level, slight drop off from the loan spell last year but he’s typically been playing out wide rather than up front. His pace causes all sorts of problems.

Blair Henderson - 9. Hilarious amount of goals. His confidence is, rightly, through the roof just now and he just seems to get himself in the right position multiple times every game. Our system suits him perfectly which might help to explain why other clubs didn’t quite see the same contribution we do.

Handling - 8. Queens Park away he was as good as you’ll see at this level, probably holds onto the ball a bit too long for my liking on occasion but that’s me nitpicking. Buzzing for him to get back playing after injury.

Hall - 6. Works so hard but it can’t be easy getting the odd 20 minutes here and there.

Rodger - 6. Back 4 has been class so he’s got basically no chance of getting in unless someone is injured, in fairness when that’s happened he’s done absolutely fine.

Watson - 7. Done well with his run in the team recently, often plays out wide when the chat was he was a central player but still looks a good player out of position. Hope we can keep him beyond January.

The Manager - 9.5. Destined for bigger things.

I’ve maybe forgotten a few but even allowing for that we haven’t used many players at all this season. Pretty obvious we’ll add a few in January.

Ah well that used up a few minutes.

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22 hours ago, Clyde01 said:


Maybe if you made your voices heard on the matter instead of burying your heads in the sand it wouldn’t be so easy for your club to employ a nonce.

Instead you have the gestapo actively trying to hush any shouts towards him at your home games. The stewards didn’t bat an eyelid to a home fan shouting ‘ya fucking rapist’ at Goodwillie but threatened to throw our fans out for shouting ‘beast’ at your little nonce captain.


This could catch on. Our supporters were clearly guilty of paedophobia in the said match, when really it's clearly the rest of us non-criminal elements who apparently need to be educated. 


Grooming and clear intent, versus plausible deniability meeting bad sexual etiquette. Splendid victory for Edinburgh in this matchup. 


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8 hours ago, GordonD said:

What do you suppose will happen if the police find out?

I don't really believe it matters what the polis say, after all; an unproven allegation is still used as a shield against Edinburgh City not only doing the complete opposite of what the functions of the LL were founded upon, but completely plumbing the PC-friendly, ultra-SJW depths of clear neomisogyny. 


A great number of your clubs' supporters, employees and volunteers are desperately in need of professional psychological help. Please seek it. 

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