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No City Fanzine for three weeks now as they're only published for Edinburgh City's home games at Meadowbank. The Covers are done weeks in advance though, so here's the draft Issue of Number Nine - Edinburgh City v Annan Athletic for November 12th. 







Edited by Mr Blobby
Editor's cut. There's over a hundred words too many in the story that can't fit in. Something has to give unfortunately.
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15 hours ago, Jute said:

Does any one know if City are running a supporters bus to the replay at Forfar.


So far as we know the first Edinburgh City supporters' bus will be to Montrose on the 5th of November. The Tuesday night replay at Station Park on the 1st of November will be a killer for most Edinburgh fans. Work commitments and trying to cross the Forth Bridge at that time of night means that even the hardiest of fans would struggle to get to Forfar before half time. I might give it a try myself and see if I can make it though.

Edited by Mr Blobby
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On 23/10/2016 at 19:59, GordonD said:

Before you took it over, the Loch Inn had a fearsome reputation. Apparently if you found the place too threatening, you would go to the cantina at Mos Eisley instead.

Met these old Meadowbank Thistle fans at the Victoria Inn stopover in Coupar Angus on the way to Edinburgh City v Forfar game today.

Loved the "Wags Corner" sign hanging by the left of bar. Only saw one wag but she took shot.

Meadowbank Thistle fans at the Victoria Inn Coupar Angus.JPG

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Edinburgh City's number one fan Mr Blobby and Forfar's Baxter the Bridie getting to know each other at Station Park pre-match entertainment.

The antics on the pitch were far more entertaining however - hilarious at times - especially when Marc Laird seemed to be stuck on top a Forfar player in mid-air and couldn't get himself entangled, lol. Big Joe Mbu was down as number 3 on the teamsheet but wore the number 21 on his back/shorts as usual. Joe gave a Forfar player, what seemed to be, a great bear-hug and floored him. It looked a certain red card or at least a yellow but much to the astonishment of the home fans, Joe got off Scot free with a sever talking to by the ref. There seemed to be a bit of a niggling match off the ball that went on for several minutes early in the second half between a City defensive player and two Forfar forwards. Cox and Lister the usual Loonie offenders, which led to young number 4 Ryan Porteous getting booked.  Great game though. City seem to flow on these artificial pitches away from home as they did at Annan a few weeks back. Beattie had a good couple of chances and showed some neat passes and was up for a few headers . Ousman See scored a great goal for City but in the second half he missed 3 sitters within 3 minutes of each other inside the box. This should have been City's first win. We threw it away. No fears for return in the Scottish Cup on Tuesday. "Top of the League? They're having a laugh!" Andrew Stobie was brilliant in goal again. Some great saves. Jordan Caddow kept flying up the right wing, as did McConnell. Porteous looked good too. McFarland had some very dangerous runs in to the box too. Laird was OK but not as lethal as he was in his first City matches. All in all, a solid performance by the players who played as a team. Beattie and Ousman See usually swap their positions in the second half but Beattie kept on the left for most of the game and Ousman See seemed to prefer to keep to the right until they were both pulled late on and subbed by Ross Allum and Ross Guthrie respectively.

I always felt that Ousman See got more chances when he played on the left, especially in the wide open spaces at Meadowbank, but we'll have to wait and see if this new look tactic is just for away games. Got a result. That's what matters in the end... 

Mr Blobby and Baxter the Bridie get to know each other.JPG

Edited by Mr Blobby
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25 minutes ago, Leicesterlichtie said:

You guys must really believe that 1st league win is just around the corner now, surely.


Not really........ I've waited and waited and even stayed up all night and tried to figure out where the sunshine was. Then it dawned on me.

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