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Every time I come here to post about football all I see is pages of non Rangers fans arguing semantics about sectarianism. How about the non Rangers fans leave us to it? Funnily enough I doubt the conversation would be about bigotry. 

Do you think the KKK have meetings and talk about how racist they are?
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1 minute ago, Dindeleux said:


Do you think the KKK have meetings and talk about how racist they are?


Well.. yeah. It's kind of all they do other than burn some crosses here and there.  Wildly off topic anyway i'm going off as I finish in 5 minutes time and you guys like to talk about anything other than Rangers on the Rangers thread on the forum and that gets boring very very quickly. 

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46 minutes ago, Jimboyjones1976 said:

Orangeism is absolutely objectionable and shameful. An organisation whose soul purpose of creation is to lord it up over the Catholic faith in Ireland. They celebrate the Battle of the Boyne like it’s Christmas and have a songbook that’s littered with ridicule, humiliation and persecution of the Catholic faith. If they were true Brits like they claim to be then they’d invite members of all faiths to join their lodges thus reinforcing the British values of multiculturalism. The problem with Orangeism is that it was maybe acceptable in the days, hundreds of years ago, when the dividing lines were set around religion. We’ve moved on now, well most of us have. There’s no place for an organisation that harnesses the belief that they aren’t better than others based on their religion.  The only British thing about them is probably their passports and they are no more or no less British that Catholics.

As for the word b*****d, it’s banded around quite loosely nowadays and is nowhere near as offensive as it used to be.


Are you maybe making the giant leap from condemning objectionable behaviour at Orange Marches and Ibrox to the conclusion that everything to do with Orangeism is completely unacceptable ?

1. "They celebrate the Boyne " Well, it might not be your cup of tea or mine, but so what ? Plenty of Scots commemorate Bannockburn. Plenty of English/British people commemorate the Battle of Britain. And plenty of Irish people commemorate the 1916 armed uprising.

2. "A songbook littered with ridicule..." I'm only familiar with the few that you hear at football matches. Not sure what others you maybe mean. They celebrate battles, sieges, traditions. - asd o the their flip-side songs at at the other side of Glasgow. Again, not my cup of tea or yours. Inappropriate at a football match, but do I find it completely beyond the pale ? Not really, except for the 3 word add-ons at the end.

Plenty of young aethiests behave badly up town centres  at weekends. It doesn't make us say that aetheism is unacceptable.

fwiw the quote below comes from wiki. Probably,  best  drop this debate now, seeing as it isn't really football, is it ?

An Orangeman should have a sincere love and veneration for his Heavenly Father, a humble and steadfast faith in Jesus Christ, the Saviour of mankind, believing in Him as the only Mediator between God and man. He should cultivate truth and justice, brotherly kindness and charity, devotion and piety, concord and unity, and obedience to the laws; his deportment should be gentle and compassionate, kind and courteous; he should seek the society of the virtuous, and avoid that of the evil; he should honour and diligently study the Holy Scriptures, and make them the rule of his faith and practice; he should love, uphold, and defend the Protestant religion, and sincerely desire and endeavour to propagate its doctrines and precepts; he should strenuously oppose the fatal errors and doctrines of the Church of Rome and other Non-Reformed faiths, and scrupulously avoid countenancing (by his presence or otherwise) any act or ceremony of Roman Catholic or other non-Reformed Worship; he should, by all lawful means, resist the ascendancy, encroachments, and the extension of their power, ever abstaining from all uncharitable words, actions, or sentiments towards all those who do not practice the Reformed and Christian Faith; he should remember to keep holy the Sabbath Day, and attend the public worship of God

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Jimboy Are you maybe making the giant leap from condemning objectionable behaviour at Orange Marches and Ibrox to the conclusion that everything to do with Orangeism is completely unacceptable ?

1. "They celebrate the Boyne " Well, it might not be your cup of tea or mine, but so what ? Plenty of Scots commemorate Bannockburn. Plenty of English/British people commemorate the Battle of Britain. And plenty of Irish people commemorate the 1916 armed uprising.

2. "A songbook littered with ridicule..." I'm only familiar with the few that you hear at football matches. Not sure what others you maybe mean. They celebrate battles, sieges, traditions. - asd o the their flip-side songs at at the other side of Glasgow. Again, not my cup of tea or yours. Inappropriate at a football match, but do I find it completely beyond the pale ? Not really, except for the 3 word add-ons at the end.

Plenty of young aethiests behave badly up town centres  at weekends. It doesn't make us say that aetheism is unacceptable.

fwiw the quote below comes from wiki. Probably,  best  drop this debate now, seeing as it isn't really football, is it ?

An Orangeman should have a sincere love and veneration for his Heavenly Father, a humble and steadfast faith in Jesus Christ, the Saviour of mankind, believing in Him as the only Mediator between God and man. He should cultivate truth and justice, brotherly kindness and charity, devotion and piety, concord and unity, and obedience to the laws; his deportment should be gentle and compassionate, kind and courteous; he should seek the society of the virtuous, and avoid that of the evil; he should honour and diligently study the Holy Scriptures, and make them the rule of his faith and practice; he should love, uphold, and defend the Protestant religion, and sincerely desire and endeavour to propagate its doctrines and precepts; he should strenuously oppose the fatal errors and doctrines of the Church of Rome and other Non-Reformed faiths, and scrupulously avoid countenancing (by his presence or otherwise) any act or ceremony of Roman Catholic or other non-Reformed Worship; he should, by all lawful means, resist the ascendancy, encroachments, and the extension of their power, ever abstaining from all uncharitable words, actions, or sentiments towards all those who do not practice the Reformed and Christian Faith; he should remember to keep holy the Sabbath Day, and attend the public worship of God


for people that don’t like Roman Catholics it’s ironic that they’re a creepy bunch of old men in silly outfits spreading bigotry & intolerance obsessed with symbols and rituals pushing their antediluvian attitudes onto a younger generation while impotently trying to meddle in secular politics






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30 minutes ago, Pet Jeden said:


Are you maybe making the giant leap from condemning objectionable behaviour at Orange Marches and Ibrox to the conclusion that everything to do with Orangeism is completely unacceptable ?

1. "They celebrate the Boyne " Well, it might not be your cup of tea or mine, but so what ? Plenty of Scots commemorate Bannockburn. Plenty of English/British people commemorate the Battle of Britain. And plenty of Irish people commemorate the 1916 armed uprising.

2. "A songbook littered with ridicule..." I'm only familiar with the few that you hear at football matches. Not sure what others you maybe mean. They celebrate battles, sieges, traditions. - asd o the their flip-side songs at at the other side of Glasgow. Again, not my cup of tea or yours. Inappropriate at a football match, but do I find it completely beyond the pale ? Not really, except for the 3 word add-ons at the end.

Plenty of young aethiests behave badly up town centres  at weekends. It doesn't make us say that aetheism is unacceptable.

fwiw the quote below comes from wiki. Probably,  best  drop this debate now, seeing as it isn't really football, is it ?

An Orangeman should have a sincere love and veneration for his Heavenly Father, a humble and steadfast faith in Jesus Christ, the Saviour of mankind, believing in Him as the only Mediator between God and man. He should cultivate truth and justice, brotherly kindness and charity, devotion and piety, concord and unity, and obedience to the laws; his deportment should be gentle and compassionate, kind and courteous; he should seek the society of the virtuous, and avoid that of the evil; he should honour and diligently study the Holy Scriptures, and make them the rule of his faith and practice; he should love, uphold, and defend the Protestant religion, and sincerely desire and endeavour to propagate its doctrines and precepts; he should strenuously oppose the fatal errors and doctrines of the Church of Rome and other Non-Reformed faiths, and scrupulously avoid countenancing (by his presence or otherwise) any act or ceremony of Roman Catholic or other non-Reformed Worship; he should, by all lawful means, resist the ascendancy, encroachments, and the extension of their power, ever abstaining from all uncharitable words, actions, or sentiments towards all those who do not practice the Reformed and Christian Faith; he should remember to keep holy the Sabbath Day, and attend the public worship of God

No. I’m not making that leap. I’d go as far as to say that any organisation that (apart from the core religion itself, I’m ok with that) seeks to further their own existence at the expense of other religions isn’t wrong. I don’t celebrate Bannockburn, armed uprisings or anything like that. Battle of Britain is a different beast. Whilst I don’t celebrate that either it was a different concept. It was a battle that was fought, by many of the world’s countries against tyrany and racism. Oh, and the extermination of nearly a whole religion in one continent at the same time.

Again, with songbooks, I’m not for that either. The discussion on here was mainly centered around sectarianism and in particular Orangeism, which is what my reply was related to. I’d get rid of all of these types of organisation whether they be Catholic, Protestant or Muslim. Just not for it and the division it ultimately causes.

As for the Orange mission statement that you posted, I get that and I see your point, which is a fair one you were trying to make. I understand that they aspire to this belief but the plain facts are that they don’t. The Orange Order is interwoven with Protestantism and Supporting Rangers in Scotland and we can’t ignore it. As too are the other organisations that exist and are linked to Catholics and Celtic. Get shot of them all I say.  I just don’t understand why subscribing to a religion is not enough for some people and instead these organisations that seek to harness their doctrines simply don’t. Surely belonging to a religion should be the ultimate for these people but it isn’t. Instead these fringe organisations that exist seek to antagonise. Yes, there are plenty other non religious factions that cause trouble but this thread was mainly about Orangeiam, not Aetheism. Just get shot of them all. Would make the country a far more tolerant, cohesive and social society.

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6 minutes ago, topcat(The most tip top) said:

foe people that don’t like Roman Catholics it’s ironic that they’re a creepy bunch of old men in silly outfits spreading bigots, intolerance obsessed with symbols and rituals pushing their antediluvian attitudes onto a younger generation while impotently trying to meddle in secular politics


What does antediluvian mean? That’s a new one on me.

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1 minute ago, topcat(The most tip top) said:

Literally it means “before the flood” and hence “Older than Noah”

Figuratively it just means outdated


1 minute ago, topcat(The most tip top) said:

Literally it means “before the flood” and hence “Older than Noah”

Figuratively it just means outdated

Nice one. I think I might use that one with the wife when I point out that her diluvian attitude toawards sex is getting in the way of the threesome I suggested to her.

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30 minutes ago, Jimboyjones1976 said:

No. I’m not making that leap. I’d go as far as to say that any organisation that (apart from the core religion itself, I’m ok with that) seeks to further their own existence at the expense of other religions isn’t wrong. I don’t celebrate Bannockburn, armed uprisings or anything like that. Battle of Britain is a different beast. Whilst I don’t celebrate that either it was a different concept. It was a battle that was fought, by many of the world’s countries against tyrany and racism. Oh, and the extermination of nearly a whole religion in one continent at the same time.

Again, with songbooks, I’m not for that either. The discussion on here was mainly centered around sectarianism and in particular Orangeism, which is what my reply was related to. I’d get rid of all of these types of organisation whether they be Catholic, Protestant or Muslim. Just not for it and the division it ultimately causes.

As for the Orange mission statement that you posted, I get that and I see your point, which is a fair one you were trying to make. I understand that they aspire to this belief but the plain facts are that they don’t. The Orange Order is interwoven with Protestantism and Supporting Rangers in Scotland and we can’t ignore it. As too are the other organisations that exist and are linked to Catholics and Celtic. Get shot of them all I say.  I just don’t understand why subscribing to a religion is not enough for some people and instead these organisations that seek to harness their doctrines simply don’t. Surely belonging to a religion should be the ultimate for these people but it isn’t. Instead these fringe organisations that exist seek to antagonise. Yes, there are plenty other non religious factions that cause trouble but this thread was mainly about Orangeiam, not Aetheism. Just get shot of them all. Would make the country a far more tolerant, cohesive and social society.


"Just get shot of them all. Would make the country a far more tolerant..." You don't see any contradiction there ?

More cohesive, I'll grant you. But you could probably make more impact by getting rid of any kind of separate schooling - private or religious or denominational.

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Nice one. I think I might use that one with the wife when I point out that her diluvian attitude toawards sex is getting in the way of the threesome I suggested to her.

Threesomes are a bit tame by Old Testament standards

However if you do manage to change her mind then let her know that I can’t do Fridays
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3 hours ago, Stormzy said:

Every time I come here to post about football all I see is pages of non Rangers fans arguing semantics about sectarianism. How about the non Rangers fans leave us to it? Funnily enough I doubt the conversation would be about bigotry. 

There are other threads, you talented individual.

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