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It's good that most of you on P&B see it for what it is but Rangers can't hide behind Traynor.
They employ him to speak on their behalf and this is hardly a new thing. They seem happy for this to be the tone coming out of the club, it is utterly baffling to me.
It works. The fans with the sense to see through it are the minority. The evidence of this is the fact that it continues, and he continues in the paid employ of the club.

Being a fan of Rangers or Celtic is primarily about getting it up the other one. That's the reason for the tone.
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7 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

It works. The fans with the sense to see through it are the minority. The evidence of this is the fact that it continues, and he continues in the paid employ of the club.

Being a fan of Rangers or Celtic is primarily about getting it up the other one. That's the reason for the tone.

I understand the culture but Traynor/Rangers has taken this to a new level. It's so overtly contemptuous to their 'enemies', so paranoid that it defies any sense of self awareness.


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10 hours ago, kingjoey said:

No idea how you manage to swap threads, but hats off to you from an old dinosaur.  But anyway, of course some of the abuse that Morelos and Lennon get/got is/was racist/sectarian, but the vast majority of non Celtic/Rangers fans dislike these two purely for onfield nonsense. 

As has been said elsewhere, Rangers/Traynor could learn a lot from Aberdeen/Shay Logan’s response to Shay’s racist abuse from the young Rangers fan a couple of weeks ago. I presume Rangers have put the young guy on the course that they talk about, and just haven’t told anyone about it.

(Too many forward slashes?)

That's always baffled this old dinosaur, too. No matter what buttons I press Image result for kenneth williams I've never been able to find that function.

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9 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:

I understand the culture but Traynor/Rangers has taken this to a new level. It's so overtly contemptuous to their 'enemies', so paranoid that it defies any sense of self awareness.


Well yeah, but evidently, that and what I said go hand in hand. 

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57 minutes ago, KnightswoodBear said:

Where to start with that statement?  

Traynor airing grudges and using the incredibly sad incident of a child using racist language as a point scoring exercise. 

Useless fat arsehole.

When you look at how almost every club communicates across old/new media (and I think Scottish clubs of all sizes are generally really good at this now) - Rangers are the biggest anachronism going. Traynor is an absolute dinosaur and still thinks that pronouncements from his Bully Pulpit aimed at tabloid newspapers is the best way to represent his club.

There will be a small core that lap this stuff up of course but this latest one is *really* base stuff and I think most Rangers supporters will be pretty embarrassed by it. I would normally assume that this was all a dead cat thrown on the table to distract from the mediocre start to 2020 but I really think this is just a bitter has-been grinding axes and nothing more.

(and considering he was a "senior" hack for so long, it's fucking terribly written and ironically, would benefit from an editor)

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2 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Well yeah, but evidently, that and what I said go hand in hand. 

Not really, that culture has existed around the OF for as long as I can remember. James Traynor is a more recent phenomenon. Celtic release embarrassing statements but there's more of an implied victim narrative, not the open warfare of this buffoon. The first time I really noticed it was post 2016 Scottish cup final and this quote in particular:

We acknowledge that a tiny minority of Rangers fans also encroached on the pitch but only after having been faced with prolonged and severe provocation and in order to protect our players and officials who were being visibly attacked in front of them. Any club’s supporters would have done the same.

They openly condoned entering the pitch to fight Hibs fans to push their agenda. That was new ground for these clubs for me.

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3 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:

Not really, that culture has existed around the OF for as long as I can remember. James Traynor is a more recent phenomenon. Celtic release embarrassing statements but there's more of an implied victim narrative, not the open warfare of this buffoon. The first time I really noticed it was post 2016 Scottish cup final and this quote in particular:

We acknowledge that a tiny minority of Rangers fans also encroached on the pitch but only after having been faced with prolonged and severe provocation and in order to protect our players and officials who were being visibly attacked in front of them. Any club’s supporters would have done the same.

They openly condoned entering the pitch to fight Hibs fans to push their agenda. That was new ground for these clubs for me.

I agree. He has certainly upped the ante, and Celtic are responding in kind. 

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If the boy is found not guilty will we get a meek and apologetic statement to everyone from Jim “voice of Rangers” Traynor?


Racism is abhorrent, to no similar level is using it to point score but this is just utterly sad.


Didn’t think you could comment on a live case either, regardless, if wrong is done, then good but if such a wobbly being thrown jeopardises the case... well that’s just tinpot behaviour from him. 

No individual should be abused at their work place. 

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"What comes out of it now, when the boy then contacts Shay, after Shay has exposed him really and highlighted the racism, that it comes to light he is a 15-year-old boy," said McInnes.

"He should know better. We all know right and wrong at that age, but there has also got to be an understanding there that the boy is full of remorse, apologetic.

"He is deeply embarrassed and Shay has accepted it and I think it is a positive outcome on something that was really unsavoury and not what you want to see.”

Slightly different tone.

Derek McInnes, the former footballer, is more eloquent and thoughtful than Jim Traynor, a man who is on the face of things paid to be eloquent.

Not much add to add to the criticism of that Rangers statement, other than they haven’t updated their week copyright date. Also, there’s not a single mention of any anti-Racist agencies Rangers are supposedly working with. It’s almost as if the racial element is secondary to triggering the Beeb.
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9 minutes ago, Savage Henry said:


Derek McInnes, the former footballer, is more eloquent and thoughtful than Jim Traynor, a man who is on the face of things paid to be eloquent.

Not much add to add to the criticism of that Rangers statement, other than they haven’t updated their week copyright date. Also, there’s not a single mention of any anti-Racist agencies Rangers are supposedly working with. It’s almost as if the racial element is secondary to triggering the Beeb.


McInnes also handled the situation far better than Celtic when Logan was abused by Tonev.

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