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EU Referendum Results/Updates thread

Alan Stubbs

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Wales and all the English regions except London voted to Leave.

All the major conurbations in England voted to stay.

Bloody farmers...

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thats not the point im making. some airdrie fan quoted me earlier suggesting the result was due to the english working classes being ignored despite them voting tory and getting tory policies.


Remain won because the English working classes, especially in Labour seats, voted to Leave. The Tory Right and UKIP are getting most of the flak from pro-Remain posters on here. The real blame lies with the  abysmal "Stronger In" campaign which was run by Will Straw and his Labour cronies. 

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Remain won because the English working classes, especially in Labour seats, voted to Leave. The Tory Right and UKIP are getting most of the flak from pro-Remain posters on here. The real blame lies with the abysmal "Stronger In" campaign which was run by Will Straw and his Labour cronies.

They didn't have a European centric alternative like the SNP.

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Remain won because the English working classes, especially in Labour seats, voted to Leave. The Tory Right and UKIP are getting most of the flak from pro-Remain posters on here. The real blame lies with the  abysmal "Stronger In" campaign which was run by Will Straw and his Labour cronies. 


A lot of people voted to "Leave" because they *ARE* xenophobes; and a lot of people voted to "Remain", because they were totally disgusted at the thought of the U.K. leaving the E.U. because of British xenophobes.

I don't think that either of those two reasons were very good reasons to vote "Leave" or "Remain".

The "Remain" campaign deliberately focused in on the xenophobic elements of the "Leave" campaign, with the complete intention to sway people towards voting "Remain", so that they wouldn't think of themselves as xenophobes, or allies of xenophobes. This is why there was much more emphasis (from the "Remain" Campaign) on UKIP and Nigel Farage (who are/is xenophobic), and less attention paid to what Boris Johnson, Michael Gove, and other Tory and Labour politicians were saying (about the undemocratic nature of the E.U.



All those Brits who voted "Leave" because they are fed up with immigrants "tekkin' 'rrr jerrrbs!" have got a bit of a shock coming.

The freedom of movement for European citizens is a consequence of membership of the European Free Trade Area, not the European Union. Norway, Iceland and Switzerland are not members of the E.U., but are members of the EFTA... *AND* they are members of the Schengen Area. So not only are Europeans free to live and work in those countries, they don't even have to pass through border checks.

When the U.K. finally completes the process of leaving the E.U., there probably will be restrictions on Welfare Benefits and N.H.S. access for non-Brits; but it is very unlikely that there won't still be non-British Nationals living in the U.K., and tekkin' Burrritish jerrrrbs.

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I remember at about 1 in the morning thinking "for f**k's sake Newcastle, you could've provided a better Remain vote than that".

Didn't realise that they would be one of the best cities and that Birmingham would c**t up our vote.

I ended up getting up to watch the rest after waking up to hear the Newcastle result coming in, thinking "OYF, that should never have been that close".

But aye basically, you fucked it for us :P

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A lot of people voted to "Leave" because they *ARE* xenophobes; and a lot of people voted to "Remain", because they were totally disgusted at the thought of the U.K. leaving the E.U. because of British xenophobes.

I don't think that either of those two reasons were very good reasons to vote "Leave" or "Remain".

The "Remain" campaign deliberately focused in on the xenophobic elements of the "Leave" campaign, with the complete intention to sway people towards voting "Remain", so that they wouldn't think of themselves as xenophobes, or allies of xenophobes. This is why there was much more emphasis (from the "Remain" Campaign) on UKIP and Nigel Farage (who are/is xenophobic), and less attention paid to what Boris Johnson, Michael Gove, and other Tory and Labour politicians were saying (about the undemocratic nature of the E.U.



All those Brits who voted "Leave" because they are fed up with immigrants "tekkin' 'rrr jerrrbs!" have got a bit of a shock coming.

The freedom of movement for European citizens is a consequence of membership of the European Free Trade Area, not the European Union. Norway, Iceland and Switzerland are not members of the E.U., but are members of the EFTA... *AND* they are members of the Schengen Area. So not only are Europeans free to live and work in those countries, they don't even have to pass through border checks.

When the U.K. finally completes the process of leaving the E.U., there probably will be restrictions on Welfare Benefits and N.H.S. access for non-Brits; but it is very unlikely that there won't still be non-British Nationals living in the U.K., and tekkin' Burrritish jerrrrbs.


Lord Ashcroft's research is worth reading - http://www.conservativehome.com/platform/2016/06/lord-ashcroft-how-the-united-kingdom-voted-on-thursday-and-why.html


"The UK has voted to leave the European Union. On referendum day I surveyed 12,369 people after they had voted to help explain the result – who voted for which outcome, and what lay behind their decision."


"Nearly half (49 per cent) of leave voters said the biggest single reason for wanting to leave the EU was “the principle that decisions about the UK should be taken in the UKâ€. One third (33 per cent) said the main reason was that leaving “offered the best chance for the UK to regain control over immigration and its own borders.†

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Lord Ashcroft's research is worth reading - http://www.conservativehome.com/platform/2016/06/lord-ashcroft-how-the-united-kingdom-voted-on-thursday-and-why.html


"The UK has voted to leave the European Union. On referendum day I surveyed 12,369 people after they had voted to help explain the result – who voted for which outcome, and what lay behind their decision."


"Nearly half (49 per cent) of leave voters said the biggest single reason for wanting to leave the EU was “the principle that decisions about the UK should be taken in the UKâ€. One third (33 per cent) said the main reason was that leaving “offered the best chance for the UK to regain control over immigration and its own borders.†

As has been mentioned they are highly unlikely to say "its them funny looking brown people i dont like"

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did ashcroft poll people making those soundbite claims to ask exactly what understanding of the EU they actually had was? Lets face it the electorate dont actually know f**k all about the EU and believed the lies and pish. If a single leave voter can provide a coherent argument that cant be debunked on this thread for leaving the EU i give my word ill never post on Pie and Bovril again.

I am sure one of the reasons that they don't know about the EU is one of the reasons that Remain lost. At no point have the British people agreed to the behemoth that the EU has become. The regionalisation of the MEPs was another move away from local accountability and as shown on another thread, people don't even know that they don't have a "local" MEP.

I bet a pound to a penny that less than a dozen of the regular posters on here could list the top four main political groups within the European Parliament let one who is in each one. (Without a quick Google search to try and show how clever they are)

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I ended up getting up to watch the rest after waking up to hear the Newcastle result coming in, thinking "OYF, that should never have been that close".

But aye basically, you fucked it for us :P

As soon as the Newcastle result came in (like Clackmannanshire in 2014) I knew the game was up there poley.

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 If a single leave voter can provide a coherent argument that cant be debunked on this thread for leaving the EU i give my word ill never post on Pie and Bovril again.

Uh, there are many reasons why people could logically have decided to vote against the EU. The most agreeable and understandable to large percentages of people is that citizens should have a right to vote out the people who make the rules they are forced to live under. That's not the case with the EU.


FWIW, I listened a bit to BBC radio on the night of the referendum. Their man on the street interviews were a shit show for remain supporters.

"I think we need to be with a solid group of um like nations instead of like hunkering down on our own." Stuff like that. I only heard them interview about 5 or 6 from each side, but it seemed the leave folks had specific and coherent reasons for their votes. One mentioned that he didn't believe that courts should be able to overturn parliamentary laws, and he specifically mentioned the Scottish parliament law on alcohol sales. Maybe it's because the interviews were in London where Remain was the default position, so people going the other way would have thought through their views more. I suppose if they did interviews in a Leave area they might have received less educated answers for Leave, but I'm not sure.

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Didn't really disagree with any of that tbf.

"I thought the Americans were the ones full of hate, not us." Haha.

It's probably because she "virtue signals" on the race issue multiple times per day so everyone immediately knows to be super-PC around her. British and Americans have roughly the same "dog whistling / virtue signaling" dance regarding what level of PC is needed in my experience. The super virtue signalers are always shocked by real life events because they don't live their lives with exposure to real opinions.

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So we tear ourselves away from rUK eventually, Northern Ireland does something or other leaving just EnglandandWales (sort of like Serbia & Montenegro used to be) until England kicks Wales into touch.

All mainly because of racists in the north of England.

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So we tear ourselves away from rUK eventually, Northern Ireland does something or other leaving just EnglandandWales (sort of like Serbia & Montenegro used to be) until England kicks Wales into touch.

All mainly because of racists in the north of England.

If they kick Wales into touch who's going to save them from the Russkis in the future?
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So we tear ourselves away from rUK eventually, Northern Ireland does something or other leaving just EnglandandWales (sort of like Serbia & Montenegro used to be) until England kicks Wales into touch.

All mainly because of racists in the north of England.

I hardly think that's fair, there are constituencies all over England that rejected the EU.

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