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Red Dead Redemption


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1 hour ago, Bairnardo said:

Problem is eventually you will have to pay it and it will be fucking massive. Lastnight I had my first frustrating instance of having to bail from a fishing spot because I killed 3 folk who tried to rob me... Then some c**t went to Lee Wallace me so I beat him, then another.... and another... Ran away as the body count became unmanageable.

I must admit I didnt love the game to start with but I do now. Its fucking great and feels like a world thats totally alive.

The biggest problem as a God-fearing Outlaw - the Witness Chain.  It's almost like Rockstar have coded it so that the next guy will only come along when you've got the previous guy on your shoulders, ready to toss him down a hill.

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45 minutes ago, forameus said:

The biggest problem as a God-fearing Outlaw - the Witness Chain.  It's almost like Rockstar have coded it so that the next guy will only come along when you've got the previous guy on your shoulders, ready to toss him down a hill.

I got stuck in a witness loop last night where I accidentally rode over someone in my horse, then pressed the wrong button trying to catch the witness and shot him, then rode over another when I decided the best course of action was to get out of Dodge.

I think they have a piece of idiot code in there judging by the number of people who stroll out in front of a galloping horse.

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8 minutes ago, Mark Connolly said:

I got stuck in a witness loop last night where I accidentally rode over someone in my horse, then pressed the wrong button trying to catch the witness and shot him, then rode over another when I decided the best course of action was to get out of Dodge.

I think they have a piece of idiot code in there judging by the number of people who stroll out in front of a galloping horse.

What were you going to do when you caught the witness?  Would you not have just killed him anyway?  or is there a way to talk them out of snitching?  

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8 minutes ago, Eric said:

What were you going to do when you caught the witness?  Would you not have just killed him anyway?  or is there a way to talk them out of snitching?  

Yeah, you can persuade them not to talk usually.  Or at least have the option before you end up tackling them to the ground.  Naeb'dy Lee Wallace's me.  Naeb'dy.

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18 minutes ago, Eric said:

What were you going to do when you caught the witness?  Would you not have just killed him anyway?  or is there a way to talk them out of snitching?  

You can threaten them if you tackle them or occasionally talk them out of it before.

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I got stuck in a witness loop last night where I accidentally rode over someone in my horse, then pressed the wrong button trying to catch the witness and shot him, then rode over another when I decided the best course of action was to get out of Dodge.
I think they have a piece of idiot code in there judging by the number of people who stroll out in front of a galloping horse.
I've usually just started looting the body when I hear "Oh my God..." behind me. By the time the looting sequence has finished the witness is long gone and I'm wanted!
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Have to say, the hunting aspect gets a bit of flack with the quality of the skins etc. but I think it's great. Finding a perfect raccoon skin drove me absolutely nuts but after eventually finding one it felt great. Far better than going to an area they frequent, shooting one of many and it being a perfect skin every time.

The last two times I've been on I've spent all my time hunting for crafting upgrades. I've spent almost 3hours doing it and it's never felt like a chore.

I love this game :D

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On 07/01/2019 at 16:24, Mark Connolly said:

You can threaten them if you tackle them or occasionally talk them out of it before.

Sounds like a lot of work tbh, aim, shoot, shoot, ride off on horse, is far easier.

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If you make the Legendary Pronghorn trinket the quality of your skins and carcasses will go up.  Also you have to use the correct weapon, for the smaller and medium animals a head shot with the varmint rifle will produce a perfect skin as long as they are at least two stars.  A pristine animal you can get away with a kill to the body.  More than one shot and it will never be perfect.

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Once you have found a fence who'll buy all your pocket watches the cash flows in and the game economy (for want of a better word) is kind of screwed.


I've started my second playthrough, completed it as a high honor wholesome Arthur.  Going to attempt to be a b*****d this time round.

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17 hours ago, Loki said:

If you make the Legendary Pronghorn trinket the quality of your skins and carcasses will go up.

Holy mackerel.   I had no idea the trinkets etc had effects attached to them.  I've barely bothered with the trapper/fence yet.

I spent a whole evening session last week camping out around the Heartlands to find a 3 star badger.  I only found two of the b*****ds and they were both 2 star pelts.  I didn't realise I only needed a 2 star badger and just left them :1eye

I've really enjoyed role-playing the cowboy adventurer and naturalist for the last couple of months.  I never return to the camp without the horse being fully loaded with carcasses to feed the gang.  I'm getting to the point where it's time to crack on with the missions now though and am working through Ch. 4.

Edited by bunglebonce
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I think you’ll only get a perfect with two stars if you have the trinket. So you might have been correct leaving them.

It’s trying to get a perfect robin carcass that had me seething with rage

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I think you’ll only get a perfect with two stars if you have the trinket. So you might have been correct leaving them.

It’s trying to get a perfect robin carcass that had me seething with rage
Yip I'm on that just now. I thought the Woodpecker was difficult. This is a whole different level. What's even more annoying is that I've got 4 Blue Jays, 3 Cardinals and 3 Sparrows.

The abandoned Fort is a good place for birds. I've got two Robins - both "good". Fizzing.
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Two robins generate from a tree in the southern most island on the archipelago on the east coast of Flat Iron Lake.  I just kept going round in circles until I shot a perfect one.

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Here be spoilers for Chapters 4 and 5...

Am I the only one that thinks they kind of rushed the endings of 4 and pretty much the entirety of the Guarma section?  I know that seems ridiculous in a game that takes as long to complete as this, but after killing Bronte, it seems like you only met him 10 minutes ago.  In GTA you spent a long time working with dodgy people, building up to the point where it's betray or be betrayed, and I'm not really sure Bronte has done enough to get the big impactful end they were aiming at.  He did take the wee boy, but he gave him back almost immediately.  It was like they cut out a big part of the game where he did something shady that would justify the ending.  The Braithwaite ending was the right way to do it, building up to them doing something horrible and going to get revenge.  Just felt there was something missing.

Then the Guarma stuff ended far too early.  I think I played through the entire bit - from escaping Saint Denis to being dropped back to the trading post - in about an hour.  We're told it's this big ongoing war between the two factions, but it doesn't really seem like that despite their best efforts.

A bit of a misstep, but still really enjoying it.  From looking at wiki, I've got a little of 5 to go, then the big 6 and the Epilogue.  Loving the story so far apart from the above quibbles.

Oh aye, and Lenny deserved better. LEEEEEEEEEENNY.

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But what's annoying is you can be cutting about in Valentine and accidentally bump into one of the townsfolk and get a witness for assault. No big deal right? Except when you hogtie that particular witness and gain another witness who witnesses you kidnapping, Christ sake screw it I'll just kill him, then another witness witnesses you murdering someone so boom, another witness. It's a vicious cycle.

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