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Red Dead Redemption


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I think I just got attacked by zombies...

I was in the middle of another fishing session and found a guy hanging from a tree. Naturally, I stopped to investigate, before 3 zombie type folk started attacking me. Shat myself, so I jumped onto my horse and bolted to my next fishing destination.
Chelsea fans wearing Rangers tops?
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Few things I've noticed (30% story completed);

I'm not the greatest gamer but I'm finding it hard to kill people. The tracking on RDR seemed easier but this one is all over the place and it takes about 6 shots to kill someone.

There are too many Lee Wallaces. You're basically walking past a body, let alone looting it, and someone grasses you up to the Law.

It rains, a lot!

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47 minutes ago, Swarley said:

There are too many Lee Wallaces. You're basically walking past a body, let alone looting it, and someone grasses you up to the Law.

It rains, a lot!

Yeah, find you can get caught in a very long cycle having to take down witness after witness. 

Not had too much rain, but when back in the mountains yesterday, had a really severe snow storm, couldn't see a thing. Horse was going mental (and it's little things like that, that make me love this game that bit more). 

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Few things I've noticed (30% story completed);

I'm not the greatest gamer but I'm finding it hard to kill people. The tracking on RDR seemed easier but this one is all over the place and it takes about 6 shots to kill someone.

There are too many Lee Wallaces. You're basically walking past a body, let alone looting it, and someone grasses you up to the Law.

It rains, a lot!

Once your good guy rating goes up, less and less people grass on you. I can kill someone in broad daylight in St Denis and no one bats and eyelid. Albeit he was trying to steal a ladies purse, but I blew their heads clean off with my shotgun [emoji2]
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Last night I spent twenty minutes buying premium cigarettes so I could complete a set of cards to get closer to [emoji817] completion.

Stranger missions will still spawn if you haven’t started them before you complete the last mission. The ones your partly through will not be able to finish.

If you guys get to the mad electric guy in the woods definitely complete that as you will get a trophy. I can’t do that now.

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I had a weather glitch the other day, riding back to camp and got caught in an absolute hoolie of a storm, to the extent that I half expected a tornado to appear, then it changed to a lovely blue sky and sunshine in the blink of an eye.

Got a Legendary wolf as well.  Was up in their bit following a treasure map and noticed what I thought was one a little bit away.  It suddenly charged at me and I managed to target it and get one arrow off right into it's face, it died mid bound and slid up next to my horse. :lol:

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Yeah I got the legendary wolf too, killed it with one shot between the eyes. The legendary moose on the other hand I had to shoot that big b*****d six times with the sniper rifle!

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Few things I've noticed (30% story completed);

I'm not the greatest gamer but I'm finding it hard to kill people. The tracking on RDR seemed easier but this one is all over the place and it takes about 6 shots to kill someone.

There are too many Lee Wallaces. You're basically walking past a body, let alone looting it, and someone grasses you up to the Law.

It rains, a lot!

I think, you maybe have to go down a certain story mission to get that rain aff. I had it for about 3 days solid and as soon as I went into a certain mission the rain changed into sun... like it was part of the drama of the mission, at about the same stage too, 30 percent.
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Few things I've noticed (30% story completed);

I'm not the greatest gamer but I'm finding it hard to kill people. The tracking on RDR seemed easier but this one is all over the place and it takes about 6 shots to kill someone.

There are too many Lee Wallaces. You're basically walking past a body, let alone looting it, and someone grasses you up to the Law.

It rains, a lot!
Head shots are the answer. Do you take the assisted aim off? I keep it on as I find it challenging enough with it on. But I aim up slightly and it generally results in a headshot.

If not, dead eye is your friend. I like the new system where it lets you pick your shot one at a time rather than 6 shots spread all over the place as you get time to aim for the head.
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That's fair enough. I'm not trying to start a post war. Bought into the hype, played for 3 or 4 hours and I'm having to force myself to play more. Don't think its a ridiculous statement to say why its not clicking

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For as technically impressive a game as this is, its slow pace and focus on a detailed environment means its just not that fun.
That's fair enough. I'm not trying to start a post war. Bought into the hype, played for 3 or 4 hours and I'm having to force myself to play more. Don't think its a ridiculous statement to say why its not clicking
I imagine you were expecting a good fun shoot 'em up. It's just not what this game is about.

My mate watched me play it last night to see what it was like. I was hunting the Arabian horse and he kept asking, do you not shoot folk?/When do you shoot folk? I suggested he just buy COD.
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1 hour ago, Crroma said:

That's fair enough. I'm not trying to start a post war. Bought into the hype, played for 3 or 4 hours and I'm having to force myself to play more. Don't think its a ridiculous statement to say why its not clicking

I suppose it just depends what you were expecting! the game does start off at slower pace and picks up a bit as you progress and open up the map.

I’d recommend sticking with it but  everyone has different opinions about what makes a good game.

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The earlier missions are just there to teach you the tools to play the game later on. It is slow paced but once you get to chapter two, it opens right up.

If you were to describe the game it’s just a Wild West grand theft auto.

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For as technically impressive a game as this is, its slow pace and focus on a detailed environment means its just not that fun.

I've never felt more immersed in a game before and I love it. The realism and wee things you have to do is one of its biggest strengths for me.

I've spent hours just wondering around not even playing missions coming across all sorts of different things, things that don't even involve side missions just mental NPC interactions. The wilderness and environment is amazing, I wasn't so keen on the valentine area where you start, but LeMoyne is amazing and when you get back to the Valentine area you appreciate it a lot more.

Not sure it's a game for kids or even younger folk who are all fortnite daft. It's totally different, it is like GTA in some ways but it's different from that too. There's less civilisation and satire, no fancy cars you can speed about in mowing people down, shooting them with rocket launchers whilst getting chases off the polis. (Basically what we used to do when taking turns about on Vice City as kids [emoji23])

It's a more serious story telling game with a lot of funny moments too, I really appreciate it and love it for what it is. The amount of detail they've gone into and research they've done for that time period is amazing but I can see why people who want an all action game might not be too keen.
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I can get why it could be a bit boring, but I'm going through this at glacial pace and loving it, I'm genuinely almost treating it like a second life- stick the game on, do some chores in the camp, go out hunting, deal with any random encounters where folk try and kill you, go to a pub and play poker or blackjack, sell stuff, give money to camp. I'm almost sad when I think "actually, I should do a story mission". I'm still in chapter two and only 31% complete but christ knows how many hours I've sunk into this.

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I think it's harsh and simplistic to say it's a Wild West GTA. There are obviously some similarities but this game is far more immersive. I think it's intentionally slow because unlike GTA, the object isn't to run around 100mph killing and robbing everyone. The fact you can engage with absolutely anyone is another thing GTA doesn't have.

I think it's written in a way that focusses more on the story and characters than the actual gameplay. Whereas although GTA has some very good (albeit shallow) characters, it's primarily about the action.

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