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Heads Gone (The 8MileBU Awards)

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12 hours ago, HTG said:

The future of junior football claims another heads gone victim. Some attempt to retrieve the heid by deleting the original post. 




Seems perfectly normal to me, what's the problem?



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Genuine question: Oaksoft's expressed his disgust for this forum and its posters on many, many occasions, often to tremendous humorous effect, but has he ever made a post in one of the football-themed subforums? If not, how did he end up here, and which b*****d is refusing to allow him to leave?

Think he got heavy involved in the indyref debate on here, was broken by H_B (RIP) and now he takes it out on the rest of us for ignoring our partisan duty to defend anyone on the same side of the debate to laugh at his rag dolling from the forum's (former) resident lawyer bore.
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1 hour ago, Bairnardo said:


For anyone who hasnt popped in, the last couple of hours have been immense. Piracy has totally lost the plot ably assisted by Grangemouth Bairn.

For the neutral, this fixture should be the go-to game in Scotland. Everytime something different.


Can you do an Open All Mics style of updates in here, for those of us that can't be bothered taking in the whole thread? Thanks.

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For anyone who hasnt popped in, the last couple of hours have been immense. Piracy has totally lost the plot ably assisted by Grangemouth Bairn.

For the neutral, this fixture should be the go-to game in Scotland. Everytime something different.

Grange mouth Bairn is absolutely fucking shiting it from a kicking from yours truly. He'd best get Weeperdee in for assistance.
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Falkirk v Dunfermline going well as usual. 

Be keeping an eye on these threads today, as it's come out that two Falkirk players were mocking Dean Shiels about only having one eye and now face disciplinary action.

Early signs suggest Falkirk fans will spend the time blaming Shiels and divulging in whataboutery
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Be keeping an eye on these threads today, as it's come out that two Falkirk players were mocking Dean Shiels about only having one eye and now face disciplinary action.

Early signs suggest Falkirk fans will spend the time blaming Shiels and divulging in whataboutery

Did that not come out ages ago?
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I would suggest that laughing over a guy dying and a guy losing an eye, over a game of football, is a bit 'heads gone', as is saying that the footballing authorities in Scotland have an agenda against Falkirk

Edited by DA Baracus
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Pars (Grasses) and Falkirk (Scumbags) will soon need our own Grass v Scumbag subforum. 

Last 4 games have seen 8 bans and counting plus various  chucking, gobbing, and isms and that's just on the pitch, never mind on P&B. Div should put our 2nd January match thread on PPV. 


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Andreas Kelevara, or whatever he's called, claiming people with one eye are no more disabled than someone missing a tooth.

Great scenes.

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Andreas Kelevara, or whatever he's called, claiming people with one eye are no more disabled than someone missing a tooth.

Great scenes.

He's quite clearly at the wind up with that.
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