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Heads Gone (The 8MileBU Awards)

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Is it possible that 8Mile is someone who could chat happily away to someone and then grass them up behind their backs?  That he would get pleasure from being two-faced?  Seems fairly likely to me.

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2 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Is it possible that 8Mile is someone who could chat happily away to someone and then grass them up behind their backs?  That he would get pleasure from being two-faced?  Seems fairly likely to me.

I reckon he's a fairly normal guy who takes the huff big time after getting it tight, does something stupid and probably regrets what he has done. And repeat.


He obviously just can't take the stick he gets.

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2 minutes ago, Adam said:

You're genuinely going mental over reputation points.  Do you have any idea how pathetic this is?  I could understand it if there was some sort of bullying agenda going on, but you're talking about virtual fucking dots.

And yet a group of posters who are so dismissive of people's fascination with dots got together to co-ordinate the allocation of these un-important dots.  A good few people on here need to take a long hard look at themselves.  When I am thinking of signing up to mumsnet on the basis that it is less bitchy than P & B, you know it's went too far.

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1 minute ago, The Grass Is Greener. said:

I reckon he's a fairly normal guy who takes the huff big time after getting it tight, does something stupid and probably regrets what he has done. And repeat.


He obviously just can't take the stick he gets.

His meltdown yesterday about his "online persona" being ok with his colleagues, but him shitting it about them accusing him of being the grass summed this up.

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The "alki" thing is not the most damning evidence. Not even the second most.

On Friday, 8Mile was tweeting Bobby to "let him know he's been rumbled" and was PMing other posters about "taking him down a peg or two". By Saturday morning, we have a thread about Bobby being grassed at work. 

I'd argue that Grimbo's posting of Bobby's real name and pretty dishonest attempts at sticking up for 8Mile reek as well but he's not quite as obviously involved.

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It was time 8 mile got banned, I think he's probably an alright guy who may be going through a rough patch in his life so don't want to be too harsh but the evidence speaks for itself and if he remained here it would just get more and more angry and poisonous, it's for the best for him as well and he needs to delete it from his phone and computer and move on in life.

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There appears to be a fair few pathetic saddos on this platform.

Posting pics from other social media outlets, creepy behaviour that could quite easily escalate on either side.

Defending said postings from other social media outlets, shows a distinct lack of thought and/or cowardice.

Sending PM's or similar amongst groups of individuals to dot/bring down folk etc, the act of fannies, usually the same groups white knight each other regardless and tell posters they're talking shite/bothered/taking it too seriously(there's a laugh if ever there was one after this debacle) etc.

Reporting posters to their employers, I can understand that you could be very frustrated even very very down if the same group of people appear to be slagging the f**k out of you at every opportunity, or if you feel they've crossed lines on here, come onto f**k this isn't real life, folk need their jobs to pay their bills and feed their families etc, doing shite like that could lead to someone in a very bad financial situation committing suicide if they lost their income and all the consequences that follow on from it.

I like the Politics Forum but it's getting blander by the week now that your H_B's, Reynard's and Tryfield's etc are offski, too many like-minded posters doesn't make for great threads, fair enough they had some views that were extreme to others, aye they tended to club together with AdLib and a few others but that's understandable as the forum is massively skewed towards YES voters.

FFS, can we not just post our pish criticise others pish and enjoy the place.

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The best/worst thing Div ever done was put dots on this site, the amount of people who genuinely care about getting a green or red dot and actually take the hump with an internet stranger is actually a little worrying. 

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I think Grimbo should take a holiday until early January to sort his shit out, every time he comes on it turns to a poisonous slagging match, it can't be enjoyable for him so I'm not sure why he keeps coming back.

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Grim is genuinely making himself out to be horrifically victimised over people giving him red dots, talking about an 'organised campaign' when another poster, who Grim had been having a go at, has had someone trying to get them sacked from their job. His lack of self-awareness is staggering.

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3 minutes ago, Dazzle said:

The best/worst thing Div ever done was put dots on this site, the amount of people who genuinely care about getting a green or red dot and actually take the hump with an internet stranger is actually a little worrying. 

I think it's a good thing, at least you can see the wee groups that are tag-teaming each other, I've one that hasn't realised his wee group have moved on and who still chucks in reds here and there but never a green although he seems to like throwing both colours around quite a bit on threads, could be he just disagrees with me on everything or it could be that he's obviously still bothered about something as I haven't really been involved in posting much against him in years.

If all those that used both the boxing and tennis threads carried things from one to another the boxing thread would be a disaster, thankfully it hasn't happened so far.

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6 minutes ago, Widge said:

Well this has made a dull weekend more interesting, who needs football when this site can deliver.

It has actually been pretty exhausting and worrying among other things. I'm going to revise for my up coming exams for some peace and quiet!

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