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Heads Gone (The 8MileBU Awards)

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To the people who matter, f****** means catholic.  No amount of pedantry will change that.


I absolutely HATE these utter soul destroying wankers made up of "them! "

They can  hang effigies of our support, sing songs against us, call us what they like....

yet a little song they don't agree with has our club charged!!!

They are pathetic. 


Our board better fight this. But knowing them, they will take it. 


The only one's doing reputational damage are our haters and our spineless board who can't help themselves in their haste to help the haters bury us.

Fantastic read!

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I'm glad I read that Bears Den thread. I hadn't realised that European football was controlled by the '****** hand'.

Knowledge is power.

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Very tempted to sign up for Rangers Media as @Malky3 and post this but I doubt even they would swallow it.

On 09/08/2019 at 16:51, Malky3 said:

I've said before that I am quite long in the tooth, and sadly I've seen all this nonsense before. Back in the 60's and 70's when I was growing up the SNP were seen by many in the West Of Scotland as being a party for Catholics. It's kind of sad to see that after nearly 60 years Scottish politics hasn't really changed. In the last few posts some Nationalist dinosaurs have decided to lump all who fail to follow the Nationalist Cult as Freemasons, Orange Order, protestant, Rangers Supporting Royalists. 

I had hoped that in the modern Scotland we were making some progress towards eradicating sectarianism when in 2012 we saw the Offensive Behaviour at Football Act passed into law unopposed but by 2018 the SNP had repealed the Act, and on these pages we can see why. It's sad really but it seems the Nationalist Cult needs to sow division on any grounds whatsoever to gain traction for their cause. 


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I think Rangers fans shouldn’t be allowed to be nominated in this thread, it’s not fair. It’s like when Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson started playing for the US Olympic basketball team and competing against amateurs. For these guys it’s a full time, dedicated professional career and they work at being a raging, moronic spit-flecked idiot every day. Most others-are enthusiastic amateurs, doing their best with the tools they’ve got.

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11 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

Currently watching Gary Harkins having a mild heads gone with, what I assume are his kids (at the chupa chip machine) in the Tail o the Bank, Greenock.

Is that some kind of arcade machine?

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23 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

Currently watching Gary Harkins having a mild heads gone with, what I assume are his kids (at the chupa chip machine) in the Tail o the Bank, Greenock.

It's 'Glorious Gary Harkins'.

Thank you.

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15 minutes ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

It's 'Glorious Gary Harkins'.

Thank you.


9 minutes ago, Dele said:

@Melanius Mullarkey, can you ask GGH why he never committed GBH on Cosgrove at the weekend whilst he had the chance, please. 

Sorry lads. He’s busy tucking into chicken nuggets and I have a ferry to catch.

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