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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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16 minutes ago, mjw said:

What the actual f**k is this madness?

We're months on from a woman mp being slaughtered in the street.
She probably should have thought her life through a bit better,eh?

My past, there are folk losing their life every day that don't get as much as a raised eyebrow form the general public  why should I worry more about people with a public profile.

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3 minutes ago, Bully Wee Villa said:


Yeah, because real batshit mental howling rage on a football forum is far better.

Seek help.


I've not suffered the slightest bit of rage posting on here today, it's a football forum, it doesn't matter, help is not required thanks.

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My past, there are folk losing their life every day that don't get as much as a raised eyebrow form the general public  why should I worry more about people with a public profile.

That's fine you've had a bad life so f**k everyone else.
How many of these people losing their life everyday are getting actual threats before it happens?
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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

 Looking at the comments about Gina Miller, some of the media's incendiary interpretation of the legal ruling, the personal threats and the indifference by some folk to these threats, I realise that this country is as morally bereft as the United States.

This.  Absolutely appalling that the fact that a woman has brought a court case (and won it) over what was essentially the government overstepping the mark in its use of its executive powers apparently makes her and the judges who ruled in her favour 'fair game' for some people to make threats and dish out some pretty horrendous abuse.

Even more worrying is the way the media in this country have essentially not only endorsed this behaviour but actively incited it by labelling them 'enemies of the people' and calling on folk to 'fight for their freedom'.  Despite what the Express or Mail says this isn't 1940 and the EU or remain campaigners aren't Hitlerites.  This after more than a year of relentless anti-immigrant and anti-foreigner bile which has reached the point of the Mail using EUROPEAN as a pejorative.  

Ironic really that the political climate across the whole of the UK has become much more toxic over the past few years thanks in large part to those very same publications that were (and sometimes when they remember we exist still are) full of hypocritical hand-wringing 'concern' about the repercussions of the Indyref on our society.  And also that after spending years campaigning for 'control' to be wrested from Brussels and handed to our own elite these same publications and people are demanding said elite be dismantled and control handed to, er, someone else.

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Nobody asked her to disregard the decision of the electorate, she's went through this process to try and stop Brexit nothing else.

I'm sure she's big enough and ugly enough to take the heat.

Are you really that thick?
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The media are
complicit in inciting an atmosphere whereby an MP was killed and another is receiving death threats for ensuring we follow the constitutional process in this country and then you have stupid c***s like ayrmad claiming that to find this abhorrent is faux outrage. Lol.

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9 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

ayrmad in Berlin 1938: People have their businesses ransacked every single day I don't see why I should give a shit cause these ones are Jews.

Ayrmad in Dallas in 1963 - "People are shot every single day. I don't see why I should give a shit cause this was the President".

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Ayrmad in 2016: More honesty than the last 4 posters.

How many of you felt such outrage at the murder of Joe Cox that you went to the funeral, sent any flowers or could it just be that you took to Facebook, twitter and the like. No doubt just getting over the death of Princess Di when it happened.

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3 minutes ago, strichener said:

How many of you felt such outrage at the murder of Joe Cox that you went to the funeral, sent any flowers

Ridiculous post.  I didn't realise that if you didn't attend the funeral of or send flowers to the family of a murder victim you can't legitimately claim to feel outraged by the offence.  

Many people would have been outraged, privately, at the killing of a British politician in broad daylight by a lone nutcase without doing anything particularly to express their disgust at the act publicly.  The fact that many folk did nothing much to express their disgust at the murder does not in any case justify an attitude of total indifference to it or an attitude of ignoring threats of similar political violence on the basis that 'folk get threatened all the time' or 'folk get murdered all the time': that's a total non-sequitur.  

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1 hour ago, hehawhehaw said:

I thought a single mad man killed J.C. Have the police uncovered others?

The number of far right parties who chose her constituency to gain publicity/stand for election might give you a clue.

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18 minutes ago, strichener said:

Ayrmad in 2016: More honesty than the last 4 posters.

How many of you felt such outrage at the murder of Joe Cox that you went to the funeral, sent any flowers or could it just be that you took to Facebook, twitter and the like. No doubt just getting over the death of Princess Di when it happened.


Plumbing the depths here Strichener?

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