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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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33 minutes ago, NotThePars said:


Fixing this for you again, lad. Don't want there to be any mix up.

Maybe that's right for you, lad, but not for me.

The reason so many black and Asian British voted Brexit is because the mass influx of cheap WHITE labour from Eastern Europe has impacted upon their communities and their prospects more than most, but you knew that it's just easy for you to blame white English for everything, because you are inherently stupid.

Btw I have no problem calling immigrants foreigners ( not that I did, but!)  What is your issue with calling immigrants foreigners. Are we in the process of changing the meaning of certain words to appease the sensibilities of limp-wristed, holier than thou liberals now?

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1 hour ago, NotThePars said:


Fixing this for you again, lad. Don't want there to be any mix up.




5 hours ago, McSpreader said:

  Not quite convinced you made your point particularly well there, but protecting your own little bubble at the expense of those worst off is a crime. Ignoring the reality of people's daily lives and dismissing them due to their lack of opportunity is a crime.

The liberal cosmo elite are guilty of suppressing the opportunities for millions of Brits to improve their lot by flooding the country with cheap labour , for example. It's not bitterness that drives people, that is a typical liberal dismissive, it's wanting opportunity and fairness.


Profundity and brevity. 

Now we can add levity

5 hours ago, McSpreader said:

  Not quite convinced you made your point particularly well there, but protecting your own little bubble at the expense of those worst off is a crime. Ignoring the reality of people's daily lives and dismissing them due to their lack of opportunity is a crime.

The liberal cosmo elite are guilty of suppressing the opportunities for millions of White Brits to improve their lot by flooding the country with foreigners , for example. It's not bitterness that drives white people, that is a typical liberal dismissive, it's wanting opportunity and fairness.



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I don't like the FN but this made me :lol:.


"A little corner of France is set to pay tribute to Britain's decision to leave the EU after a town's mayor created a "Rue du Brexit".

"Julien Sanchez, a member of France's far right National Front (FN), suggested the name in order "to pay homage to the choice of the British people" following the referendum.

"The road will sit next to Rue Robert-Schumann and Avenue Jean-Monnet - regarded as founders of the EU."

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18 minutes ago, RedRob72 said:


None whatsoever.
Using the example of German unification bares no resemblance at all in comparison with the people, politics and economy of Northern Ireland and The Republic.


Religion.  You forgot religion.

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Really?  Please explain.

The willingness of the people of BOTH countries, West Germany was flooded with East German nationals following the fall of the Soviet block, a shared political Ideology agreed under an all German election. A West German economy strong enough to absorb the East and invest in it, that's just a couple of quick points.
This was achieved at breakneck speed, a remarkable achievement.

Can you see that happening in Northern/Southern Ireland even in the space of 20 years. The GFA certainly paved the way to end the strife, and made seismic changes to the political landscape at Stormont. A United Ireland is a completely different prospect however.
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The Republic certainly does, and republican population in the north do too.  It's side splittingly funny to see a complete bigot panicking as his bigoted wee world starts to collapse around him, in a few years wes there could be no UKand no nnorthern Ireland wouldn't that be great eh.

Edited by Peppino Impastato
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13 minutes ago, Peppino Impastato said:

The Republic certainly does, and republican population in the north do too.  It's side splittingly funny to see a complete bigot panicking as his bigoted wee world starts to collapse around him, in a few years wes there could be no UKand no nnorthern Ireland wouldn't that be great eh.

The Republic wants and needs a United Ireland like it wants and needs another bank crash.

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The Republic certainly does, and republican population in the north do too.  It's side splittingly funny to see a complete bigot panicking as his bigoted wee world starts to collapse around him, in a few years wes there could be no UKand no nnorthern Ireland wouldn't that be great eh.

I can assure you that there is a great deal of antipathy towards a united Ireland, at least here in Dublin. Many have no desire to take on a basket case part of the U.K. and all of its ensuing problems. It's not as clear cut as you think.
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