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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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3 minutes ago, Harambe Legion said:

It's in an earlier post of mine in this thread. Probably a couple pages back. 60%+ men unemployed and about 80% for women.

These stats on unemployment and welfare use are seen with Somali immigrants all over Europe. The Netherlands and especially Sweden have a lot and there the figures are actually worse. The US (in the midwestern states) also has quite a few Somalis. There the high rates of unemployment are also present but lower mainly due to the US having a less generous welfare system.

Even when they get jobs they are low-paying and they are unlikely to be net contributors.

It has nothing to do with them being put in Sighthill. Most of them just aren't capable of being productive citizens in a complex developed society. For example they have extremely high rates of schizophrenia. This is true when they live in Somalia also.

I haven't even touched on their crime rates but they are very high if you want to look at the figures. 

I just don't agree with "sending them back", there will be plenty of decent law abiding Somalians who came here to escape getting their heads chopped off.

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4 minutes ago, Harambe Legion said:

Why? Do we have some responsibility to let in the entire world into a small nation?

We don't let the entire world in, the very poor countries close to Somalia such as Kenya and Ethiopia have took  by far the worst of it. We should certainly do our bit like any other rich, peaceful and outward looking country.

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Recall visiting Copenhagen a couple of years back through work and learning that the crime rate committed by Somali immigrants was 10 times higher than the national average per head of population. I understand that many have left their war-torn homeland in search of a safer life, with the opportunity of a home, job, healthcare and an education for their children. Denmark is a socially liberal country, that has welcomed those seeking security and protection and although a financially prudent country, welfare and healthcare are provided by the state, through taxation. Why should the crime rate be so high amongst this particular community group?

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9 hours ago, Harambe Legion said:

Because they are an economic drain (see my earlier post. majority of men and women are unemployed) and they commit a lot of crime. Again why should they stay?

Having lived in Bristol for a few years I can assure you the Somali community there are a stain and a burden on that city , don't integrate, don't work, chew khat all day long, are at loggerheads with the long established and highly respected West Indian community because they see themselves as superior.

The idiots who call for more immigration need to look at the English example of where it leads. It's NOTHING to do with colour, as some moron has suggested but everything to do with culture. 

Multiculturalism is a disaster for some urban parts of the UK. Multi ethnicity less so.

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Minnesota of all places took in a large Somali population. Very little integration, ghettoed, tension with other ethnic and religious communities. Why would you keep wanting to import severe division?

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24 minutes ago, EvilScotsman said:


Aye, imagine looking at the research before deciding on policy. Fucking hell.


Research by academics that are funded by the EU and who don't research the negative impacts such as a lack of investment in and training of the resident population , the stress on health and education services, transport and housing and the tension created by the lack of social cohesion by an unprecedented number of immigrants entering our society without any forward planning or controls.........That's not real research is it ?

As I said, a rose tinted article written by an Eastern European immigrant funded by the EU with a vested interest in putting  a positive spin on the subject ...

We used to manage without 300,000 immigrants entering the UK every year. I'm sure we will be fine if we reduce that number a bit.

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Research by academics that are funded by the EU and who don't research the negative impacts such as a lack of investment in and training of the resident population , the stress on health and education services, transport and housing and the tension created by the lack of social cohesion by an unprecedented number of immigrants entering our society without any forward planning or controls.........That's not real research is it ?
As I said, a rose tinted article written by an Eastern European immigrant funded by the EU with a vested interest in putting  a positive spin on the subject ...
We used to manage without 300,000 immigrants entering the UK every year. I'm sure we will be fine if we reduce that number a bit.

It's a good point that's continually ignored, the infrastructure and resources required to properly support 300,000 (net) entrants per year just isn't there, there is a huge gap (£) before a net benefit contribution can be calculated. In the meantime health, education, employment and welfare services are stretched to the limit. It isn't the 'fault' of those arriving here, but surely the numbers of migrants entering the UK from within & outside the EU have to be managed according to their needs plus the consideration of communities that will initially host them, and help them to settle here?
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I heard Ruth Davidson interviewed on the lunchtime news talking about Wee Nicola starting to make an utter arse of herself over IndyRef2/Soft Brexit.  It's the best I've heard Davidson and she's right.  Nicola needs to stfu lest she becomes a single-issue tosser.

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9 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

We're a few months top before this forum agrees with swampy and starts advocating scientific racism,royalty is great and so is Christianity  Bookmark it.

Fixed that for you

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9 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

We're a few months top before this forum starts advocating scientific racism. Bookmark it.

Bullshit.....it was you and your ilk that started using the race card during the referendum.

You condemned Brexiteers as racists and xenophobes and so let the genie out of the bottle. If you want to pigeonhole people by race and by colour then you reap what you sow.


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33 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

I heard Ruth Davidson interviewed on the lunchtime news talking about Wee Nicola starting to make an utter arse of herself over IndyRef2/Soft Brexit.  It's the best I've heard Davidson and she's right.  Nicola needs to stfu lest she becomes a single-issue tosser.

Ruth comes across as someone who's completely out her depth and completely insincere.    She talks about Labour "not laying a glove on the SNP"  but she's been in the job for half a decade and gets utterly ragdolled every Thursday at FMQ.   She's whore'd herself by becoming a mouthpiece for the mental UAS-style No voter in an attempt to pick up voters.    I actually don't believe she believes have the shite she comes out with.   Ruth isn't a patch on previous Conservative leaders:  Annabel Goldie and the late David McLetchie.    The constitutional divide has kept her in a job.  

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45 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

I heard Ruth Davidson interviewed on the lunchtime news talking about Wee Nicola starting to make an utter arse of herself over IndyRef2/Soft Brexit.  It's the best I've heard Davidson and she's right.  Nicola needs to stfu lest she becomes a single-issue tosser.

Ruthie fully supported Scotland and the U.K. remaining in the EU remember. 

She's an unprincipled blawhard. 

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