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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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While Brexitwonks lash out and decry the unpatriotic saboteurs gleefully pointing out all the realities suddenly hitting home, May desperately tries to reach out to try and build cross party support from all the people she arrogantly told to go chase themselves before she called the election.

Ho ho ho, ha ha ha, brexit Is coming undone.

Keep a close eye on the libdems though.

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France to build new fleet of submarines for Australia in Cherbourg.

Thought this was the sort of deal we would be free to pursue after leaving EU?

Last I checked France was very much in the EU

Edited by WILLIEA
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EU saying UK citizens living in EU countries will have exactly the same rights after Brexit that they have now.

Apparently we are unwilling to offer the same commitment to EU citizens living here.

The EU negotiators have said clearly that this issue must be resolved before they move on to trade talks.

As there is not a smiley that sums up my view of this I will settle for :lol::lol::lol::lol::bairn

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25 minutes ago, DrewDon said:

That is a very decent thread but misses the core point of Brexit. The majority of the electorate felt the benefits of EU membership weren't impacting their lives in a beneficial way and the negatives were impacting their lives more.

For over 50 years politicians have arrogantly been imposing on the UK electorate that which they think is in our best interests  rather than that which the majority really want and in the process changing society to their detriment......talking about manifestos and the like is irrelevant to the the majority of voters as they don't read them but rely on TV analysts to tell them what's in them. ....That's the reality, I'm sorry to say.

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1 hour ago, McSpreader said:

 the negatives were impacting their lives more.

In which ways has your life been negatively impacted by EU membership?

Edited by welshbairn
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That is a very decent thread but misses the core point of Brexit. The majority of the electorate felt the benefits of EU membership weren't impacting their lives in a beneficial way and the negatives were impacting their lives more.
For over 50 years politicians have arrogantly been imposing on the UK electorate that which they think is in our best interests  rather than that which the majority really want and in the process changing society to their detriment......talking about manifestos and the like is irrelevant to the the majority of voters as they don't read them but rely on TV analysts to tell them what's in them. ....That's the reality, I'm sorry to say.

Bollocks. Majority of brexiteers were sold a lot of racist shite and a Diamond star funded NHS
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9 hours ago, kilbowie2002 said:

All those human rights and workers protections being all considerate to basic human decency etc that red tape, darn those selfish europeans why can't they let us go back to the good old workhouse days of 6 day 80hour weeks for a pittance!


ETA: In all seriousness, Brexiteers have actively voted for extra red tape, not less.

Unless you actually believe that worker's rights will be eroded in the future, and that worker's rights are literally 'red tape'. Turkeys, Christmas, etc.

And on the subject of Turkeys, I just checked my back garden and I don't see 80 million of them trying to nick my job. Was that not literally weeks away in June last year? We're still in the EU with 'open borders' right now, yes?

Edited by Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo
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9 hours ago, welshbairn said:

In which ways has your life been negatively impacted by EU membership?

If you read carefully you'll see that I was talking about 'them'...the other Brexit voters.

I voted  brexit because I hate the undemocratic, political vanity project that has created the  largest closed shop economy in the world to the detriment of the developing world and emerging nations.  My day to  day life isn't particularly impacted negatively or positively as I don't see the EU as the  purveyors of all that is good or bad in my life......I hate the concept of an EU Empire and ever closer union and so took my chance to get the f**k out......Any part of that you don't understand? 

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2 hours ago, John Lambies Doos said:


Bollocks. Majority of brexiteers were sold a lot of racist shite and a Diamond star funded NHS


Bollocks....Only you are that stupid.They aren't. They voted exactly they way they wanted. Sorry if that bothers you......NOT!

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6 minutes ago, McSpreader said:

If you read carefully you'll see that I was talking about 'them'...the other Brexit voters.

I voted  brexit because I hate the undemocratic, political vanity project that has created the  largest closed shop economy in the world to the detriment of the developing world and emerging nations.  My day to  day life isn't particularly impacted negatively or positively as I don't see the EU as the  purveyors of all that is good or bad in my life......I hate the concept of an EU Empire and ever closer union and so took my chance to get the f**k out......Any part of that you don't understand? 

Eastern Europe doesn't agree with this.

ETA: Do you think Turkey should be allowed in?

Edited by Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo
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1 minute ago, Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo said:

What about Turkey? The campaign told us that was a bad thing. You'd be all for that, of course.

I'm anti EU so not sure what you are getting at. Turkey doesn't need the EU.

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