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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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40 minutes ago, Colkitto said:

Most likely outcome now is a hard Brexit going by rumours on social media.

The UK government are supposedly  going to propose that the UK wants to keep EU standards and rules but on their terms as agreed by the Cabinet Committee.

That means out of the customs Union and Single Market. They are also proposing to guarantee the rights of EU Citizens in the UK. But don't see anything regards free movement of people.

The EU have been consistent from the very start and insist on free movement and membership of the Customs Union and Single Market to keep the same arrangements.

No idea how that effects the Irish border and to me it looks like they have sacrificed the GFA. 

If the rumours are true and this is the outcome, then we are all in for a very hard time and will force Nicola Sturgeons hand in call indyref2


There is some movement in the Labour ranks in the other direction.  I can see enough pro-EU Tories opposing May to defeat a hard Brexit which should force a General Election.  Some Tories may balk at this but I can still see it happening.

What is bizarre and infuriating is that the hard liners amongst the Tories are a minority.  A sizeable minority maybe but it’s still the tail wagging the dog.


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On 21/02/2018 at 14:14, Blootoon87 said:

Why did the majority of farmers vote for Brexit anyway? They need the labour and don't they get massive subsidies from the EU? I can kind of understand the fishermen up here voting to leave, they naively think they'll be able to fish the seas dry after we leave. Never understood the farmers though.

Something like 55% of farmers voted for Brexit so it wasn't the overwhelming majority but I guess those that voted leave probably did so because they were pissed at the admittedly not perfect CAP along with other EU regulations on things like pesticides and use of chemicals.

I guess, like the fisherman looking forward to fishing the f**k out of the sea then having nothing left to catch, the farmers probably hoped that they would have more free reign and do whatever they like such as spraying neonicotinoids  all over the place before killing all the bees that pollinate their crops.

Must be galling for these subsidy junkies to see the likes of BoJo and Gove trying to get dirt cheap meat and other produce deals with the likes of Argentina and the US to import a load of their cheap as chips meat. f**k them.

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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

There is some movement in the Labour ranks in the other direction.  I can see enough pro-EU Tories opposing May to defeat a hard Brexit which should force a General Election.  Some Tories may balk at this but I can still see it happening.

What is bizarre and infuriating is that the hard liners amongst the Tories are a minority.  A sizeable minority maybe but it’s still the tail wagging the dog.


Not sure Tories would force an election that could possibly put a Labour government in power. Never know right enough when they are faced with hard Brexit Armageddon 

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2 hours ago, Colkitto said:

Not sure Tories would force an election that could possibly put a Labour government in power. Never know right enough when they are faced with hard Brexit Armageddon 

They wouldn't be keen on letting a soft to medium left Labour party have a shot at power anyway but given the nature of the folk running the Labour party at the moment it may seem like a choice of different Armageddons


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In the last half hour Jeremy Hunt has said the U.K. will not stay in the customs union.  Which is the most bizarre.

A) The health secretary making an announcement of this magnitude following an extensive ‘Brexit cabinet’ meeting before the PM has made a statement; or

B) The fact that Jeremy Hunt is a cabinet secretary?



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36 minutes ago, pawpar said:

Donald Tusk - UK brexit plans pure illusion.


Translation - Theresa stop talking pish.


The thing is Tusk has been utterly consistent.  He is saying “the U.K. cannot cherry pick it’s future relationship with the EU.”  

He has said this from Day 1, so have all the other EU negotiators and spokespersons.  The problem is that’s there’s some influential people within the U.K. government and the wider Tory Party who seem to think he’s kidding.


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10 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

The thing is Tusk has been utterly consistent.  He is saying “the U.K. cannot cherry pick it’s future relationship with the EU.”  

He has said this from Day 1, so have all the other EU negotiators and spokespersons.  The problem is that’s there’s some influential people within the U.K. government and the wider Tory Party who seem to think he’s kidding.


Yep. The reason we , after all this time, still as a nation don't have a clue what we are doing, is that the entire premise is that we have the strong negotiating hand and they will bend over and take the Empire length anytime soon. That's why we don't need a plan. We're waiting for them to crack.


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