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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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I cannot understand why a reasonable stance like 'we're obviously completely opposed to this option and would campaign against it, but in the event of the people deciding otherwise we'd decisively represent our voters' concerns by securing autonomy and guaranteed minority rights in any new state' cannot be expressed by Foster and her ilk. Instead she'd rather swan off to a destination unknown and leave her precious community to look after themselves! It'd be like Nicola Sturgeon leaving the country after the 2014 referendum result and storming off to Catalonia in a huff; an absolutely laughable view of political leadership that would see a politician emptied here immediately. 

If the identity issue was removed from the debate tomorrow then the most logical solution to Brexit and the Irish border question is an Irish union with extensive and guaranteed autonomy and minority rights within TFS, Nobody expects Loyalist parties to actively campaign for that, but when the economic superiority of the South and the trade barrier arguments are so firmly lined up behind such an outcome it is ridiculous for Foster to disown her own population for daring to favour jobs and prosperity to being attached to a corpse draped in a Union Jack. 


A career politician in the aftermath of the biggest defeat imaginable for her side would normally have no choice but to piss off anyway


Providing she doesn’t move to Edinburgh that seems fine

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6 minutes ago, topcat(The most tip top) said:


A career politician in the aftermath of the biggest defeat imaginable for her side would normally have no choice but to piss off anyway


Providing she doesn’t move to Edinburgh that seems fine

She can move to Gran Canaria and support Las Palmas. Right up her stteeth. 

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8 hours ago, HTG said:

It seems an absolute certainty to me that there will be a customs union arrangement in Ireland. If that's the case, there will need to be a customs union arrangement for rUK. If that's the case, there will need do be freedom of movement because it's a basic tenet of a customs union. Brexit will add up to something close to the square root of f**k all.  A small war may be avoided but Barnsley Bob and his tattooed pitbull will be utterly fucking raging - which is fantastic. 

Barnsley Bob (I call Yorkshire the capital of Brexit - get that accent in the sea) will be too fucking thick to really know that Britain never really left the EU, but he got his blue passport. Although I wonder how happy he will be if somehow as part of a free-trade agreement that it'll be Nigerians and Indians ' doing them jobs' rather than 'the Poles'.  

The Brexit lads are like the yobs on the lash. Game for a laugh when coked and pished up ; but shite it the day after and go around sending the 'sorry, I was out of order last night,' texts the day after. Nae baws.

I got a bit carried away with the 'ye ken' but féck it, every fucking caller, pundit, QT audience that comes from Yorkshire seems to be an utter toad.

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If Teresa May wanted to salvage one last vestige of her reputation she would bin this whole thing.  One last act before she resigned and fucked off to a Caribbean island would be to say:

"Right, we never fancied it in the first place, it was expediency on the part of my predecessor. We mostly campaigned against it (apart from the arseholes). We've had a good look at it.  It's a genuine crock of shite.  I've just signed all the documentation to can the thing. As you were Europe. Adios."

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17 hours ago, topcat(The most tip top) said:


A career politician in the aftermath of the biggest defeat imaginable for her side would normally have no choice but to piss off anyway


Providing she doesn’t move to Edinburgh that seems fine

There's a big difference between leaving elected office and fleeing the country in a huff though. 

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5 hours ago, Baxter Parp said:

Informative twitter thread.

I thought that Norway just had checks on opted out agricultural and fishery products, but from that twitter feed it applies to clothing too. Order a Milan football shirt online and pay a 10% tariff plus 25% VAT plus admin fees for the courier. Similar in Switzerland. Worse than living in the Highlands. Serves them right for not supporting their own teams though.


P.S. I guess that means they have to pay Norwegian VAT at 25% on top of Italian VAT at 22%.

Edited by welshbairn
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Brexit trade deal: US lays out 'wish list' and it does not look good for the UK

US Trade Representative wants to scrap a host of EU rules on food safety, chemicals, animal welfare and the environment



And the issue is much deeper than the debate around chlorine-washed chicken would suggest. The UK, as part of the EU, does not get its own section in the USTR report, but the 47-page chapter devoted to America’s gripes about the EU, point to where trade negotiations between the two partners in the “special relationship" might head.

Few industries are left untouched and the US wants a host of regulations scrapped or amended.

The USTR rails against the burden of EU food labelling as well as restrictions on cosmetics and pesticides.

It bemoans the fact that accreditation bodies for product standards must be public and non-profit, when private American firms could do the job. 

It complains about the widely recognised CE safety mark, so expect that to go.

On chemicals, the EU’s regulations impose “extensive registration, testing and data requirements on all chemicals manufactured or imported into the EU in quantities greater than a metric ton”; something that most British citizens probably support. The USTR says it does too, but argues that some are overly onerous or “simply unnecessary”.

Restrictions on biofuel crops, which a number of studies have shown can potentially be worse for climate change than fossil fuels, are also highlighted as a burden.


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha - ah f**k.

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22 minutes ago, williemillersmoustache said:

Brexit trade deal: US lays out 'wish list' and it does not look good for the UK

US Trade Representative wants to scrap a host of EU rules on food safety, chemicals, animal welfare and the environment



Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha - ah f**k.

They’ll soon fold when they realise they need us more than we need them. Plus the yanks love the royal family.  Anyway it’s time to look away from the USA and at the rest of the world. Etc. 

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Brexit trade deal: US lays out 'wish list' and it does not look good for the UK

US Trade Representative wants to scrap a host of EU rules on food safety, chemicals, animal welfare and the environment


And the issue is much deeper than the debate around chlorine-washed chicken would suggest. The UK, as part of the EU, does not get its own section in the USTR report, but the 47-page chapter devoted to America’s gripes about the EU, point to where trade negotiations between the two partners in the “special relationship" might head.

Few industries are left untouched and the US wants a host of regulations scrapped or amended.

The USTR rails against the burden of EU food labelling as well as restrictions on cosmetics and pesticides.

It bemoans the fact that accreditation bodies for product standards must be public and non-profit, when private American firms could do the job. 

It complains about the widely recognised CE safety mark, so expect that to go.

On chemicals, the EU’s regulations impose “extensive registration, testing and data requirements on all chemicals manufactured or imported into the EU in quantities greater than a metric ton”; something that most British citizens probably support. The USTR says it does too, but argues that some are overly onerous or “simply unnecessary”.

Restrictions on biofuel crops, which a number of studies have shown can potentially be worse for climate change than fossil fuels, are also highlighted as a burden.





That's fine though because with sicker citizens comes more opportunity for private healthcare and pharmaceuticals.


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I thought that Norway just had checks on opted out agricultural and fishery products, but from that twitter feed it applies to clothing too. Order a Milan football shirt online and pay a 10% tariff plus 25% VAT plus admin fees for the courier. Similar in Switzerland. Worse than living in the Highlands. Serves them right for not supporting their own teams though.
P.S. I guess that means they have to pay Norwegian VAT at 25% on top of Italian VAT at 22%.

No Italian VAT as it’s an export from the EU.
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On 4/6/2018 at 13:31, HTG said:

If Teresa May wanted to salvage one last vestige of her reputation she would bin this whole thing.  One last act before she resigned and fucked off to a Caribbean island would be to say:

"Right, we never fancied it in the first place, it was expediency on the part of my predecessor. We mostly campaigned against it (apart from the arseholes). We've had a good look at it.  It's a genuine crock of shite.  I've just signed all the documentation to can the thing. As you were Europe. Adios."

She wouldn't start with 'right', she'd start with 'let me be quite clear', like she does with everything else she says*


*Is programmed to say

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