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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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On 9/30/2018 at 18:17, Cerberus said:

1951 style Festival of Britain.



The Gammons will lap that up. They love the 1950s, even the Polio.



The season however had started brightly, with Dumbarton winning their first national silverware in 41 years, by triumphing in the St Mungo Quaich - a competition for B Division sides to celebrate the Festival of Britain.



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Take with a massive pinch of salt but this Twitter thread is quite interesting and a few months from finalising the departure from the EU - it does at least appear consistent with many things we've seen. Parliament doesn't look ready to act with the state Labour are in and how talk of rebellions and new centrists anti-Brexit/EEA alliances have always fallen short of reality. There seems to be no one right now placed to take over the Tory party and the membership is very very pro hard Brexit with Labour also having their rebellions and MPs terrified at being portrayed as against the will of the people.

Go down the route of fucking things up and then blaming everybody else would be entirely consistent with this government who own the press who are happy to shovel nonsense to the population. It isn't a minority of backbench Tory MPs, there's a considerable number who have authored books with ideas like privatising the NHS and moving to what's essentially a zero tax economy where councils are self-sufficient and don't need central funding (which is a target in England and Wales for the next few years); the alliance between Conservatives across the Atlantic has existed for a long time and is very much alive.

There have been political realities that have stopped a lot of these batshit ideas but Brexit would be the biggest government project since WW2 and has the potential to really drive change in every aspect of life. I could understand why certain individuals could see now as ideal conditions to try and reshape the country in their image.

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Anyone old enough out there to remember who delivered this speech?


First, welcome to Lancaster House for the launching of this “Europe Open for Business” campaign.

It is the first step along the path of preparing Britain's companies to take the opportunities presented by completion of the Single Market in the European Community in 1992. 

We must get this right. Too often in the past Britain has missed opportunities.

How we meet the challenge of the Single Market will be a major factor, possibly the major factor, in our competitive position in European and world markets into the twenty-first century. Getting it right needs a partnership between government and business.

The task of government is two-fold: —to negotiate in Brussels so as to get the possible results for Britain; —and then to make you the business community aware of the opportunities, so that you can make the most of them. 

It's your job, the job of business, to gear yourselves up to take the opportunities which a single market of nearly 320 million people will offer.

Just think for a moment what a prospect that is. A single market without barriers—visible or invisible—giving you direct and unhindered access to the purchasing power of over 300 million of the world's wealthiest and most prosperous people.

Bigger than Japan. Bigger than the United States. On your doorstep. And with the Channel Tunnel to give you direct access to it.

It's not a dream. It's not a vision. It's not some bureaucrat's plan. It's for real. And it's only five years away.


Clue :

Often described (by some) as an "Iron Lady"

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18 minutes ago, Cerberus said:

Javid announces plans to replace Life in the UK test with British values test for migrants looking to settle in UK.

What British value do you most admire?


How arrogant to assume that there are one set of ‘values’ that we all subscribe too.  Little Englanders at their worst.


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5 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

How arrogant to assume that there are one set of ‘values’ that we all subscribe too.  Little Englanders at their worst.


Didn't you know? Teas, crumpets, top hats and Conservative Party conferences are a must.

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Didn't you know? Teas, crumpets, top hats and Conservative Party conferences are a must.
My main ambition is to dress my son like a cùnt and photograph him at the top of the Empire State Building.

I'm on the mobile. Can someone post the Rees Mogg holiday snap please.
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21 hours ago, harry94 said:

Take with a massive pinch of salt but this Twitter thread is quite interesting and a few months from finalising the departure from the EU - ...


Think he's right about what the pro-Brexit Tories are doing in terms of not negotiating in good faith and deliberately running down the clock to engineer a no deal Brexit and agree it is sensible to put in a stock of food over the next few months for that scenario if you can afford it, but some of the rest about using emergency powers is a bit too Alex Jones to be worth taking seriously.

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On Brexit, we will never accept discrimination based on skills and nationality. We will never accept an extension on article 50. Enough mess has been created by Brexit. Let's stop it! We will never undermine the principles of our Union to rescue the Tory party.


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