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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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32 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Pretty sure there was a regular poster on here suggesting the same thing.  There would be a lot of unhappy gammons, frantic headlines in the Mail & Express and a slight upsurge in support for the far right- mainly from disaffected Tories.  But that would be it.

Plus a few MPs being pelted with scones and teacakes from time to time.

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38 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Pretty sure there was a regular poster on here suggesting the same thing.  There would be a lot of unhappy gammons, frantic headlines in the Mail & Express and a slight upsurge in support for the far right- mainly from disaffected Tories.  But that would be it.


I don't want to alarm you Granny, but.....


While Theresa May repeatedly rejected demands for a second vote on the final terms of the Brexit withdrawal agreement, Brexiteer Richard Tice announced last week Leave campaigners are now laying out plans to prepare for a rerun of the referendum.

Mr Tice suggested the British Government could be forced to ultimately ask Britons to vote again because "Parliamentarians are not carrying out the will of the people."

Speaking to the BBC, the co-founder of the Leave Means Leave campaign said: "We at Leave Means Leave had had six big rallies up and down the country, thousands of people – go out to the regions and listen to people. I’m telling you it would be brutal, it will be ugly, it will be the most divisive thing this country has ever seen.

"But, I regret to say, we are preparing for it because the Parliamentarians are not carrying out the will of the people. They are split, they are divided. It doesn’t matter how it happens, I can see the Prime Minister within a fortnight calling a second referendum."

He added: "We’re already preparing for it, we are fundraising for it. We’ve got one battle bus already, we’ve got designs for a second

"I wanted to put ‘save £39 billion’ but I was voted down and I believe in democracy. We’re taking this very seriously, we’re taking more office space for it, we’ve got great people who’ve approached us to help and be involved in the campaign."


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7 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:


I don't want to alarm you Granny, but.....


I don’t find that alarming in the slightest.  Actually I’d love attempts of violent protests by Brexiteers quickly quashed with brutal force.  It won’t happen though.

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58 minutes ago, MONKMAN said:

Watching the BBC news at work this morning and they mentioned no-deal possibly being taken off the table, with other senior politicians campaigning for second vote.  Old guy at work (rangers fan) says this country will go to war if Brexit isn't delivered. 

I asked who exactly would be going the war, and inquired as to who they'd be doing battle with?

"The people will riot, you'll see" was his response. 

I think a war sounds like great fun.  They could do a remake of the Great Escape.

Fifty prisoners escape from a Brexit POW camp and make their way across enemy territory.

"Oh no, a road block - what do we do?"
"You keep quiet, I will do all the talking."
"Take back control, send the immigrants home, Ulster will be forever British."
"Hey that worked."
"Yes but we will need be more careful next time."

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19 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

I don’t find that alarming in the slightest.  Actually I’d love attempts of violent protests by Brexiteers quickly quashed with brutal force.  It won’t happen though.


I sincerely hope I'm wrong but I do believe there's a strong chance it will happen. Just listen to that much loved, and highly regarded former Tory leader :


Speaking on Pienaar's Politics, Mr Duncan Smith said: "You think the country is divided right now, you wait until you try and hold that second referendum.

"There’s a very large chunk of people who will feel utterly betrayed and very angry. And I just caution you, look across the Channel. We are not that far away from that kind of process happening here.

"People voted and they were told that one vote would be acted on, that that one vote would be delivered. Parliament voted by an overwhelming majority to deliver Brexit, they did so twice – once on the Article 50 letter and once when they came back under the urgings of the Supreme Court."

President Macron was forced to deploy 8,000 officers and 12 armoured vehicles to Paris on Saturday as more than 1,000 campaigners of the so-called “gilets jaunts” movement gathered in the centre of the French capital.



There's trouble brewing here in Lancashire and it's not trouble t'mill.


Edited by ICTJohnboy
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4 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Keir Starmer saying ‘No Deal’ should not be an option on a second referendum!  :lol:

I reckon that’s a negotiating position but it’s still an interesting one.  Mogg and others’ heads will explode.

The big problem with "No Deal" being an option is that a lot of Leave voters will choose it as if to say "Leave means Leave and we really, really mean it."

Absolutely no attempt will be made to understand what it means - there are even people who think "No Deal" means everything stays the same as it is now.

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Kaye Adams' phone in right now.

Brexit voting caller: "I'm sick of being called a thick racist"

Kaye: "Why did you vote for Brexit?"

Caller: "Immigration. I've seen the way England has gone with foreigners, it not the way I remember England. I don't like it, I don't want Scotland going that way".

Edit for incorrectly placed apostrophe.

Edited by Mark Connolly
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The obvious choice would be the deal the Government's spent 2 years negotiating and Remain. But Corbyn will use that to waffle and block a public vote, saying that his soft brexit that has not been defined or been negotiated whatsoever should be on it instead of May's deal.

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39 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:


I sincerely hope I'm wrong but I do believe there's a strong chance it will happen. Just listen to that much loved, and highly regarded former Tory leader :



There's trouble brewing here in Lancashire and it's not trouble t'mill.


Smith thinks there was an ‘overwhelming majority’ to leave? No Ian it was a pretty tight margin.

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On 2/21/2019 at 17:46, BawWatchin said:


^^^ Thinks the BBC is a credible source of propaganda free information.

They were not bad most of the time until 24/7 cable TV news came on the scene and they moved away from the old school Radio Four and World Service type approach that stuck to the known facts delivered in a very dry sort of way to being just another CNN style channel that appeals to visceral level emotions with loaded language, simplistic good guy and bad guy analyses of highly complex problems like Syria, human interest angles pushed to the forefront and narcissistic interviewers like Jeremy Paxman theatrically hectoring people rather than treating them with respect and engaging intellectually to drive ratings. 

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Any seething gammons that are advocating violence should be blootered over the head with a cosh and transported to  one of old blightys colonies aboard one of the old style yachts that takes the kids on sailing holidays

I didn’t know Liam Neeson was posting on here.
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