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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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So we don't join the Euro.

Planes will fall out of the sky etc.

Didn't happen.

Vote to leave the E.U. and planes etc.

No it didn't happen.

Vote to leave the E.U.

No planes etc.

What did happen though is the highest employment rate in History.

Wages on the increase.

Don't listen to M.S.M. 

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Will the EU agree a time limit to the backstop?  No.

Will the EU agree that the U.K. can unilaterally exit the backstop?  No.

Will any form of words that exclude one or other of these options satisfy the ERG, DUP and others?  No.

Nothing has changed since May’s proposal got defeated.


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23 minutes ago, sureiknow said:

So we don't join the Euro.

Planes will fall out of the sky etc.

Didn't happen.

Vote to leave the E.U. and planes etc.

No it didn't happen.

Vote to leave the E.U.

No planes etc.

What did happen though is the highest employment rate in History.

Wages on the increase.

Don't listen to M.S.M. 

A plane did actually fall out of the sky yesterday, killing nine Britons and x foreigners (where x is the number of people on the plane minus the 9 Britons).

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What I'm hoping if there is a deal, is that all the people camped out in Calais will be put on free buses and ferries to Larne or Rosslaire and sent out of their own will to Cairnryan  ,Birkenhead or Fishguard, to protect the NO BORDER IN THE IRISH SEA, MISSUS BUNFIELD principle.

Edited by welshbairn
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35 minutes ago, sureiknow said:

So we don't join the Euro.

Planes will fall out of the sky etc.

Didn't happen.

Vote to leave the E.U. and planes etc.

No it didn't happen.

Vote to leave the E.U.

No planes etc.

What did happen though is the highest employment rate in History.

Wages on the increase.

Don't listen to M.S.M. 


You horrible, thick c**t

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1 hour ago, sureiknow said:

So we don't join the Euro.

Planes will fall out of the sky etc.

Didn't happen.

Vote to leave the E.U. and planes etc.

No it didn't happen.

Vote to leave the E.U.

No planes etc.

What did happen though is the highest employment rate in History.

Wages on the increase.

Don't listen to M.S.M. 

A plane literally fell out of the sky yesterday. OK, it was American made and in Africa, but still. 

It was the MSM that sponsored this utter shambles. 

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2 minutes ago, HeartsOfficialMoaner said:


So Cox will say the U.K. can unilaterally withdraw though we can’t.  The EU won’t object and ERG and DUP will pretend to believe Cox.

The level of dishonesty and duplicity is staggering.


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1 hour ago, sureiknow said:


Wages on the increase.

Hope so mate, you should at least demand the minimum wage for your age. It's atrocious the way people are getting fucked about on zero hour contracts and the like. If you have to pay for your own uniform and don't get your fare share of the tips, sue the c***s.

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2 hours ago, sureiknow said:

So we don't join the Euro.

Planes will fall out of the sky etc.

I think you're confusing 'joining the euro' with the Y2K bug.

Easy mistake to make.

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