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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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2 hours ago, renton said:

Well of course, but within context the meaning should be clear enough. After all, it's not a change in geographic location that we are contemplating here, it's not cracking the seabed open and launching the UK a few hundred miles further into the North Atlantic that's got everyone worried (albeit after the NI to Scotland bridge idea, it can't be far behind). Being European in this context means being in the EU, as it's the political and cultural alignment on rules and regulations that is at stake. 


Basically the European equivalent of Canada with its non-American citizens living in the Americas.

... or ROI nationals not being British despite being born and bred in the British Isles.



Eta: cracking the seabed open would almost certainly result in mantle upwelling that would result shallowing of the English Channel due to the creation of a developing oceanic ridge, which itself would be associated with volcanic / sesimic activity.  With this being one of the busiest shipping channels in the world, it probably would have quite a lot of people worried.

Edited by Hedgecutter
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2 hours ago, Detournement said:

It's not really an option. You are European by virtue of being from Europe.

European existed as an identity long before the EU and encompasses a wider range of countries than the EU 28.

Whilst visiting a bar in the USA when returning from the 86 WC, the guy running the place shouted 'Hey folks! We got some Europeans in.'  I'd never been called 'European' before, I quite liked it. 

When explaining to an immigration officer at the border why we had been in Mexico, he said "Are you guys on the team?"

Americans 🤭

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This would be funny if it weren’t to serious.

The only thing the UK ‘negotiating team’ have presented to their EU counterparts is a draft copy of the Withdrawal Agreement with the backstop removed.


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I believe the judges were asking about other legislation that has suffered due to the closure of parliament. I’d heard that a domestic abuse paper has been binned but hadn’t been aware that there was a fisheries act that has also been stopped. Apparently because of this the fishing industry is fucked if we go no deal as there’s no time to get it back after the break. At last, some good news!

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8 hours ago, cyderspaceman said:

Whilst visiting a bar in the USA when returning from the 86 WC, the guy running the place shouted 'Hey folks! We got some Europeans in.'  I'd never been called 'European' before, I quite liked it. 

When explaining to an immigration officer at the border why we had been in Mexico, he said "Are you guys on the team?"

Americans 🤭

^^^ Stevie Nicol, never got to fly back with the team plane.

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She can f**k off, chancing cow, apparently a vote for Lib Dems gives them a clear mandate to revoke article 50, but a vote for the SNP doesn't give a mandate for another independence referendum?

I’m going to stun you and tell you that Nicola Sturgeon wouldn’t be remotely interested if ‘circumstances changed’ or if Scotland was making a c**t of getting out of the UK - the people, in this case, would have spoken and there would be no chance whatsoever of a second referendum.

People are hypocritical c***s. Come to terms with that and you’ll find yourself a lot more relaxed.
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It was in the SNPs Manifesto, and 'the people' voted for it.

I’ve no idea what you’re on about. I’m talking about Nicola Sturgeon wanting another referendum on Brexit, something she wouldn’t be so keen on if Scotland votes Yes.
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10 minutes ago, Paco said:


I’ve no idea what you’re on about. I’m talking about Nicola Sturgeon wanting another referendum on Brexit, something she wouldn’t be so keen on if Scotland votes Yes.

I think a vote on whether to be in the EU after winning Independence should be one of the first things on the agenda as well as a vote on joining the Euro. I would like to stay as a member but it is only fair to put this to a vote. I would also like to see public votes on becoming a republic and a vote on remaining in NATO.

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1 hour ago, GloryHole said:

A second indy ref was in their manifesto, which the people voted for, also Scotland voted NO on Brexit, so she quite correct to fight for that.

I've often wondered if it was an amazing bit of political prediction from the SNP, as at the time the chain of events that followed seemed pretty unlikely in terms of the public consciousness. Or if the SNP just got "lucky" 

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A second indy ref was in their manifesto, which the people voted for, also Scotland voted NO on Brexit, so she quite correct to fight for that.

Scrapping APD was also in their manifesto, but they’ve backed out of that one happily enough.

I’m not disputing justification for a second independence referendum either, I personally think there’s a very valid case - you’re the one who brought that up. If you don’t think there’s hypocrisy from all the major parties (except, arguably, the Conservatives) when it comes to the major referenda issues we’ve had, there’s little point having any further conversation.
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41 minutes ago, Paco said:


Scrapping APD was also in their manifesto, but they’ve backed out of that one happily enough.

I’m not disputing justification for a second independence referendum either, I personally think there’s a very valid case - you’re the one who brought that up. If you don’t think there’s hypocrisy from all the major parties (except, arguably, the Conservatives) when it comes to the major referenda issues we’ve had, there’s little point having any further conversation.


Thing is whether or not the SNP wanted to back out of the referendum commitment in face of a material change in circumstances, their support wouldn't forgive them if they did. They're locked into it whether they like it nor not. 

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