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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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1 minute ago, UsedToGoToCentralPark said:
50 minutes ago, hearthammer said:
Would the same logic and foresight be applied to an Independence vote by you ??

I voted yes in indyref1.

So why would Scotland not be capable of being a stand alone country that, given time, could succeed  ??   We do not have to continue to be westminster's feeder club to have our own success.

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13 minutes ago, UsedToGoToCentralPark said:
18 minutes ago, hearthammer said:
So why would Scotland not be capable of being a stand alone country that, given time, could succeed  ??   We do not have to continue to be westminster's feeder club to have our own success.

Who says they can't?

If i've misunderstood your stance based on your posts thus far, then i apologise.  However, i'm not alone in the way i saw things coming from what you've stated previously.


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46 minutes ago, hearthammer said:

Got a red dot from one of the resident blighty knee bending hee-haws as the principle applied to their brexit cause is apparently sacrosanct and doesn't fit their narrative if applied to any Independence  argument.  Hey ho.

After yesterday, let's push for it with even more determination.


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2 hours ago, George Parr said:

Because, apparently, the world's genuine superpowers will be minded to negotiate favourable trade terms with a medium-sized nation nursing a bruising trade deficit.

Slow, long term, decline and reduced influence seems to me a near certainty - but hey, we'll be able to limit Turkish immigration so it'll all be worth it :rolleyes:

I will be pleased when I don't need to join the EU Army and get involved in their many, many wars. 

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6 minutes ago, The OP said:

I will be pleased when I don't need to join the EU Army and get involved in their many, many wars. 

Historically, a lot of the wars were between one country that is now in the EU versus another country that is also now in the EU.  Strangely enough, those sort of wars don't seem to be happening much now.  Not sure why.

By comparison, there have been plenty of wars started by mad dictators who see enemies of the people in all directions and like a good war to distract attention away from their failed attempts to run their own country.

Just an observation.

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2 minutes ago, Fullerene said:

Historically, a lot of the wars were between one country that is now in the EU versus another country that is also now in the EU.  Strangely enough, those sort of wars don't seem to be happening much now.  Not sure why.

By comparison, there have been plenty of wars started by mad dictators who see enemies of the people in all directions and like a good war to distract attention away from their failed attempts to run their own country.

Just an observation.

Sounds like typical whinging remoaner United States of Europe "I want an EU national anthem" chat to me. 

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Long term fucking gain my arse.
The UK is behind vast swathes of EU countries in terms of living standards and social conditions. We also have the highest rate of financial disparity between the have's and have nots in the western world (outside the USA)....something that Brexit is almost guaranteed to accelerate. 
It's a cesspit of a country that is sliding backwards at a startling rate. Only a feckin clown thinks that Brexit will improve our lot.

Let's not forget we the worst state pension of any major country with a higher qualifying age than other EU countries who still also send considerable sums to Brussels.
I'm convinced that there are millions of UK residents that genuinely still think that Britannia rules the waves and that as a nation we are superior to the likes of France and Germany. Much of this probably harks back to WWII where "the French would be speaking German if it wasn't for us", conveniently forgetting that we too would have been up s*** creek without the US and other allies.
You only need to go abroad to some coastal resort in Spain where working class Brits congregate to see that an alarming proportion of the UK working class are self-entitled, ignorant and arrogant bigots-in-denial that are supposedly the lifeblood of the subservient nations that would die without our holiday custom. It's something engrained through much of our society, and Boris is harnessing it to full effect.
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