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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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17 minutes ago, hearthammer said:

de pfeffelllll's cunning plan is starting to bear fruit, i see.


I have to admit it does worry me, more than a little, that if the Brexit nutters don't get their way the likely violent repercussions hardly bear thinking about.

How many MPs are there out there, who would prefer to Remain, but will do what they can to can to ensure we leave with some kind of a deal, just with their own safety in mind?

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11 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:


I have to admit it does worry me, more than a little, that if the Brexit nutters don't get their way the likely violent repercussions hardly bear thinking about.

How many MPs are there out there, who would prefer to Remain, but will do what they can to can to ensure we leave with some kind of a deal, just with their own safety in mind?

Err... sorry, no idea.  :)


eta Your quiz is getting harder.

Edited by cyderspaceman
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22 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:


I have to admit it does worry me, more than a little, that if the Brexit nutters don't get their way the likely violent repercussions hardly bear thinking about.

How many MPs are there out there, who would prefer to Remain, but will do what they can to can to ensure we leave with some kind of a deal, just with their own safety in mind?

And this is why Boris Johnson will continue to play the game he's playing. He wants MPs to be threatened and intimidated, and he wants to use those threats to bully people into getting what he wants.

He's much like Trump in that the potential cost of this doesn't mean anything to him. And if something tragic were to happen, he wouldn't bat an eyelid. He'd simply double down.

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3 hours ago, Donathan said:

Defeated, Boris now 0-7

Are you only counting 'home' fixtures? I make it 0-8.   Just wait until Satan Johnson starts in Europe... 

eta According to the BBC we are both wrong.


It is the seventh vote the government has lost out of eight held in the Commons since Boris Johnson became PM.

I didn't see their one win.   Did they use VAR?

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12 minutes ago, cyderspaceman said:

Are you only counting 'home' fixtures? I make it 0-8.   Just wait until Satan Johnson starts in Europe... 

eta According to the BBC we are both wrong.

I didn't see their one win.   Did they use VAR?



There have been 8 votes since Boris took charge in late July:


3rd September: Oliver Letwin motion to take control of the order paper for the following day. Ayes 328, Noes 301. LOSS (0-1)

4th September: Second reading of Hilary Benn's bill. Ayes 329, Noes 300. Loss (0-2)

4th September: Richard Graham amendment to Hilary Benn's bill. Ayes 65, Noes 495. Win (1-2)

4th September: Third reading of Hilary Benn's bill. Ayes 327, Noes 299. Loss (1-3)

4th September: Motion to hold an early general election. Ayes 298, Noes 56. Loss under the FTPA as two-thirds majority needed (1-4)

9th September: Motion demanding the release of Yellowhammer docs. Ayes 311, Noes 302. Loss (1-5)

9th September: Motion to hold an early general election. Ayes 293, Noes 46. Loss under FTPA as two-thirds majority needed. (1-6)

26th September: Motion to adjourn the parliament for the Conservative Party conference. Ayes 289, Noes 306. Loss (1-7)

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32 minutes ago, Donathan said:



There have been 8 votes since Boris took charge in late July:


3rd September: Oliver Letwin motion to take control of the order paper for the following day. Ayes 328, Noes 301. LOSS (0-1)

4th September: Second reading of Hilary Benn's bill. Ayes 329, Noes 300. Loss (0-2)

4th September: Richard Graham amendment to Hilary Benn's bill. Ayes 65, Noes 495. Win (1-2)

4th September: Third reading of Hilary Benn's bill. Ayes 327, Noes 299. Loss (1-3)

4th September: Motion to hold an early general election. Ayes 298, Noes 56. Loss under the FTPA as two-thirds majority needed (1-4)

9th September: Motion demanding the release of Yellowhammer docs. Ayes 311, Noes 302. Loss (1-5)

9th September: Motion to hold an early general election. Ayes 293, Noes 46. Loss under FTPA as two-thirds majority needed. (1-6)

26th September: Motion to adjourn the parliament for the Conservative Party conference. Ayes 289, Noes 306. Loss (1-7)

Thank you but I don't understand at first glance. I'll have to get my head round it.


MP Richard Graham put forward an amendment to a bill designed to prevent a no deal Brexit and it was shot down by the House of Commons this evening.

Mr Graham's Amendment 19, on a long list of amendments that politicians have been voting for today, lost by 430 votes. It managed to gain 65 ayes but was rejected with 495 noes, at 7.20pm.


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15 minutes ago, Donathan said:

The government were against the vote, so the fact is was defeated means it counts as a win for Boris.

OK... I thought I had found it here :-           https://commonsvotes.digiminster.com/Divisions/Details/715#ayes

"That there shall be an early parliamentary general election"        

They seemed to have won that one.         As you pointed out, one has to know who put it up and why.  Please don't waste your time educating me further, I'll try to keep up.  


eta  So, 1-8, counting the Supremes?     Love it, baby.

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3 minutes ago, cyderspaceman said:

OK... I thought I had found it here :-           https://commonsvotes.digiminster.com/Divisions/Details/715#ayes

"That there shall be an early parliamentary general election"        

They seemed to have won that one.         As you pointed out, one has to know who put it up and why.  Please don't waste your time educating me further, I'll try to keep up.  


They got a simple 50% majority in both of the general election votes but not enough to trigger the 2/3's majority needed in the fixed term parliaments act.

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Today’s vote was a no lose for Boris.

If they had won, he would have had the “You brought us back just to send us away again” option, and now they’ve lost, he can play the “Parliament preventing the Government from preparing for a Queen’s Speech” line.

It’s utterly ridiculous that Parliament is having to force the Government to work through such a massive issue.

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On 11/09/2019 at 19:34, Hedgecutter said:


So we English are supposed to Bow Down to the EU * and the Scottish Assembly run by the nasty SNP SHOWER * ??? Well we are NOT STANDING FOR IT *

We are English. What do we care about Scottish judges or Mexican judges Give them independence and get rid.

It's just ridiculous. The sooner Scotland clears off the better.

Boycott all Scottish Whiskey Buy American "Jack D" instead !!!

Build that wall.

Iron bru is $h!t

Good job nobody cares what the Scottish think

Those abnoxious Scots are out of control. They have audacity to imply that just because English were telling them what to do for 300 years they have a right to suggest what English should do for five minutes.

Sick of Scotland why don't you lot stand on your own two feet instead of The British People paying for you.

The legal expert on LBC says that it is up to the government to recall Parliament and that aint gonna happen. So that shipped has sailed regardless of what Scotty macScot, reviving the spirit of Braveheart, thinks, opines or declares. Go chomp on a haggis in your own parliament



I'm just catching up with this. 

My friend would like to know where the best place to go to wind up bampots like this. I'm guessing the Daily Mail online for starters?

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2 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:


John Major in a speech he's making tonight.

Not arguing with the message here, but Major all of a sudden has gone from poacher to gamekeeper.  He was himself a PM who shat all over Scotland when he had the reins of the westminster chariot.

Seems even the most hardy tory bassas all despise de pfeffellllllll

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Crazy report on Channel 4 News from Fishguard, Wales concerning a lady, Nerys Edwards who exports truckloads of shellfish direct to Spain. If there is a No Deal Brexit the obstacles placed in her way could virtually ruin her business.

What's crazy about this report is that Nerys Edwards voted Leave and would do so again. It's not just her business - she voted for "The greater good of the country"

How stupid are the Welsh?

Try watching this on Channel 4 + 1 from 8.30 to 8.40pm

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10 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:


Crazy report on Channel 4 News from Fishguard, Wales concerning a lady, Nerys Edwards who exports truckloads of shellfish direct to Spain. If there is a No Deal Brexit the obstacles placed in her way could virtually ruin her business.

What's crazy about this report is that Nerys Edwards voted Leave and would do so again. It's not just her business - she voted for "The greater good of the country"

How stupid are the Welsh?

Try watching this on Channel 4 + 1 from 8.30 to 8.40pm

She can pay her bills with sovereignty though right?

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Crazy report on Channel 4 News from Fishguard, Wales concerning a lady, Nerys Edwards who exports truckloads of shellfish direct to Spain. If there is a No Deal Brexit the obstacles placed in her way could virtually ruin her business.
What's crazy about this report is that Nerys Edwards voted Leave and would do so again. It's not just her business - she voted for "The greater good of the country"
How stupid are the Welsh?
Try watching this on Channel 4 + 1 from 8.30 to 8.40pm
'Could virtually' = might, might not. Room for optimism there.
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