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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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15 minutes ago, Pet Jeden said:

You hear this argument all the time. It's not right. It's true that generally speaking younger voters were biased towards remain and older towards leave. Generally speaking, young people are overwhelmingly more left-wing, liberal, idealistic and internationalist, particularly while they are in full-time education. BUT, as people get older they start to drift in the opposite direction. Otherwise, after 50-100 years of new young voters coming onto the roll, this trend we would have ended up with 99% labour votes at general elections!  Everyone who was 20 in 2016 is now 23, everyone who was 30 is now 33 etc. And a % of them will have drifted right, and away from idealism and internationalism. A 2nd referendum now might well have tilted to a narrow remain vote, but it won't be down to demographics. And there will be some, like me, who didn't vote Leave last time, but are offended by the anti-democratic rearguard action of Remain, that would probably vote Leave if there was another referendum.


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50 minutes ago, Blue-Toon said:

Maybe they'll just cut their losses and run. Seems strange to have two different messages coming out.

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17 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Varadkar has been making very positive noises based on his meeting with Johnson.  If Johnson doesn’t follow through I reckon Varadkar will go absolutely ballistic on camera.


I don’t know if Johnson will be happy with this. I think they were more comfortable with Ireland/EU being the guys who stopped his bloody great plan before it got started.

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Varadkar has been making very positive noises based on his meeting with Johnson.  If Johnson doesn’t follow through I reckon Varadkar will go absolutely ballistic on camera.
It's not beyond possibility that Johnson went completely off message during his one-on-one with Varadkar, whether by accident or design - I'd go for the former.

Varadkar's upbeat tone could be the polar opposite of silent alarm in the UK Government as they assess damage limitation, and how to spin it.
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16 minutes ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

It's not beyond possibility that Johnson went completely off message during his one-on-one with Varadkar, whether by accident or design - I'd go for the former.

Varadkar's upbeat tone could be the polar opposite of silent alarm in the UK Government as they assess damage limitation, and how to spin it.


Yeah, how to spin it is the key.

And spin it, they will.

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23 minutes ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

It's not beyond possibility that Johnson went completely off message during his one-on-one with Varadkar, whether by accident or design - I'd go for the former.

Varadkar's upbeat tone could be the polar opposite of silent alarm in the UK Government as they assess damage limitation, and how to spin it.

I don’t think it’s accidental; he’s just a lying duplicitous b*****d.

He gave a firm commitment to Damien Green about the forthcoming manifesto yesterday which was then denied within the hour.


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The head of Nissan Europe has literally just said if Tariffs are applied to the 80% of cars exported to Europe, it would make the plant uneconomical and moving production to Europe would be the only viable solution.

I’d imagine throwing away £100 million, to save billions would be a simple decision for them.
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36 minutes ago, MONKMAN said:


The head of Nissan Europe has literally just said if Tariffs are applied to the 80% of cars exported to Europe, it would make the plant uneconomical and moving production to Europe would be the only viable solution.

I’d imagine throwing away £100 million, to save billions would be a simple decision for them.


Much of the £100 million will have been retooling that can go in the back of lorries to Slovenia or wherever, I'd have thought. Or to an independent Scotland if we're quick about it.

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The only possibility I can see is a variation of proposal that Theresa May put to Parliament.

This would be a massive about face but it could squeeze past with the help of Labour MPs.

Johnson would accused of BINO and face opposition from the Brexit Party at a GE.


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20 minutes ago, Paco said:

This stuff his manna to the hard line Brexiteer xenophobes. 

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Guest Bob Mahelp
11 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

I don’t think it’s accidental; he’s just a lying duplicitous b*****d.

He gave a firm commitment to Damien Green about the forthcoming manifesto yesterday which was then denied within the hour.


Remember that Johnson simply mimics Trump in almost every way. 

Trump is a master of saying what the person in front of him wants to hear, then he'll either deny it or completely contradict himself an hour later when talking to somebody else.


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12 hours ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

It's not beyond possibility that Johnson went completely off message during his one-on-one with Varadkar, whether by accident or design - I'd go for the former.

Varadkar's upbeat tone could be the polar opposite of silent alarm in the UK Government as they assess damage limitation, and how to spin it.

The RoI will have done their own version of Opertion Yellowhammer and I'd guess they'd be anxious to do a deal rather than face the alternative of a No-Deal outcome and a Johnson government containing the likes of Priti "let's starve the Irish" Patel.

I'd also suggest that the EU will go for any deal that's acceptable to the RoI, especially if the  implementation date could be extended a couple of years from the original schedule (Dec 20)), Johnson could shaft the DUP, go for an election and gamble that the ERG would take the best deal likely to be on the table - I still wouldn't put any money on it.

Edited by btb
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